sounds like I'm the only one who ever sat in the middle of the Congregation after being disfellowshiped... wow !!
you know what I think..
I think I have not been giving myself enough credit lately..
personally i hate it when you come face to face with someone disfellowshiped and you can't do a simple acknowledgement or greeting.
they are obviously making an effort to be there to be reinstated.
as i recall back in the 1970's they did allow this but what is always the case some took advantage of this provision and in engaged in full blown conversations.
sounds like I'm the only one who ever sat in the middle of the Congregation after being disfellowshiped... wow !!
you know what I think..
I think I have not been giving myself enough credit lately..
well i think the borg crossed the line with many of the r&f.
met a young woman at a class i take come to find out she and her husband are recent ex-jws.
they were both born-ins and they felt the printing company is taking too many liberties and that many in the khs are not talking about it... just leaving.
yes! I saw an article about customer service... something like 90% of people who recieve what they perceive as bad service don't complain to management
They just leave and don't come back... it's a silent complaint.. it was awhile ago .. can't remeber all the details .. but it rings true
todays scientists can and do insert their trademark into dna.. why couldn't jehovah anticipate scientists learning this technique and stumbling across a strand that says "human by yhwh"?.
that would have answered a lot of questions.. he could have even included a model number human2.0.
“Finally, from what we now know about the cosmos, to think that all this was created for just one species among the tens of millions of species who live on one planet circling one of a couple of hundred billion stars that are located in one galaxy among hundreds of billions of galaxies, all of which are in one universe among perhaps an infinite number of universes all nestled within a grand cosmic multiverse, is provincially insular and anthropocentrically blinkered. Which is more likely? That the universe was designed just for us, or that we see the universe as having been designed just for us?”
? Michael Shermer, Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design
i am already reading that some plan to drop their medical insurance coverage on january 1st and just pay the penalty-.
an individual with $30,000 annual income would pay a $300 penalty in 2014, $600 in 2015 and $750 in 2016.. an individual with $50,000 annual income would pay a $500 penalty in 2014, $1,000 in 2015 and $1,250 in 2016.. an individual earning $100,000 a year would pay a $1,000 penalty in 2014, $2,000 in 2015 and $2,500 in 2016.. here is your insurance subsidy calculator-.
It's designed to crash and kill a lot of people in the process
really... I guess we will find out .. if it's above or below the current death rate for lack of insurance!!
todays scientists can and do insert their trademark into dna.. why couldn't jehovah anticipate scientists learning this technique and stumbling across a strand that says "human by yhwh"?.
that would have answered a lot of questions.. he could have even included a model number human2.0.
“In 5 billion years, the expansion of the universe will have progressed to the point where all other galaxies will have receded beyond detection. Indeed, they will be receding faster than the speed of light, so detection will be impossible. Future civilizations will discover science and all its laws, and never know about other galaxies or the cosmic background radiation. They will inevitably come to the wrong conclusion about the universe......We live in a special time, the only time, where we can observationally verify that we live in a special time.”
? Lawrence M. Krauss, A Universe from Nothing: Why There is Something Rather Than Nothing
todays scientists can and do insert their trademark into dna.. why couldn't jehovah anticipate scientists learning this technique and stumbling across a strand that says "human by yhwh"?.
that would have answered a lot of questions.. he could have even included a model number human2.0.
Isn't the universe grand enough to realize it didn't arise from just nothing?
Yet God is grander than the universe and you accept he arose from nothing
still no one answers how or why FAITH is a value
todays scientists can and do insert their trademark into dna.. why couldn't jehovah anticipate scientists learning this technique and stumbling across a strand that says "human by yhwh"?.
that would have answered a lot of questions.. he could have even included a model number human2.0.
todays scientists can and do insert their trademark into dna.. why couldn't jehovah anticipate scientists learning this technique and stumbling across a strand that says "human by yhwh"?.
that would have answered a lot of questions.. he could have even included a model number human2.0.
he loves a good mystery.. haven't you been paying attention to his ways?
personally i hate it when you come face to face with someone disfellowshiped and you can't do a simple acknowledgement or greeting.
they are obviously making an effort to be there to be reinstated.
as i recall back in the 1970's they did allow this but what is always the case some took advantage of this provision and in engaged in full blown conversations.
thanks for the responses it's been a question I've had.. and wanted to share what happened to me..
So in line with the OP.. not only is it, not a greeting.. but shame, exclude, humilate don't even dare make eye contact until they truly know how much the congegation LOVES them.
personally i hate it when you come face to face with someone disfellowshiped and you can't do a simple acknowledgement or greeting.
they are obviously making an effort to be there to be reinstated.
as i recall back in the 1970's they did allow this but what is always the case some took advantage of this provision and in engaged in full blown conversations.
I'm not aware of that being "policy".
I think most do it to avoid being even more uncomfortable
yes I'm sure thats probaly the case.. I'm pretty brash and bold, bosterious is a word often used to desribe me, lol.. I sat in the 3rd row back right in the middle so everyone could see me..
hey I wanted to let them know I was there lol.. they felt more uncomfortable than I did...