bye skipper! enjoy your travel south :):)
JoinedPosts by peaceloveharmony
I suck at goodbye's
by Mindchild inlooks like time for withdrawal symptoms to immediately show up as i gotta pack the computer away along with all my other artifacts of 21st century life and move on outta of this state.. im heading where it is warm, down in sunny florida.
i should be back up and running by the weekend.. so, hasta la vista gang.. skipper
by Valentine indear friends of reproductive freedom,.
george w bush and his right-wings friends are quietly pursuing their domestic agenda while the nations attention is focused on international terrorism.. bush's attacks on women's reproductive freedom continue.. examples;.
1. on his first day in the oval office,bush re-instated the global gag rule,which takes family planning funds from organizations that even mention the option of abortion to their patients,risking womens lives overseas.. 2. bush has promised to re-visit the food and drug administration's approval of ru-486.and anti-abortion forces in congress have already introduced a bill to limit it's availability.. 3. with the expected retirement of 3 supreme court justices ,including sandra day o'connor,who is often the critical swing vote on abortion rights issue,bush has made it clear that he will nominate the most adamant opponents of abortion and civil rights.. the bush administration is committed to strategies that limit life saving stem cell research,criminalize abortion providers,reduce the availability of birth control and deny funding of health reproduction education in the schools.. what better way to take on the christian coalition and ultra-right leaders and movements,than to use your voice to speak up now!!.
here's a site that lists children waiting for families
JW VS Apostate code words
by Imbue inevery social group develops their own code words to identify themselves with that group.this is part of the study of semiotics.
jws have many code words.then there are semiotics for apostates.
i'll start the lists.
how about
RAW- raised a witnessgood association
mature christians
conscience matter -
by Valentine indear friends of reproductive freedom,.
george w bush and his right-wings friends are quietly pursuing their domestic agenda while the nations attention is focused on international terrorism.. bush's attacks on women's reproductive freedom continue.. examples;.
1. on his first day in the oval office,bush re-instated the global gag rule,which takes family planning funds from organizations that even mention the option of abortion to their patients,risking womens lives overseas.. 2. bush has promised to re-visit the food and drug administration's approval of ru-486.and anti-abortion forces in congress have already introduced a bill to limit it's availability.. 3. with the expected retirement of 3 supreme court justices ,including sandra day o'connor,who is often the critical swing vote on abortion rights issue,bush has made it clear that he will nominate the most adamant opponents of abortion and civil rights.. the bush administration is committed to strategies that limit life saving stem cell research,criminalize abortion providers,reduce the availability of birth control and deny funding of health reproduction education in the schools.. what better way to take on the christian coalition and ultra-right leaders and movements,than to use your voice to speak up now!!.
here's the link to that thread with the article on the morning after pill if anyone's interested.
by Valentine indear friends of reproductive freedom,.
george w bush and his right-wings friends are quietly pursuing their domestic agenda while the nations attention is focused on international terrorism.. bush's attacks on women's reproductive freedom continue.. examples;.
1. on his first day in the oval office,bush re-instated the global gag rule,which takes family planning funds from organizations that even mention the option of abortion to their patients,risking womens lives overseas.. 2. bush has promised to re-visit the food and drug administration's approval of ru-486.and anti-abortion forces in congress have already introduced a bill to limit it's availability.. 3. with the expected retirement of 3 supreme court justices ,including sandra day o'connor,who is often the critical swing vote on abortion rights issue,bush has made it clear that he will nominate the most adamant opponents of abortion and civil rights.. the bush administration is committed to strategies that limit life saving stem cell research,criminalize abortion providers,reduce the availability of birth control and deny funding of health reproduction education in the schools.. what better way to take on the christian coalition and ultra-right leaders and movements,than to use your voice to speak up now!!.
simon, unfortunately some here in the states haven't heard of the morning after pill. i posted an article about it here a few weeks ago. i can search for the link...
can't say i'm happy with a few of you refering to women who get abortions as "self centered bitch" and "some piece of trash"
you never know the whole story.
and lisa, great point about taxes :)
VERY COOL JWs!- my trip to Montana!
by TR init was a wonderful event that took place on the top floor of the sheraton hotel in billings, montana.. now, this wasn't your typical jw marriage.
in fact, it wasn't even remotely a jw marriage or wedding.
a little background:.
tr, glad the wedding was fun! and your jw family seems to be very cool with your apostate status :) thanks for sharing and i wanna see pics so hurry up hehe
harmony -
Dad & Pink Floyd
by peaceloveharmony inmy dad is in his early fifties.
he has always been a lover of music.
last year he gave me his guitar, the one i remember him always playing when he was home, except of course during dinner hehe.
lisa, hahaha, i don't even know who those two are!!
