rem, i love the evolution threads and i thank everyone who takes the time to type out reasoned and informative posts. i never respond to those posts because you guys do such a better job at it than me :) i remember when i told my jw mom i believed in evolution. she didn't have much to say hehe. i had just taken a biology class my first year at college called "Evolutionary Perspectives" i was such a rebel ;) a funny thing, in highschool science classes, evolution really wasn't taught. we learned about dna, rna and stuff but the word evolution was never used. but in my ancient history class, we learned all about Lucy, cro-magnons, neanderthals. and that was the time we were studying the creation book at the book study. talk about opening my eyes. for some reason i believed my teacher over the wts book! and there was a kid in my class, a preacher's son, who tried to debate with my teacher. LOL, now that was funny. a 16 yr old who thought he knew it all verses my very smart history teacher. i just sat back and soaked it all in. then a couple years later in my science class, it all clicked :) i now had the courage to tell my mom about my new knowledge. anyway, sorry for the tangent
thanks abbadon, rem, jan and mindchild (and others i know i'm missing) for the informative posts. i know it must get frustrating debating with people who cant seem to deal with facts but know that you do reach people and your posts really help. hell, it's been so long since i've studied evolution, your posts have done a great job re-educating me. thanks again!
Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley