no they can't .. because it is a cult... everything revolves around the group.. the gave up their Identities for the group..
It is the only thing that matters to them.. and the only theing that ever will.. until they snap out of it
ok, so, some jws stopped by my apartment today.
i knew two of the three that came to the door.
they were all very friendly, no mention was made of our long absence from the kingdom hall, even though hubby is sporting a full beard.. here's what i don't get, i asked after several of their family members and the responses were, "oh, my sister and her husband are now regular pioneers" and "he's a ministerial servant now.
no they can't .. because it is a cult... everything revolves around the group.. the gave up their Identities for the group..
It is the only thing that matters to them.. and the only theing that ever will.. until they snap out of it
zed's thread on powerful albums got me listening to darren hayes after ages and i decided i would like to dedicate this song to the borg.
step into the light.
"well osts, satan, through adam challenged god's right to god had to let it play out to show that he really should be the one ruling mankind.
both the angels and humans needed to see this.
me - why couldn't god have allowed adam's children to remain perfect?
universal sovereign; gives TEN COMANDMENTS.. which include thou shall not covet, kill or steal
universal sovereign; then tell same people he gave them to, to covet their neighbors land, (it is flowing with milk and honey for goodness sakes) KILL everyone in it .. and steal IT
It's not like they were written in STONE.. LOL
Oh and Ransom had to be paid because he can't break his own LAWS...
I like this thread..
I love Disintegration too.. Wish came out when I was going through divorce.. it helped me deal with it emotionally, Apart.. the line.. "please stop loving me..I am none of these things" and many more.. "the Edge of the Deep Green Sea " is probably my favorite song ever!!
"well osts, satan, through adam challenged god's right to god had to let it play out to show that he really should be the one ruling mankind.
both the angels and humans needed to see this.
me - why couldn't god have allowed adam's children to remain perfect?
thanks Alec.. and I enjoyed your other commments too..
"well osts, satan, through adam challenged god's right to god had to let it play out to show that he really should be the one ruling mankind.
both the angels and humans needed to see this.
me - why couldn't god have allowed adam's children to remain perfect?
@ lars .. or maybe this
in a nutshell: i think that (and i do not enjoy thinking about this)...i think that the crazies within the religion (who range from just low level people to co elder do and up) have won so many battles at this point (over the more balanced people/ideas)......that the people who tend to think in a more balanced fashion (whether they themselves be low level or higher up) are getting to be the real minority.
i think this dynamic, will be what finally sinks the ship.. as we see with any organization (corporate or otherwise), many times there are reports that make you wonder (how is this thing alive or prospering?
), and upon closer scrutiny, there are strong people in the background holding the walls up (who themselves get little attention).
if the corporatin fails.... new groups will be born from it.. I think
"well osts, satan, through adam challenged god's right to god had to let it play out to show that he really should be the one ruling mankind.
both the angels and humans needed to see this.
me - why couldn't god have allowed adam's children to remain perfect?
how can God say they were perfect?....... they listened to a talking snake....
I agree imperfect people ruling themselves .. outcome is fixed..
he should have made offspring perfect to really settle this.. so it will never be settled, because in the new system when we are perfect again he will be ruling ...
I'm how could anything go wrong with the universal sovereign ruling ..
"well osts, satan, through adam challenged god's right to god had to let it play out to show that he really should be the one ruling mankind.
both the angels and humans needed to see this.
me - why couldn't god have allowed adam's children to remain perfect?
universal sovereignty... humm... so cast man out of garden right after sin.... angel not cast out of their home till right before the end of it all...
and they get to spoil mans effort to rule themselves..
sounds like Jehovah is stacking the deck against us..
I wonder if the defecting angels and the loyal ones have beeen enjoying their time together.. did the loyal ones get stuck with all the $h*tty choirs..