heheheh bobsgirl oh my field service suddenly sounds fun again!
i must say i thoroughly enjoyed doing streetwork for the first time in my life!!.
it was really cold here in chicago yesterday,snow clouds looming in the sky.
about 10 am i decided to run home for my cofee break.. as i rushed down the main street,walking quickly,i saw 2 groups of jw's w/ their mags on the main street near home.. i haven't seen any around my territory since last spring.. humph i thought.. i double-timed it home,bundled up,grabbed my stacks of silentlambs posters and ran back to the main street.. i stood on the corner,several feet ahead of them and started saying hi to passers by.
heheheh bobsgirl oh my field service suddenly sounds fun again!
most people are under the impression that the watchtower.
don't break up families, well people lets give them a. few examples.
since i left the jehovah witnesses my mother .
my sister and her husband
my brother and his wife
my dad shunned me for about a year after i da'd. i was still living at home. it was hell. but then his mom called him on it. she said to him something like, mike, we didn't shun you when you left our religion to become a jw. after that, i got my dad back. :)
everyone at my former hall shuns me, except for the few that have since left. it's weird, the times i go back to the hall, i get lots of smiles, a pat on the back but no one says anything! lol, except this one guy. he is my best friend's (who's inactive) uncle. a very sweet man. he just walked up to me at the hall and started asking me how i was and what i was doing and how great it was to see me! i loved it!
hugs to all who are shunned. it's nice to know that others are experiencing this same bullshit as me.
i must say i thoroughly enjoyed doing streetwork for the first time in my life!!.
it was really cold here in chicago yesterday,snow clouds looming in the sky.
about 10 am i decided to run home for my cofee break.. as i rushed down the main street,walking quickly,i saw 2 groups of jw's w/ their mags on the main street near home.. i haven't seen any around my territory since last spring.. humph i thought.. i double-timed it home,bundled up,grabbed my stacks of silentlambs posters and ran back to the main street.. i stood on the corner,several feet ahead of them and started saying hi to passers by.
oh man! great story tina! that was just wonderful what you did :):) i wish i could have been there with ya. like out said, you ROCK!
it seems nothing gets the good people in here so upset as lies.
we all seem to be extra sensitive to lies and damned lies because of being victimized by one of the biggest lairs around, the wts.. but have you ever really tested yourself to find out if you are really snow white yourself?
you got the guts to find out?
I mean, I'm assuming that most of us lived a double life for a while. That takes some serious lying, almost second nature.scary ain't it? one reason i had to come clean and get out of the jws is that i got so sick of lying all the time to my parents. "mom, going to the library after school" ya right, i was hooking up with my worldly friends to do really bad things like talk about the cute boys in our class or try clothes on or even work on homework together! i do think there is a time and a place for lies....but c'mon, it's pretty bad when you have to LIE about wanting to go over to a friends house. anyway...your comment just reminded me of that time period in my life. so glad i'm free from that! after i left the jws and stopped lying about all the stuff i was doing, my mom and i grew very close.
click here.
closer! congrats sweetie
out, glad ya liked! hilarious eh?
click here.
click here
. http://www.nwcair.com/planner.html
it seems nothing gets the good people in here so upset as lies.
we all seem to be extra sensitive to lies and damned lies because of being victimized by one of the biggest lairs around, the wts.. but have you ever really tested yourself to find out if you are really snow white yourself?
you got the guts to find out?
skipper, i've got the guts to post my results
Simple Fibber
Doesn't lying just suck? It's icky. Why do people do it? Why does it happen at all? Wouldn't the world be much more pleasant place if people just didn't lie?
Well, Simple Fibber, you sure ask a lot of questions and you've been asking them your whole life. When most kids stopped asking things like, "Why is the sky blue?" you just kept at it. This makes you a very thoughtful person, and if you have taken your inquisitiveness to the library, well, by now you may actually be a pretty knowledgeable person.
