"An elder concealed me that I needed to start spending time with the friends"
I think that I received the same counceal, but indirectly. And it came from a sister. She gave me an invitation and suggested that I should stop hanging out with my wordly friends and hAng out more with the friends. The truth of the matter is that, apart from my study conductoir, I don't feel too confortable with any of these people. I mean I don't have trouble socializing with them for one minute or two before And After each meeting. But it is beyond my capacity to hang out with them at social event. The idea of seeing them outside thd hall puts a great deal of pressur on my shoulders.
what are the consequences of being labled "difficult"?
i'm so grateful for this website, guys. It provides me with so much information on so many different topics. I can learn about the organization functionnement without being too involved! Thank you for that!!!!