Ouch!!! that smarts!! LOL ..
If you see Nancy .. please tell her I'm madly in love with her... and I misss her dearly..
why am i closing all the threads.
i am so sorry if i dont give the right answer.
Ouch!!! that smarts!! LOL ..
If you see Nancy .. please tell her I'm madly in love with her... and I misss her dearly..
why am i closing all the threads.
i am so sorry if i dont give the right answer.
where is she?
why am i closing all the threads.
i am so sorry if i dont give the right answer.
you think you are? think again!
why am i closing all the threads.
i am so sorry if i dont give the right answer.
no pain no gain..
so I looked over your posts.. the ones you start you are almost always the last to post .. the threads posted on is way less..
The person who is the last to post on this thread will be the almighty thread killer!
so right now I'm winning..lol
i was reading a good article regarding the relative 'craziness' of faiths (blog) and they mentioned a lot about mormons.
in short they talked about the socially accepted craziness (as opposed to actual mental illness) of mainstream , culturally accepted faiths v those that are relatively new.
we see scientology as more crazy than catholicism if we fall into the trap of judging without consideration but when examined all religions have very crazy elements.
why am i closing all the threads.
i am so sorry if i dont give the right answer.
nancy drew
I love you
two that come to mind are.
my generation and.
won't get fooled again.
'who songs'.... don't you mean what songs?...
of course even people with novice level bible understanding know that paul had a "thorn in the flesh", what they may not know, or not have bothered to also observe is the bizarre language with which was used to convey this thought.. "turn with me in your bibles please to 2corinthians 12:7" <----lol.
an "angel of satan" was sent to paul.......hmmm, were the writers of the bible apostates?
they called satan's minion an angel?
the ultimate false dichotomy.. something Good happens it was God.. something bad it was the devil...
it couldn't be anything else?
why am i closing all the threads.
i am so sorry if i dont give the right answer.
thread killer?... Mouthy you are an assassin... LOL .. threads fear you... hehe.. threads tremble when you click on the them .. LOL
I thought I was too.. it's the nature of the board...
two of the older sisters in our hall both widows were looking on line for the jw.org site and were talking at the hall about how they have a jw singles.
meetup site on the jw.org web site.
they obviously were on the wrong site but didn't know the difference.
they gave up part of INFORMATION CONTROL.... epic fail.. for CULT 101..IMO
tic tic tock... the dubs will be embracing new light from many angles now LOL