ADJUSTMENTS: its not about "brownie points", its about not validating what JW's already think about "apostates"
its posts like these that cement these stereotypes. You do more harm than good here.
this sounds like the typical rank and file jw, it's actually a mental disorder, i and many others were once in this state.... delusional disorder is an uncommon psychiatric condition in which patients present with delusions, but with no accompanying prominent hallucinations, thought disorder, mood disorder, or significant flattening of affect.
[ 1 ][ 2 ] delusions are a specific symptom of psychosis.
non-bizarre delusions are fixed false beliefs that involve situations that could potentially occur in real life; examples include being followed or poisoned.
ADJUSTMENTS: its not about "brownie points", its about not validating what JW's already think about "apostates"
its posts like these that cement these stereotypes. You do more harm than good here.
tattoos may look great for a while on a young person, but as you get older they'll just look plain stupid.
your credibility will fade as you and your tattoo age together.
your skin will be permanently stuck in a timewarp, like some old newspaper headline that once meant something but later becomes meaningless.
the number 1 reason I have not gotten a tattoo is because I am afraid I will regret it later in life when its hanging off my body
as we know, it seems that many witnesses "suffer" from "illnesses" at times.. now , before anyone scolds me for being insensitive or unfeeling, i am not mocking those who really suffer from illnesses of any sort.
i am having a go at those that jump on the bandwagon of the popular illness, which actually makes real sufferers feel jaded.. i am referring to the way that many witnesses who are actually damaged as a result of the constant "fear.obsession.guilt" of jw propaganda, often seem to "contract the current illness going around", or blame it on that instead of looking at the real cause.. im sure it is a subconcious result of the burdensome pressure of jw life that brings it on.
instead of seeing the draining effect on their lives as being the result of witness life, they will latch on to the next illness going around.. so, what is the latest going to be?.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
these are all so common among JW's. They seem to all go hand in hand too, it always seems that if you have one then you have all 3
To me these are just all fancy ways of labelling the fact one is completely bored with life and just stays in bed all day. Big surprise they're so common among JW's.
I'm seeing aspergers creep up a bit more lately. Only a few cases but it might catch on. Although this one is a bit more "mental" sounding than the others and will carry a stronger stigma with it so I don't see this gaining ground as quickly as say CFS... which seemed like everyone had it overnight all at once!
this sounds like the typical rank and file jw, it's actually a mental disorder, i and many others were once in this state.... delusional disorder is an uncommon psychiatric condition in which patients present with delusions, but with no accompanying prominent hallucinations, thought disorder, mood disorder, or significant flattening of affect.
[ 1 ][ 2 ] delusions are a specific symptom of psychosis.
non-bizarre delusions are fixed false beliefs that involve situations that could potentially occur in real life; examples include being followed or poisoned.
>>>>>"I believe many of the posters here such as wallsofjericho, Enzo, obuillete, steve2 and dismissing servant although being free are still mentally trapped in the JW CULT, ......
>>>>You guys do not need to read my post, but you continue to choose to and then feel the need to tell me why you don't agree with them...
>>>>>Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
so now your accusing other members here of being mentally trapped by the WTS and implying we are insane because we don't just accept your psychoanalysis that is based on you reading a wikipedia article once?
way to lend to your credibility ADJUSTMENTS.
FYI.... in the minds of serious posters on this board, you're already being relegated to the group of other "crazies" here no one takes serious.
Say hello to Larsinger58 for me
i assume you are all aware of this by now.
qfr could a christians practice of viewing pornography.
become so bad that it results in his being expelled.
Violia said: has anyone told the wts that porn is not free and you are not likely to just stumble onto it? Maybe that was so when the net was new, early 90's but you need a credit card now to see porn of any consequence.
that is a naive statement
idk if waking up has been good for me.
i still have almost no friends.
im still waiting to graduate this december to qualify n b certified for my job.
About the field ministry - It is the duty of the GB and the annointed ones to urge us all about the field ministry - as some publications admitt, this ministry was given to them, we are just helping them out. And my personal duty is to try to make myself happy. So I go in the field ministry as much as it makes me happy, and as much as I am joyfull about.
you have an admirable perspective on your life. very refreshing to see this!
FYI - you really do need to change your avatar ASAP. Please ask for help from the MODS to have this done. The last thing anyone here wants is for you to get in trouble for chatting with us :)
idk if waking up has been good for me.
i still have almost no friends.
im still waiting to graduate this december to qualify n b certified for my job.
Zophar said:
Shakespeare may have said it best: "This above all: to thine own self be true,"
exactly. Thank you. I know who I am and why. If someone else wants to slap a title on that so be it.
i am responding to a post by someone the other day about a black girl beaten by a mob of other black teens for "acting too white.
" the poster was trying to drive home the idea black people commit more crimes against themselves then white people do to them.
while it is true some black people do insult other black people who they believe are trying to fit in with caucasian people, white people, hispanics, asians, and other races do the same exact thing to people in their ethnic group as well.
chris rock already covered this topic
i've seen elders over the years openly flaunt "the rules", butt-kiss (the co especially), show favoritism and appoint brothers they like and not appoint brothers that should of been appointed for some trivial reason.
many lord their "power" over the friends in blatant violation of scriptures and watchowers that specifically say that they shouldn't lord themselves over the flock.
they pretty much do what they want!
the odd elder is like that, but that majority are not. most are nice guys that are sincere.
I think that people who make exaggerated claims like "ALL elders" or "every elder I've ever know" usually have other social issues
it's not uncommon to see people project anger toward those with whom they have an inferiority complex
Having said that, I would agree that the BOrg does employ guilt tactics that enflame these social issues and I understand why so many choose to project this toward elders, pioneers, MS's and their wives - the ones that JW R&F are conditioned to compare themselves too
the elders in my KH are all nice guys, I am completely inactive and no one bothers me at all and I even hang out with a few of them
i stayed home sick from work the other day and noticed a car group pull up to my neighbor's house.
she's a stay-at-home mom.
i decided it was time to retrieve something from my truck to see if i could recognize the visiting sisters.
you'll do more harm than good
just let them get tired of JW's coming around all by themselves