Mr. Facts is looking for reaction and nothing more.He or she is evidently unaware that the opposite of love is not hate but ambivalence.Have a good life Mr. (yawn) Who?
JoinedPosts by sunerom
Do you miss the sense of security the organisation gives you?
by Mr Facts ini am sure most of you miss the sense of security regarding the future that the organisation offers- the certainty of everlasting life in the paradise earth, being healed and the confidence that you will definitely see your loved ones again if you remained faithful.
but why did you pursue a course of life that had suddenly turned everything into a fable?.
i have pity for you all.. .
pay or appeal, what will they do?
by pontoon inof course watchtower lawyer says it's not over yet, we are going to appeal.
thats what they are suppose to say.
but wat is going to want to put this nightmare behind them as fast as they can.
Oh they have no choice but to appeal.They certainly have more than enough $$$ to write a check but there's no way they're going to admit guilt unless they absolutely are forced to.I can even see them winning an appeal after many years of litigation(although i pray they don't) but even if they don't they can put off having to accept responsibility for a long time.This is now all about damage control but let's hope this event makes enough waves to affect some real change or at least awaken some who have been living in the grey.
Forget everything we said/printed in the past????This is the latest witchtower mind control tactic?Well done dubs!
by witchtowerwitch inwelcome to the 21st century cult experts people!of course they want all dubs to forget everything that they were taught in the past,because it was all lies okay!you have got to be kidding me right?so should i forget my baptism,the bible,all publications,and everything that was taught for the last 130 years?done folks,,,,i'm in ,and have been forgotten that wacky cult shxt for over 25 years now,,,amen!
i wish that the gb would have said that 45 years ago,,,hehehe ,,,,lol,,,i would have left back then!i'm trying to forget all of this nonsense,but it is very hard to,seeing them down in nyc scrambling to save all of the dead prophecies that never came true!i'm laughing so hard that i'm crying now!.
I am dying to know what we're talking about!!
Peter kicking the apostates DOWN!
by nananana incertainly if, after having escaped from the defilements of the world by an accurate knowledge of the lord and savior jesus christ, they get involved again with these very things and are overcome, the final conditions have become worse for them than the first.. 21 for it would have been better for them not to have accurately known the path of righteousness than after knowing it accurately to turn away from the holy commandment delivered to them.
22 the saying of the true proverb has happened to them: the dog has returned to its own vomit, and the sow that was bathed to rolling in the mire.
2 peter 2:20-23. the saddest thing about apostates is that they allowed the cunning deception of false reasoning to take root in their heart thus allowing room for satanic influence and mental disease.
Good point, Puff.Peter observed first hand the wondrous miracels Jesus performed yet he succumed to the fear of men and denied the Son of God not once but THREE TIMES! He later came to his senses and realized that he need not fear the opinion of any man (or body of men) since his salvation rested on his personal relationship with Jesus Christ alone.What bothers me about Nana's drive-by comment is 1) It is no way helpful or encouraging but has it's origin in hate and derision, two qualities i'm quite sure the Son of God would not espouse, and 2)It only belies his or her's lack of knowledge of scripture.It's ok, though, i'm sure Nana will not have the conviction or accurate knowledge to defend his or her statement.Tragic yet typical.
Looking for ex-JW in Upstate NY
by Anony Mous inanyone living in the upstate ny area?
i am looking for expert witnesses (ex-jw) to collaborate my story regarding jw doctrine.
i will pay for time lost, travel etc.
I live about 45 minutes south of the NY border in Pa. Is that close enough?