What I see is a "Band-Aid" style fix for a much bigger problem.
I think the biggest problem right now for him is his way of making money. He can no longer sustain his existence of making money from the internet. He needs to get a "real job" out in the real world. Or go back to college and get a degree for a "real job". I know the first thing that he needs to do right now though is take lessons and learn how to speak Croatian fluently if he hopes to stay in Croatia for a "real job".
I think his biggest obstacle is himself. He can recover from this, but it would require for him to stop being so aggressive and even hostile towards anyone who offers advice or criticism, as well as learning to cope with people who oppose him. He would also need to be more cooperative with others and even be willing to help others without any direct or immediate gain to himself.
I would rather deal with someone that is nice rather than aggressive and hostile. Having good coping mechanisms is required anywhere in society today. If people didn't have good coping mechanisms people would be offing themselves left and right. Being cooperative is also required in getting around in the world. Helping others in the best feeling you can have when you don't expect anything in return. The comparison of a
perfectly well trained male Jehovah's Witness primed to become an elder you couldn't find a better descriptor than this.
is also a descriptor of a well-liked employee as well. I think people who throw out this comparison are wanting to put people off because they know the comparison will agitate and trigger someone and they fail to realize this is the description of a good employee.