#9 is just wierd!
I know. She makes no secret that she's still sexually active with her husband. I guess he's been having a go on them, keeping the milk "on tap".
i found this little jem this morning .
it's a little dated but describes the self-proclaimed jesus of nazareth by the name of a.j miller.
he was raised in the jw religion and was also an elder and pioneer.
#9 is just wierd!
I know. She makes no secret that she's still sexually active with her husband. I guess he's been having a go on them, keeping the milk "on tap".
i found this little jem this morning .
it's a little dated but describes the self-proclaimed jesus of nazareth by the name of a.j miller.
he was raised in the jw religion and was also an elder and pioneer.
1. Elder in another congregation keeping a spare white shirt in the back room on a hangar in case (horror of horrors) the visiting speaker turned up wearing a non white shirt.
2. An elder getting offended because, during the post circuit assembly cleanup, a sister on the cleaning team asked if he would mind vacuuming the carpet. (A woman telling man... an ELDER what to do?!!) He went ape shit on her.
3. My ex-wife's baptism card, some elderly African brother had written "congratulations! But know this, Satan is coming for you! Keep on the watch."
4. A 70+ year old sister regularly wearing clothes a 17yo girl would wear to the Kingdom Hall.
5. On the ministry (or service as you Americans call it) and old sister would knock on the windows with her walking stick and shout "i know you're there!" if they didn't answer.
6. An elder pretending to fall over the microphone wire before the meeting started, just so he could make an announcement about health and safety during the meeting.
7. A brother who boasted that he had 180 return visits... that have been return visits since 1972. They're obviously just being polite and taking and binning the magazines.
8. Fixing an elders PC. His email inbox was full of "Latina Lovers" and "Bangbros" sign up confirmation emails. I never mentioned it.
9. A 60yo sister asking my wife if she'd mind if she could breastfeed our newborn baby.
10. A woman reading in an Awake! magazine that caffeine can be addictive. She dropped to her knees and yelled "forgive me Jehovah!" - it turns out this woman likes coffee and now believes it's a sin like tobacco.
i found this little jem this morning .
it's a little dated but describes the self-proclaimed jesus of nazareth by the name of a.j miller.
he was raised in the jw religion and was also an elder and pioneer.
i LOVE this guy!!
I've seen him before when i was still in. His partner believes she's Mary Magdeline as well.
I dont know whether he really believes his is or he's conning his followers but, my word, he's doing a sterling job - he's already got followers and i seen a vid where he debated a Mormon.
Complete bullshit obviously but it just goes to show how deluded people can be.
i still go to the meetings because of my in wife and it came about that the elders knew of my pissed off attitude about the society getting involved in the un.
so the elders said they could help me get over that and wanted to meet with me.
now just to let you know, i have only told my wife and her mom so far about it, that's it.
He said that now a days, even people who point to articles like a 1972 WT or something is, No we don't even consider that anymore. He said that anything we need is online, meaning the Watchtower on line library from 2000 onward, and the WT library CD ROM is being outdated.
So our parents and grandparents were apostates? So "the truth" that was being printed prior to 2000 wasn't in fact "the truth"? Were we being lied to?
Jehovah keeps feeding them false information, in that case they're no more reliable than the average guy on the street.
i sat in town recently, right in the window of a nice wee pub.
within minutes i realised that i had a perfect view of a jw cart and the two ridiculously dressed jw's (they have absolutely no individuality at all.
what's more, they all look like they're going to a funeral).
All of my still-in family do cart witnessing and see it as a real honour, privilege and sign the God is directing the organisation. However, only certain ones are allowed to do cart witnessing. I don't know what the requirements are but they all thought I had a bad attitude when I was in and I used to say I'd never want to do cart witnessing.
I remember my ministry says, I used to openly make jokes about the fact that we all secretly hope no one opens the door. I got "feather knocking" down to a fine art. One time I worked with a brother younger than me (I was about 28, he was 19) and he knocked REALLY loud, to which I jokingly said "shh! they'll hear you!"... he was horrified and said "they're supposed to hear us!"
Then he told an elder that I said that.
Happy times
does anybody remember some of the sensational demon stories jw's would tell back in the day?
i was a kid in the early 80's and i remember a few times hearing of people having real life encounters with demons.
for example, one sister claimed that before she became a jdub she would regularly talk to demons and they would even fix stuff like her washing machine!
Ahh yes i've heard many many many of these stories growing up. Strangely enough the same story by different people in different parts of the country that all happened to "their mothers friend" or "their sisters, grandmothers, daughters, friend".
