This question is for the ladies out there, but if you are a man and you'd like to share your thoughts on the following topic you are welcomed to do so.
Given the WT society's view on women, did any of you ladies gave up on the idea of getting married "in the truth". In such case, did you sometimes feel that you were missing out? I've noticed that it is very common for sisters to visit different congregations in hope of finding a mate.
I personally gave up on the idea of getting married and having children partly because I want to take care of my parents once i'm done with school and also because I don't want to be trapped in an unhappy marriage. My opinion is that the JW dating systems is set up in such a way that it rushes people into marriage when they have very little knowledge of their mate. I think that single women in the org. are in a better place, for they still have their independence and their freedom. I will never date/marry anyone. Freedom tastes too good :-). I Hope that I'm doing the right thing.