Will be interesting to see how much longer Tibor lasts
I thought that Tibor was just working for Lloyd until he finished university. Working for Lloyd was just like an internship or something. Do I have this wrong?
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Will be interesting to see how much longer Tibor lasts
I thought that Tibor was just working for Lloyd until he finished university. Working for Lloyd was just like an internship or something. Do I have this wrong?
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What did he mean when he said 'I do this with a heavy heart. Im not sure if I should be addressing this subject or even this particular question', or words to that effect? Is he finally maybe getting that he does not need to be an activist when it comes to CSA? Or am I just hoping?
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I'm sure the audience will just gobble up his Kingdom Hall stories and be on the floor laughing.
If he goes with the kingdom hall/jw/knocking on doors diatribe it will be a total bust because if you have not been a jw before you probably will not understand it.
Is there a way to contact these people so we can let them know about this thread and who/what Lloyd Evans is?
It would be right hilarious if somehow someone somewhere could record his bit so we could all have a good vomit fest in here!
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Like use a Star Wars font and say "May The Litigation Be With You"
I love that LMsA!! That is awesome! However, if Lloyd decides to use it, he will have to pay you royalties, or he would be stealing intellectual property then you could sue him!!! TEE HEE!
All his sites are down for me as well.
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You know I thought that most everyone would have heard about Lloyd Evans and what he has done with prostitutes. I thought maybe the line was drawn in the sand and people either landed on one side or the other. But there are still ones out there who have not heard his livestream apparently.
We have to keep going to spread the word about Lloyd and what he has done.
It is funny the quote on this person's profile: "I know the difference between truth and lie, light and dark" I guess this person does not know the difference between truth and a lie because they have heard the truth apparently and have decided not to believe it.
The complete tweet says "Are you insane?! The Lloyd Evans I know would never use prostitutes, this is lies spread by his enemies that you were naive enough to believe
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Stick a fork in his fat belly, he's done.
Only thing is Lloyd doesn't know it yet. What is it going to take to make this guy disappear into the woods of Croatia? I mean there is no lawsuit, he is losing patrons out the yin yang, hardly any views on his YouTube videos. What in God's green earth is it going to take to make him go away and never come back?
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He did a live stream on YouTube where he talked about the PA sex abuse case and had a court reporter on to help explain it.
Yes he did a livestream on YouTube and he’s been rattling over on Twitter also apparently
Ok thanks for the info. I won't watch his YouTube videos anymore. I refuse to give him any of my clicks. I will only watch those ones that are posted on this thread because there are reasons people post them on here. I'll go look at twitter though.
P.S. When I ask people questions and I get answers I usually will not thank them because I don't want to post without something more substantial than just "Thanks." So, I want to thank all the ones that have answered questions of mine and I did not say thanks. Thank you, guys, also for answering my future questions as well.
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He clearly still doesn’t understand, he has started talking about CSA again.
Where is he talking about CSA again? Twitter? Facebook? YouTube? Somewhere else?
I sure would like to have my say! I am a CSA survivor, not by WT though. I do not want Lloyd Evans anywhere near CSA victims if I can help it!
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TheWallyB, what is your channel, please?
Wally's YouTube channel name is: JW Thoughts
Does anyone know if there exists a forum or thread like this one that is supportive of Lloyd? Is there one that is as massive as this one.
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Dijana, why in the fuck did you actually breed with that?
I do have to say though that his 2 little girls are some of the cutest I have seen.