They're very nice brothers. Whenever they have get-togethers or BBQs etc everyone turns up.
However, no ones ever seen their bedrooms. In fact, im not even sure if there's two bedrooms.
One works with my brother in law and before i was DF he told me that this brother confided in him that he's sat on more than a few JC's in his time. Which is surprising because he's a "squeeky clean" by the book, straight out of a Watchtower article brother. Very polite and friendly.
There are 10's if not hundreds of thousands of closeted gays in JW-land. It's one of WT's best-kept secrets.
I remember a visiting speaker we had a few years ago. He could only have been about 21yo and min servant but he was assigned to give a talk in our hall. He turned up with his mum and dad. He was, by far, the most camp and effeminate man i've ever seen in JW land. Fake tan, eyebrows plucked to perfection. After the meeting i spoke to him and he gave me a limp handshake. :-D I have no idea what his talk was about, i was distracted by his performance.