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i took this off of xjw_b12's thread.
(hope you don't mind).
"when considering whether to include a pinata at a social gathering, christians should be sensitive to the consciences of others.
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just heard this on the news..he had massive heart attack..he was i believe they said 54..i loved him in 3's company..was a good acter...
Johns was my third cousin. Rest in peace John. RIP
once upon a time a broken down kingdom hall was in need of repair and extra donations.
so this lowly brother that was brain damaged happend to be at casino and won about five gran from a few slotts.
now as the case was this brain damaged lunatic was me, but i came home with my winnings and paid for my divorce and bought a few things need full man things.
I really do hate to refer it to "Gods organization" if it was his it would be so much better I surpmise.
Pepper..............: -)
once upon a time a broken down kingdom hall was in need of repair and extra donations.
so this lowly brother that was brain damaged happend to be at casino and won about five gran from a few slotts.
now as the case was this brain damaged lunatic was me, but i came home with my winnings and paid for my divorce and bought a few things need full man things.
Once upon a time a broken down kingdom hall was in need of repair and extra donations. So this lowly brother that was brain damaged happend to be at casino and won about five gran from a few slotts. Now as the case was this brain damaged lunatic was me, but I came home with my winnings and paid for my divorce and bought a few things need full man things. And being the good man that I am I wanted and give the rest to the kindom hall donation box. At length the elders got wind of me going to the casinos and spoke harshly to me, at that I asked them if they had seen five neatly placed and papper clipped starched one hundred dollars bills in the contribution box they said nothing at first. Then I told them if they were going to keep harping on me about it then I wanted the five big ones that were papper clipped together given back to me cause it came from a casino. They never did mention it again, it taught me lession if you win big don't give them shit! Pepper
No they are the same, if they could get away with it they would stone to death disfellowshipped ones, what would be there to stop them if it were not for our laws inn this country. Pepper
i talked with my sister today we like to talk as some familys do, and i could hear the quivering in her voice at the very idea that the j-dubs could have a few crazy ideas.
its so sad when you see the control a religion has over people, to the point that they will not even ask who, what, when, or why.
I talked with my sister today we like to talk as some familys do, and I could hear the quivering in her voice at the very idea that the J-Dubs could have a few crazy ideas. Its so sad when you see the control a religion has over people, to the point that they will not even ask who, what, when, or why.
it would be so neat to be a high mucky muck.
how can i be a leader of the wts.
Well put grasshopper. My kids are doing good one is getting divorced and my ex-wife has gotton married again to a better man than me, he must be better to put up with her crap. My youngest is working at a Sonic Burger. As for me I sing a Karaoke and let women chase me a lot, and drink large pichers of beer on ocasion and avoid too much self abuse. Pepper
i just received a fascinating email from someone looking for information on a jw who died in the late 1970s.
all i have is the person's name and city of residence at the time of death.
is there some place (preferably on the internet) i can go to see a copy of the death certificate?
Sounds like you need to get Spirit medium.
i'm starting early this year cuz i want to have a rockin halloween.
i''ve been the devil, the grim sweeper, medusa, an alien,...i was thinking this year maybe one of those warriors from lord of the rings...and what are you going to be this halloween, or do you even celebrate the spooky day?.
I know, dress your self up like someone in field service with someone beating you with a rubber chicken. Pepper
Oh how could you say such a thing, its fun being policed like the Talaban by the through the elder araangment and made to feel guilty for being alive.