This guy again
what were his other user names?
i can't remember anymore
generation x+x=generation why?
already bringing "great tribulation" on watchtower readers.
the watch tower society has got some splane-ing to do.
This guy again
what were his other user names?
i can't remember anymore
as sometimes happens at elders meetings with the co, he has a letter from the branch to read out.
this rarely is made available later so any policies have to be acted on from memory.
this visit a letter was read about blurring of the genders and in particular brothers dressing in a metrosexual style - tight clothing was mentioned again.
I agree with this letter
i think tight pants on men looks absurd
and if a man portrays a homosexual style/appearance why would a religion that disagrees with homosexuality not have an interest in whether or not they shoukd publicly represent them in a church sponsored ministry?
quit nitpicking about absolutely everything the BOrg says and focus on real issues like the GB and blood
i know there is a lot of people on here that will say it is pure make believe but i am interested if anybody has had any real concrete things happen such as something moving or something appearing in the mirror etc.. anything just post it up here even if it wasn't much.
please give a little context as to the situation..
Every one I've ever known to claim seeing/hearing demons was a drug user, and not just casual but major drug user
every other instance was sleep paralysis to the T
i just learned that sometimes people give "green handshakes".
is this the same as bribing your way up?.
thanks for any posts..
It's not hush hush
it was mentioned in a comment last week at WT study as a generous loving thing to do
i have being thinking quite a while before posting.
actually i haven't post for quite a long in the forum and i guess i'm one of the old ones, since i became member since 2001.. after leaving the borg for almost 16 years and disfellowshiped 10 years ago.
you can see my relevant post:.
You miss and love your family
you stood your ground but none followed.
i live inside for the sake of my family so I can half understand your dilemma
many of us say we would die for our family. Would we go back to the WTS for our family?
if you believe you can mentally handle the duality and be happy then who could fault you for going back? Don't look for the approval of outsiders for your decision, you must give yourself permission and approval to live that way and be happy about it. If you can then you'll be successful, if you can't then you should not go back
good luck my friend
title pretty self explanatory.. all thats at the top of the page is my screen name message alert sign out then the search.. when i go to my screen name for settings there is nothing there to change password just change the avatar.. we also should have the easy option of deleting our account [ and every post we made, totally if we need to].. advice?.
is password changing coming anytime soon?
i have found an article on their website that moved me to contact them.
i share it here hoping more will contact in a similar vein and maybe we can raise awareness and tear down this propaganda.
i'm writing regarding an article about jehovah's witnesses and their blood transfusion doctrine, found here: is clear to me, reading this article, that it's writer is either profoundly ignorant or profoundly biased.
Dr's advance their capabilities with non-blood treatment by working with blood over decades on thousands of patients advancing their knowledge& understanding and through that sinful act develop effective non blood treatments.
Then JWs praise this as a victory for JWs and the intelligence of their blood prohibition!
would we praise a thief for stealing so much and becoming so wealthy that he didn't need steal anymore but still had no moral dilemma with stealing???
so lately i've felt so frustrated and overwhelmed that i had to tell someone how i felt.
my parents were gone so i decided to talk to my sister.
we've always been close so i thought i could trust her because we have talked about it before.
okay, i know the royal commission hasn't started yet.
but i'm confident enough that he will be telling some whoppers.
so i thought i'd be the first to get a thread started for something that will begin... very soon now!.
The GB can never lie. Not unless they are all saying the same thing together at the same time in unison.
No individual is the GB. They must all be together making decisions as a body.
sure GJ made some "mistakes" but he wouldn't have had Jah's HS on him as the F&DS would have. I guess we'll never ever get to see the "F&DS" ever actually lie on stand
so my wife and i were up in edinburgh for the weekend for the international festival - we had a great weekend including going to see the military tattoo at the castle.. we were walking up the royal mile watching the street performers among hundreds of thousands of others from all over the world when i spotted the cult cart in it's usual spot being universally ignored.
feeling confident after my confrontation a couple of weeks ago we decided to go and have a chat with the two men.
i asked them if they were keeping up with the events in australia and proceeded to share lots of information with them.
Nice job cofty
they will outwardly scoff you, but deep down they will think about your points and at least how crazy the JWs "look" to outsiders
well done