This is insane to me, believing in something so important based on virtually nothing other than "it sounds like him" and some of you having "a confirmed source".
To us here on this forum who know that the "source" is indeed telling the truth on this one is not the target audience that we need to try to convince that this letter is indeed true and accurate. We here know that it is true. All I am saying is that we be careful of putting something on the blog/post/video etc.. of the 100% true stuff that is coming out of Lloyds own mouth with something that could potentially "sully" the whole thing. I can just hear the flying monkeys now. "This whole thing is made up! Look at that letter!"
I know it to be true. We know it to be true. I trust our "inside source" but the others who have wanted/want to "character assassinate" this source is going to be very wary of anything we put out without good enough proof to verify the source of the letter.
Still the "10th man".