My favourites include:
1) One brother bought a calendar from a Chinese store. He didn't know what the Chinese characters said but that night i lay paralised in bed. He was pinned down by a demon! - (Actually, in the medical world this is a common phenomenon known as "sleep paralysis" where part of your brain is still sleeping).
2) One brother bought a picture frame from a second hand shop. He put a photo in there and hung it on the wall. The next day the frame was on the floor with the picture no longer in the frame!
3) One sister was difellowshipped and all the time she was disfellowshipped she heard demons talking to her. She called an elder who flatly refused to have anything to do with it. She once even claimed to have been raped by a demon - (The fact that this sister is a paranoid schizophrenic isn't mentioned though). She's reinstated now and still attends meetings. Brings all kinds of weird shit to the hall like old broken dolls and clocks that dont work.
4) Lets not forget that one we've all heard all around the world about a woman that went on the ministry on her own, knocked on a rapist/murderers door and wasnt touched because the guy could see two big fellas next to her. Obviously angels. My favourite version of this was when an old man re-told it in my old congregation during the Watchtower discussion. He said "...he said he saw two big black men either side of her". Why he felt the need to mention their skin colour is beyond me.
Even when i was in, i used to say to JW's that believed this shit "if i were a demon, with all that power and knowledge i wouldnt be using it to open and close doors, put backward messages in music or hide in a second hand shirt - i would MESS YOU UP."
Needless to say, it didnt go down well.
i got thinking ,which at times can seem erratic , it's the publisher cards that should of rung the loudest bell !
i still can't believe i fell for believing early christianity had some writing reports to the apostles.
wt legalisms are their foundation of the church..
Makes you wonder, if the reason we used to count hours was purely for statistical reasons why did we have to put our names on it?
I even had one elder screw up my report and toss it on the floor in front of me because it was less than usual.
at the moment i dont beleive in anything.
im pretty much an open book, but my critical mind is very alert to bullshit.
but anyway i decided to re-read the bible with a non jw filter.. i researched online first which is supposed to be the best translation out there.
This Jehovah sounds like a right bastard.
In that case I say fuck him.
at the moment i dont beleive in anything.
im pretty much an open book, but my critical mind is very alert to bullshit.
but anyway i decided to re-read the bible with a non jw filter.. i researched online first which is supposed to be the best translation out there.
At the moment i dont beleive in anything. Im pretty much an open book, but my critical mind is very alert to bullshit. But anyway i decided to re-read the bible with a non JW filter.
I researched online first which is supposed to be the best translation out there. According to the vast majority of scholars the NRSV is supposed to be the best. I actually have a quite a collection Bible translations anyway and it was in there.
So i opened it at a random book, 1 Corinthians. I started reading and batted away all of the JW indoctrination which whispered "he means only the anointed in this verse" or "he means every non JW in this verse" or "he means you in this verse" etc.
I must say i came away with a completely different understanding. It was like a new book. Even though I've read 1 Corinthians many times before.
When it got to the part about "purge the evil one from among you" i did get a pang of "does he mean disfellowshipping?". Im going to research that further.
Im not going to jump back into Christianity or anything but i must say reading it and going with what it actually says rather than what the WT says it says was rather refreshing.
this site is great, i have been lurking for a while now.
but i can’t get reinstated and have used some of the advice already given.. i was df’d many months ago and go to all the meetings and do all the preparation for the meetings, but the jc committee keep refusing me.
tomorrow at the clam meeting i am puting yet another letter in and will be called for another dreadful jc meeting.. 1. what can i say to the elders to show that i am truly repentant?.
Hi Betty
I understand where you're coming from as im going through the same thing.
For a while i went to all the meetings and studied like hell. But in those meetings, as a person being shunned you see how unloving and just plain wierd the whole thing is. These are people who are going out of their way to NOT talk to you and NOT even look at you.
If in doubt of any Christian idea, look to Jesus as an example. Because, after all, he is the model for all of us to follow. Ask yourself: who did Jesus shun? The story of the good Samaritan is a great example of how we should treat people who dont believe what we believe. Shunning is the exact opposite of that story.
Also, if Jesus chose the WT society in 1919 - why did they introduce shunning much later in the 1950s? If it's biblical it would have existed since the first inception of the WT society. In fact, the old WT magazines called shunning "a weapon" used by apostate Christianity.
The bottom line is the love you have for your family is being used as a tool to get you to submit. That's what cults do. That's not what Jesus or the true God would stoop to. Nor ever has in the bible.
There is no holy spirit involved in that JC. Period. If it were, why is there an option to appeal? And why have some appeals resulted in an overturning of the original decision? How have some apostates managed to be reinstated?
What you're feeling is understandable. But understand also that your family are still in "prison" and you're not.