We find that most of the people who take our quiz turn out to be Simple Fibbers. Not because there are more simple fibbers in the world, but because lying bothers the simple fibber and they are more likely to answer all the questions of our survey. They are actually aware of when they are lying and they frequently make the more difficult choice and will tell the truth, regardless of the consequences to themselves.
Simple fibbers will very often find themselves with other simple fibbers because Pathological Liars and Big Liars give them the creeps. Pathological Liars and Big Liars are out there preying on Average Liars but simple fibbers very very infrequently fall for it. Simple fibbers are more inclined to have done therapy, be regular members in a church or be in recovery. They very often surround themselves with lots and lots of good friends who guide and protect them. They also spend a good deal of their time guiding and protecting other people.
Simple Fibbers very often have a cherished concept of a loving God, whom they view as offering guidance and meaning to their lives.
Simple Fibbers understand concepts like honor and duty. And while they are often involved in public service, they never do it begrudgingly or over do it. They know their own limits.
Simple Fibbers are people who feel comfortable in their own skin and while they may wish to be Saints one day, they know that for today they are who they are. They will strive to be their best for any one day.
not sure about the god/religion stuff, that doesn't fit me at all but oh well...interesting quiz! thanks!
i know i haven't been here in awhile, but i just figured i'd drop by and say hello.
:) haven't looked at the new posts much yet.
i'm guessing things haven't changed much, though.
hey sunchild, great to see you pop in :) loved your episode with the elder, wtg!
also, great to hear about your novel. wonderful you are following your dreams. that's the best way to tell the jws they can stuff their silly rules!
well, friends, this could be the beginning of the end for me.
im not sure what, if anything, is going to happen to me in the next few weeks, so ill have to wait and see.
heres the situation:.
rem, just jumping in to let you know i hope the best for you with this shitty situation :):) the best of luck to you and mrs rem.
i've seen this one before but still good for a chuckle.
happy tuesday all :).
1. so your daughter's a hooker, and it spoiled your day.. look at the bright side, it's really good pay.. 2. my tire was thumping.
i've seen this one before but still good for a chuckle. happy tuesday all :)
1. So your daughter's a hooker, and it spoiled your day.
Look at the bright side, it's really good pay.
2. My tire was thumping. I thought it was flat. When I looked
at the tire... I noticed your cat. Sorry!
3. You had your bladder removed and you're on the mend.
Here's a bouquet of flowers ... and a box of Depends.
4. Heard your wife left you, how upset you must be. But don't
fret about it .. She moved in with me.
5. Looking back over the years that we've been together, I
can't help but wonder ... What the heck was I thinking?
6. Congratulations on your wedding day! Too bad no one
likes your husband.
7. How could two people as beautiful as you ... Have such
an ugly baby?
8. I've always wanted to have someone to hold, someone to
love. After having met you ... I've changed my mind.
9. I must admit, you brought Religion into my life ... I never
believed in Hell till I met you.
10. As the days go by, I think of how lucky I am ... that you're
not here to ruin it for me.
11. Congratulations on your promotion. Before you go .. would
you like to take this knife out of my back? You'll probably need
it again.
12. Someday I hope to get married ... but not to you.
13. Happy birthday! You look great for your age ... Almost Lifelike!
14. When we were together, you always said you'd die for me.
Now that we've broken up, I think it's time you kept your promise.
15. I knew the day would come when you would leave me for
my best friend. So here's his leash, water bowl and chew toys.
16. We have been friends for a very long time ... what say we stop?
17. I'm so miserable without you ... it's almost like you're here.
18. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy. Did you ever find
out who the father was?
19. You are such a good friend that if we were on a sinking ship
and there was only one life jacket ... I'd miss you terribly and think
of you often.
20.Your friends and I wanted to do something special for your
birthday. So we're having you put to sleep.
21. Happy Birthday, Uncle Dad! (Available only in Indiana and Mississippi).