The second coming of Christ was in the 1st century at the destruction of Jerusalem the temple the law and the old covenants. SO the new eternal covenant came into force in which people of every tribe tongue and nation would enter into. The New Jerusalem not built by human hands nor with bricks and mortar its spiritual cannot be seen but people will stream to it the sin issue is done there is no more judgment for those in Christ . Almighty God poured out his anger on Christ instead of mankind as an atoning sacrifIce buying back what Adam had lost. Where there is no law there is no sin where there is no sin there is no judgment.where there is no judgment there is no death. Christ did it all for past present and future. That is the Good News of The Kingdom for all mankind
as it is written no one will have the need for anyone to teach his neighbour for they will all know me says the Lord. When messiah returned for his elect in 70ad the new covenant meant that the true worshippers would worship in spirit and truth and not in anything made by human hands. The destruction of the temple, Jerusalam, the law, and the old covenant meant he now dwells in those who love Christ . The mystery of the ages not known for generations was revealed to the gentiles by Paul and that great mystery is Christ in you the hope of Glory . The new Isreal is Christ the new Jerusalem in which people from every tribe nation and tongue will come of which no man is able to number. . All things fulfilled 2000 years ago. Its done call upon the Lord Jesus and enter in