@ straightshooter - so true! I hope my leaving is shaking my sibling up! I told her about the UN situation in hopes of planting a seed she can not get out of her head.
JoinedPosts by time2keepmoving
Got Disfellowshipped!
by time2keepmoving inwell, i was disfellowshipped about 2 weeks ago.
i was in it for ten years and it was 9 years and 11 months too long.
i honestly don't know why it took me so long to do my research on this organization.
The Feeling of a Jehovah's Witness
by whathehadas inthis was how i felt being in the borg.
just replace the stick with a book bag.
ROTFLMAO I love it! Man o man that's how my son use to feel, I will definitely have to show him this so he can get a kick out of this tread!
Got Disfellowshipped!
by time2keepmoving inwell, i was disfellowshipped about 2 weeks ago.
i was in it for ten years and it was 9 years and 11 months too long.
i honestly don't know why it took me so long to do my research on this organization.
When I meet with that stupid judical committee; (which I did not take seriously, because I already decided at the end of the day, I was going to do what is in my best interest regardless of what they had to say. This is my life. They can't judge me, God judges me, not them.) they told me all I needed to do was get a bible study and increase my hours in the field service. I was like WTH! I just sat there looking at them, giving them the side eye like are you really serious right now? You think you can give me a 'standard-dosage' answer, throw some simplistic rhetoric at me and I'll be crying and nodding my head in agreement? Not today!
None of the three men in there really knew me as a person, heck, they didn't know me at all, nor did they know the twenty+ year history of me and my ex-husband, nothing! I just sat there like, I'm going to keep my cool, but when I walk out these doors it will be for the last time.
Got Disfellowshipped!
by time2keepmoving inwell, i was disfellowshipped about 2 weeks ago.
i was in it for ten years and it was 9 years and 11 months too long.
i honestly don't know why it took me so long to do my research on this organization.
I'm sure you know this already if you've been 'lurking' on this site for some time, but so many people here are in the HEART-wrenching situation of having wives, husbands, children still "in", and being unable to even TALK to them!!
I know you are so right, there's a lot of people who are hurting because they have so much family in the organization and leaving has cost them family members, heartache or just frustration if they are forced to stay in order to hold on to their relatives. It's a wicked, cruel game....but I refuse to play it. I have lost a sibling right now to this mess, but I keep hoping somehow me and another family member can keep working on her, to get her out.
We are plotting and planning and I don't intent to give up. I will keep putting those seeds of doubt out there, so she can start to get her brain and critical evaluation skills working again. I know she is not happy in the KH she is currently in. She wants to move away so she can go to another hall but, that mess will only follow her everywhere she goes. I hope it does, so she can truly see that the 'machine' the W&TS is not the answer, and in fact they are really nothing more than a bunch of Charlatans.
Got Disfellowshipped!
by time2keepmoving inwell, i was disfellowshipped about 2 weeks ago.
i was in it for ten years and it was 9 years and 11 months too long.
i honestly don't know why it took me so long to do my research on this organization.
I particularly remember one friend of my bed-ridden mom who told me she would get over to see her but she had to pioneer next month. I thought, "Why couldn't she make visiting my mother part of her pioneer service?" I was also reprimanded by two elders for spending too much time with her when I should be out finding people who had no "hope." I should have told them my mother (and my father) sat in their home "hoping" that someone would come to visit.
Wow! Is all I have to say, that some real foul stuff. I can't believe those elders said that to you. I mean I can believe it, but that they would have to nerve to let that pass through their lips is what's throwing me back. I know if they had approached me like that, I would have went off on them, right there in the KH and embarrassment the mess out of their behinds. I think they knew not to mess with me. My mother was also very sick and I can count the times on one hand the 'friends' came to see her. There was only 2 or 3 sisters who really looked out for my mother before she passed away. That was one of the 'silent beefs' I had with some of the people in my KH.
Got Disfellowshipped!
by time2keepmoving inwell, i was disfellowshipped about 2 weeks ago.
i was in it for ten years and it was 9 years and 11 months too long.
i honestly don't know why it took me so long to do my research on this organization.
@ wha happened - tons of it and it never changes, you can switch halls 365 and still the gossip and rumors will follow. None of your information is kept confidental, it always gets out! They had a woman in our hall who husband was of course an Elder and she used the FS to tell others about confidental info that nobody outside of the elders should have known. Don't have to think too hard who was letting the cat out the bag. I've heard stuff about some people that should have never crossed my ears. That's how loving and wonderful the friends are
Got Disfellowshipped!
by time2keepmoving inwell, i was disfellowshipped about 2 weeks ago.
i was in it for ten years and it was 9 years and 11 months too long.
i honestly don't know why it took me so long to do my research on this organization.
We need something, because what they do to you mentally takes a lot out of you, and it take quite some time to get back to a healthy state. It's actually criminal what they do to people.
Got Disfellowshipped!
by time2keepmoving inwell, i was disfellowshipped about 2 weeks ago.
i was in it for ten years and it was 9 years and 11 months too long.
i honestly don't know why it took me so long to do my research on this organization.
