I think Kim should be given first crack at interpreting what is found and that it is shared amongst the names “defendants” before being released.
I second this!
original reddit post (removed).
I think Kim should be given first crack at interpreting what is found and that it is shared amongst the names “defendants” before being released.
I second this!
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I don’t speak for anyone on this thread. I will post a guess as to what I think people are compensating.It does not seem that people read anything beyond the last page of a thread and they need reminding sometimes. It seems these ones have done no research at all. Do these people deserve our answers??? I mean all of this is in black and white here on jehovahs-witness.com and lloydevansDOTinfo
For those that do research and seem to be knowledgeable to some degree on the situation, let's sit down and discuss the issue instead of just coming in here and saying things like "dont bother Lloyd, Your compensating for something, You people are obsessed...etc" then leave once you have your little poke at us in here.
LMsA said it best I think as to what we are compensating for.
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Please contact me if more finances are needed.
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Congrats unusualusernane1!!! I am glad to lose once again in the Patreoff.
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Lloyd, since you are reading this, do yourself and all of us a favor. Publish a video with the result of the court case.
It is going to look very bad if we are the ones to publish the results of the case and not Lloyd. His supporters are not going to take kindly to that.
I'll help with financial assistance as well.
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But as long as that blistering boil on the ass cheeks of society slanders and abuses people, no I'm not going anywhere.
I'm not going anywhere either!!! Us southern chicks can kick hard when we want to!!!
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Put me down for a loss of 15.
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He's one of the few dishonest people I've come across who are also dumb enough to appear to believe their own invented claims. You can almost see it happen when he talks - he plucks something out of the air ("regularly? I'm going to have to say libellous!"), repeats it a couple of times, then acts as though it's something he's heard or discovered and talks about it like it's a widely recognized and well-accepted fact, seemingly incredulous that others aren't in on the delusion.
I can think of a group of people that he reminds me of, sovereign citizens. This group of people believe that laws do not apply to them, and they can pick and choose what ones they want to abide by. If it is a law that benefits them, they will obey it. if it is a law that does not benefit them, they won't obey it. They are so delusional they actually think that they know better than people that have spent years in school to become lawyers. They even think that they know more than judges who have x+ years of school and x+ years of professional experience. I have a feeling that Lloyd and sovereign citizens have the same mindset, they always think they are right, and others are always wrong no matter what.
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OMG I read wrong!!!! That was a dummy account. POST DELETED!!!
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The title was all wrong : Everything you don't need to know about my private life ? And Idiot here , then do the exact opposite .tell on Youtube .LIVE . his private life ( well a sanitize version of it )
If that video was a sanitized version of everything he did, I can't even imagine what the real truth is, and I really don't think I want to know! It already makes me sick knowing the sanitized version. I feel so sorry for his kids!