you are INCREDIIBLE!!!!!!!!!! this data is simply amazing!! better still, the template you have created could be used for all kinds of different analytical projects by others with the fortitude to take on the WTS
GOOD JOB!!!!!!
is anyone aware if this project is already being done by someone?
if not, perhaps we can brainstorm how to go about this, now that the pdf for the revised nwt is out.
a couple initial impressions:.
you are INCREDIIBLE!!!!!!!!!! this data is simply amazing!! better still, the template you have created could be used for all kinds of different analytical projects by others with the fortitude to take on the WTS
GOOD JOB!!!!!!
i was talking to the person who posts on this site and we were talking about his understanding of the great crowd and the 144k (his whole article is on the site).
anyway if you look at rev 5:10 these look to be the same as the great-crowd, being from the nations etc.
and are dead.
I have discussed the Great Crowd dilemma with a few others also...
revelation identifies these ones as dressed in white robes, identified as coming out of the great trib, the July 15 WT article says:
two decades after Christ’s enthronement in 1914, “a great crowd” of “other sheep” was identified
If the GC were identified in 1934 & these are coming out of the great tribulation while the great trib is yet future, does that now connect the great trib to the life time (generation) of 1934?
If the ones coming out were, according to the July 15 WT, identified "two decades" after 1914,must this now necessitate that at least some survivors of the great trib would have to have been born by 1934 at the latest?
If so, this would require the Great Trib to happen within the next 10-20 years max. To stretch this out further....Could those in white robes be of an overlapping contemporaneous generation of 1934? its all too crazy for even me to keep straight. To think the WTS applaudes jesus' use of simple illustrations to teach, yet as a JW not even the most educated, line-toeing brainiac can keep this shit straight.
i was talking to the person who posts on this site and we were talking about his understanding of the great crowd and the 144k (his whole article is on the site).
anyway if you look at rev 5:10 these look to be the same as the great-crowd, being from the nations etc.
and are dead.
At my memorial that outright lied saying that Judas was not at the meal (luke says otherwise) and hes the only one that wrote in detail about it.
this is debated among many christian faiths, not just JW's. If you want to pick reason to single out JW's this won't cut it
Funny, we have no evidence man evolved from monkies and yet people choose to believe that. We have no evidence that an unexplained explosion set events in motion that would lead to intelligent life, and people believe that too. The irony.
Why is it more sesible to beleive that an omnipotent being has ALWAYS existed with no end and no beginning and with an explanation of his existence being beyond the possiblty of human understanding.... but creating a scientific theory and setting out to test that theorty is "ironic"?
profile of the sociopath .
this website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.. glibness and superficial charmmanipulative and conning .
they never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible.
True, But most of them become crazy
I think most become very depressed... but that does not necessarily mean "crazy"
many non-JW's are depressed too.... years of living life without a true sense of meaing and self worth will do that to anyone. Many JW's fit that bill after a life time of knocking on doors with no Armageddon in site, parents and loved ones long dead, and no money in the bank.
i asked my son quite randomly before bed what he thinks the meaning of life is.
like always, his answer brought a smile to my face.
he said, "to have a great time .. to have fun and have friends ... and be happy.
"to have a great time .. to have fun and have friends ... and be happy."
many people lucky enough to realize such an insight have done so with grey hair and poor health. He is wise beyond his years
you should be very proud!
so there are roughly 12,000 "annointed" here on earth right now.
even though they are christ's brothers and the new testament was written just for them, they have no say on how "jehovah's organazation" is run and the the things taught.
makes sense to me!!!
but what a privilege it is for the Jonadab class to "assist" the F&DS (Jehu class) in this most important work
profile of the sociopath .
this website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.. glibness and superficial charmmanipulative and conning .
they never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible.
you don't have to be a JW to be those things. Too many here are so busy pointing blame at the WTS and the R&F they forget these faults exist in many areas of society.
You don't have to be a JW to be crazy. JW's might have some crazy beliefs, but that doesn't mean they are incapable of not being "crazy"
The fact that the majority of us here are former JW's that had the sense to mentally escape proves that you can be a JW and still have a level head
I also miss V
I am terrified we will find out he's passed away or something awful like that. He just disappeared. I had hoped these recent changes would have pulled him out of his silence if even for one new video
V - if your lurking, we love you and miss you. Your time hear and with WC are, IMHO, the best years of JWN
hi, i am reading a book on mind control and one of the areas the author stresses group control is their constant revision of "new insight from god" or "we have a new message from god".
in keeping with the spirit of new light, 2014 is going to need a moral boost because one hundred years of lies needs a spin doctor of bethel size.
the poster with the close new light for 2014 will be showered with glory and much pomp.
They know it's been 100 years since 1914, and that they are losing more people than they are bringing in
this is false, at least according to their published numbers.... of course inclusive of 30 hour pioneers, both parents counting hours for kids, and 15 minute publishers, regardless their numbers increased in 2013