I don't think anyone trying to learn about JW should do so on the internet
The governing body absolutely forbid you to take up honest/fair research about JW's. What does that tell you? The internet is full of information.
i proably shouldnt be on here but i feel like saying this.
i have been for the last couple weeks been studying religion.
i've learned the only ones who today do what the bible says to is jw.
I don't think anyone trying to learn about JW should do so on the internet
The governing body absolutely forbid you to take up honest/fair research about JW's. What does that tell you? The internet is full of information.
regarding the watchtower interpretation of revelation 13 https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201105/seventh-world-power-bible-history/ - identifying the usa and britain as part of the legs of iron from daniels vision... i think they're gonna have to update this one in the next decade.. trump seems to be the last person who'd work closely with a female prime minister for one, secondly, us brits aint so powerful as we once was.
trump appears to be pretty ok with dealing with russia and for all we know could become an ally with them.. your thoughts?.
now that i read the watchtower interpretation of revelation without my jw spectacles on, it's laughable that they come to these conclusions..
Regarding the Watchtower interpretation of Revelation 13 https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201105/seventh-world-power-bible-history/ - identifying the USA and Britain as part of the legs of Iron from Daniels vision... i think they're gonna have to update this one in the next decade.
Trump seems to be the last person who'd work closely with a female Prime Minister for one, secondly, us Brits aint so powerful as we once was. Trump appears to be pretty ok with dealing with Russia and for all we know could become an ally with them.
Your thoughts?
P.S. Now that i read the Watchtower interpretation of Revelation without my JW spectacles on, it's laughable that they come to these conclusions.
first time posting after years of reading, the things i have learned here have gradually helped to open my eyes to the reality of this religion.
though i have been mentally out for some time, lately i have stopped going to meetings and service.
the elders are calling and i have been ignoring them, i am trying to get up the courage to finally break free and never go back.
Smiddy has hit the nail on the head there. I cant believe i believed their propaganda for 31 years.
Cant really add anything other than whats already been said, other than keep the elders at arms length. They'll be just looking for something, anything to officially make you officially "no longer on one JWs".
Being mentally out first is very refreshing i think. I went along for about 2 years not believing a word of it.
anyone reading [or did read] the bible without someone else telling you what it meant?.
would you be leaning towards the jws or baptists or lutherans or what?.
just asking.
Even as a JW i had trouble marrying up all of Pauls letters with what the Watchtower say about eternal life on earth for most and heaven for some. Paul talks about being transformed, and about a heavenly reward for Christs followers.
Apart from that, i see a collection of books by a bloodthirsty, narcissistic, angry, cruel god (Old testement). Then a charismatic man coming along spreading love and wisdom (New Testement). Then a lot of filler.
instead of making a new thread for every little thing related to memorial 2017, i'm going to try to post here.
and to start us off.... cart artwork for 2017 memorial invitations.
Notice how the invitation hides that it has anything to do with religion unless you squint at the small print a the bottom indicating that it is, in fact, the Jehovahs Witnesses.
Classic cult bait. Someone walking past would think its a health advert or a money making advert - turn up to the FREE talk and bam! It's a cult indoctrination ceremony.
your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to go onto jw.org.
take one of their pics from any publication and add your own speech bubbles or caption.. here's mine.
picture taken from the watchtower feb 2017.. .
your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to go onto jw.org.
take one of their pics from any publication and add your own speech bubbles or caption.. here's mine.
picture taken from the watchtower feb 2017.. .
Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to go onto JW.org. Take one of their pics from any publication and add your own speech bubbles or caption.
Here's mine. Picture taken from the Watchtower Feb 2017.
my mom has been extensively texting me, trying to argue that the un ngo scandal is not a big deal and that the child abuse scandal is to instigate the great tribulation.
even worse, she kept saying how great it is that the gb is imperfect and fallible and that teaching changes all the time.
maybe it was aggravation or impatience, but i finally just snapped and told her, "it's a cult, mom.".
Exactly the same reaction over here too. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing.
My brother who is studying with them has started shunning me now too because i came out and said "it's a cult".
in my area i'd guess 30% of the men maybe more have some kind of beard.
this craps gotta wake up somebody still in!.
So glad im out of this cult. No more bullshit rules like this. I actually let these fools make mundane decisions for me about my own facial hair.
has anyone found any religion that makes more sense than the watchtower organization?
obviously catholics make even less sense than them so don't say that.... the reason i ask is because i still believe the bible is the word of god, but just that the jw's have twisted it for their own benefit, as most religions seem to do....
I used to believe in the bible even after I left the witnesses, but if you research how we actually got the bible we have today you will see it's a miss-mash of books chosen by the Catholic Church that fit nicely together. Lots of other books were kept out.
Secondly, even if Jesus did do/say all those things - he didn't start a religion. He gave people a method to live their lives. And only one commandment: LOVE.
We can all do that.