My parents were witnesses in the 70's, I was exposed by default as a child. I left at 17 then went back at 40 because I was having some kind of mid-life crisis for lack of a better phrase. However, instead of trusting them and going back on blind trust (trust they had not earned) I should have done my research. It was early 2000 at that time so I don't know how much info was out on the web at that point.
Got Disfellowshipped!
by time2keepmoving inwell, i was disfellowshipped about 2 weeks ago.
i was in it for ten years and it was 9 years and 11 months too long.
i honestly don't know why it took me so long to do my research on this organization.
Thanks guys, I just wish I could get my lone relative out. Now the organization has her on a island all by herself, and she know good and well she can't count on the 'friends' for any real sincere, long-term support, they are fair-weather friends and when 'the machine' tells them to stop talking to her she wil be out there with his butt swinging in the breeze.
Got Disfellowshipped!
by time2keepmoving inwell, i was disfellowshipped about 2 weeks ago.
i was in it for ten years and it was 9 years and 11 months too long.
i honestly don't know why it took me so long to do my research on this organization.
Well, I was disfellowshipped about 2 weeks ago. I was in it for ten years and it was 9 years and 11 months too long. I honestly don't know why it took me so long to do my research on this organization. I feel like if I had this information back in early 2000, I would not have gotten baptized. I decided to live my life and not worry about what the W&TS has to say about it, so they disfellowshipped me for resuming a relationship with my ex-husband. We are actively working on restoring our relationship and possibly remarrying. He is the love of my life and we have two grown children together. I still love him and I want to try and work things out.
They disfellowshipped me for having a physical encounter with him outside of marriage. Let me state that I was remorseful, but I questioned the actions of the elders. See I personally knew of a relative (who attended the same hall) who left his family, moved out of the home, did not support his wife after he left (she did not get one dime from him) then shortly after committed adultery, yet was only publicly reproved; they got pissed off because I brought that up and questioned their decisionmaking, they disfellowshipped me. So I say okay cool, no problem, I was going to disassociate anyway. So whatever. Not pressed in the least!
I only have one relative that is a JW now, the rest of my family is not in organization. I also did not really have any strong friendships with any of the people in my KH except for 2 or 3 individuals. I hate the fact I wasn't going to be able to communicate with them anymore, but am more than capable of moving on. If they chose to listen to them and not speak to me, that's their decision as grown individuals, their lost.
I do have friends outside of the organization I never stop communicating with and I'm glad I never severed those relationships (I ain't stupid) after getting bapitzed. I thought it was dumb to just kick those people to the curve just because they said it would be so-called bad association. I was old enough (in my forties) to make that call on my own, I didn't need any help from them. The individual I dealt with outside the org. respected the fact that I was a JW and never said anyting demeaning about the religion, nor ever encouraged me to leave. We actually didn't talk about religion much per say and just focused on mutual interests. Yet at every turn, all the JW's did was talk loads of mess about other religions. They seemed obsessed with running other religions into the ground, to make it seem like they're the only viable option, yet those organizations don't give them the time of day. A hit dog will always holler the loudest. I always thought anybody talking the most junk, is trying to deflect from their own madness!
See I was half-in and half-out. I never totally drank the kool-aid. I did the bare minimum when I was in because I always felt in the back of my head 'hey, what if these people are lying to me?'
I defintitely still have faith in God, what I don't have faith in is big-box organized religion like the JW's aka W&TS. Their whole format is so cold, generic and cookie-cutter. I just can't anymore. It was getting too stressful for me to stay in and I was really started to dread the days I had to go to the meetings. I thought the FS was a exercise in futility that was killing my time to rest and regroup on the weekends from a long work-week; not to mention the people in the KH were so fake and phoney, I rarely stayed after the meetings to associate. I starting feeling like they were asking me to accept low-level relationships with these people that I really, really didn't know just because they went to the KH. I had better, more sincere relationships with the few individuals I was close to outside of the KH who I knew for years, then I did in.
I also got tired of the constant badgering and creative guilty-tripping the organization was doing about going out in FS. Every ministry school it was more and more badgering about "how can you increase your time in the FS, how to do more in the FS, starting a doorstep bible study, are you making the most of your return visits, are you doing all you can, are you witnessing informally, are you taking advantage of evening witnessing, can you make it a habit to go out on Sundays" that mess never stopped. I felt like they don't give a woot about me as a person, do they? All they want me to do is slave away in the FS. The heck with what am going through, what am feeling or helping me develop a better personal relationship with God. Just get out there in FS, that's their answer for every single thing! Just read our literature, go to our meetings and get out in FS, that all you need. Like some 1-2-3 diet plan. Follow our plan/ format and you will (lose 100 pounds in 2 months) experience a spiritual paradise. I kept waiting............
One day I just said enough already. I'm not happy, in fact I'm miserable and this organization has turned something as intimate and personal as one's relationship with God into some burdensome, cold, depressing and frustrating. Time to go! Glad am out! Only regret is that I didn't leave sooner.