"music that debases" *groan* i remember at the last DC i attended, there was a talk about debase music. i couldn't get the song "debaser" by the pixies out of my head. at that point in my life, i didn't give a shit what the speakers talked about...preferring to escape into my mind during those last few months of my jw-dom.
found the lyrics to the song, just a simple little song:
got me a movie
i want you to know
slicing up eyeballs
i want you to know
girlie so groovy
i want you to know
don't know about you
but i am un chien andalusia
wanna grow
up to be
be a debaser, debasergot me a movie
ha ha ha ho
slicing up eyeballs
ha ha ha ho
girlie so groovie
ha ha ha ho
don't know about you
but i am un chien andalusiadebaser
my family, my da status and my s-i-l (VENTING)
by peaceloveharmony inwell, i had a run in with my sister in law this weekend.
nothing direct between me and her since she shuns me.
but my brother dave told me something that just pissed me off to no end.
wow (((((chezza)))))) how horrible for your family to tell your children that! i'm sorry you have to deal with this crap too :( my heart goes out to you.
you are so right about it feeling better after a good cry and getting it all out. thanks for your support! today is a new day and i'm feeling much better about everything. almost like back to normal functioning. ya know even if my parents don't reply to my email, i know that they will have read it and at least i said it to them and they know! and that feels good. love you too wendy. kiss your babies from me
hahaha, damn this is going to be one expensive mother's day, you are right about that! thanks for your always kind and uplifting words. your daughters are very lucky indeed. :)
you know what, you are right i am lucky and for the most part i do not feel the hurt of having two siblings shun me. it's been nine years since i left and i think i usually deal with it just fine. but ya know, something like what happened saturday night brings up all these feelings and i got upset about the whole situation. sorry for venting, i guess i didn't realize there are guidelines or rules about who can vent on this forum. you said
Just because one non-blood relative won't talk to you doesn't mean anything.
it actually does mean something because she happens to be married to a blood relative. and she happens to influence him, just like my sister's hubby influences her. you don't know this but kevin and i used to be real real tight. we are less than two years apart in age and since we didn't grow up in a neighborhood, he was usually my sole playmate, he was also my confidante and my best friend. obviously as the years have passed the hurt has faded (i don't think a single friend of mine in R/L or here would say i wallow in self pity regarding the state of my family) but if you would have read some of my replies in this thread you'd see that i stated the incident from saturday night sparked all these emotions in me and i had to VENT (did you notice the title?) i'm sorry your family is giving you a hard time. i am sorry for all who are suffering the loss of friends and family due to this f-ed religion. so i guess i can thank you prisca for reminding me that i am lucky but just because some of my family speaks to me doesn't mean the hurt and anger that results from the ones that do shun me isn't as valid as your pain and anger.imbue,
no need to be sorry, s-i-l is a bitch and i said as much to my mom and dad. i think i could use a little bit of that ny attitude and next time confront the s-i-l directly :):)
thanks for your kind words. me a district overbeer? oh val, i'd be honored
i hope you continue to have success in keeping relatively normal relationship with your family and especially your sis. good luck. thanks for the hugs and kisses and words of encouragement
my sis! *flexes muscles* feeling stronger today :) (i've got the coolest cyber sisters in the world! hehe) it's weird about the s-i-l. first time i met her was at their wedding. hug, kiss, congrats, i'm happy for you. that was the extent of our conversation. last saturday was the 2nd time i've ever seen her in my life. also the first time i saw my bro in two years, since the wedding. i guess expecting common decency is not something cultivated in young dubs these days. my attitude has always been, it's their loss, they are choosing religion over me. but i realized i've gotta try to crack thru that jw conditioning and show them that i love them. i can't give up hope because i know kevin and i could repair our relationship. not all is lost. anyways, i've started to ramble again lol, thanks dana...i love you too!
for showing me it's okay to admit you need help from your friends sometimes. can't be a rock all the time
(((((my cyberfamily))))) thank you!love
harmony -
I need you tonight my friends,Please
by Valentine inthis danny pearl thing has brought home memories of murder to me(my 1st husband) please,please.......just say you care right now-nothing else.......please.i'm having a real emotional night...i had no one before.............t. todays affirmation:.
the complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
tina (((((((big sis)))))))
i sent ya an email, you need anything let me know. i love you!
harmony -
I'm depressed
by Elsewhere in.
"as every one knows, there are mistakes in the bible" - the watchtower, april 15, 1928, p. 126 .
d, sorry to hear you're down :(
that scream painting, says it all doesn't it?