At first glance it looks like a prison from the outside. But there's smiling happy faces and handholding so surely this cant be all bad. And a personal tour by the liar Gerrit Losch? Sounds like the kind of tour i'd wanna go on. I've got lots of awkward questions for him.
JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
Warwick Tour Brochure
by konceptual99 inso we had this posted in the mega topic thread... wt: warwick world hq tour brochure.
the new world headquarters of jws, located at warwick, new york, will open for tours on monday, april 3, 2017.. in anticipation, a new eight-page glossy brochure about this facility has now been released:.
download pdf:
Convention program 2017 AM3
by George One Time in
why would our beloved gb member be on the top picture of the program?.
any ideas?.
I've thought for a while now that it's only a matter of time before one or some of the GB break up into their own little schism and claim to be the REAL JW's. And you'll have two sides. Both will pull scriptures out their ass to claim Jehovah's favor. And King Tony III is just the kind of nut that would do that.
And the beauty of it is, you could blame all the past failings on the old GB. You reading this bethel drone? Feel free to use it but i want royalties.
It's right there in our faces, how could we NOT see it?
by NikL ini know there have been many many posts on here over the years on the deity of jesus.. i am submitting this one because i am feeling a little confused.. the thing is, i am not the sharpest knife in the drawer and i know this.
so when i am going through my bible reading (to all you haters, yes i still do it) i see so many scriptures that just fly in the face of everything the jws teach about jesus.. i begin to wonder if indeed i am diseased in the mind ,as they will try to paint me, because it seems so plain to me.. i never even gave it a though growing up as to if jesus and god were equal.
i just didn't.. now when i read scriptures like philippians 9.... 9 for this very reason, god exalted him to a superior position+ and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name,+ 10 so that in the name of jesus every knee should bend—of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the ground+— 11 and every tongue should openly acknowledge that jesus christ is lord+ to the glory of god the father.. .
I always thought the opposite. I dont know how anyone can read the bible and think Jesus is God or even equal to him. The scriptures clearly state Jesus is subordinate to the Father and not knowing some things that the Father knows.
Off the top of my head i can think of a few examples:
About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"). MATTHEW 27:46
He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him." JOHN 3:2"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone. LUKE 18:19.
This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus. REVELATION 14:12
Also the fact that there's a Father and Son relationship implies one is older and wiser than the other. Why not be twins? Or brother and sister if they're equal?
P.S. Im actually an atheist now, so a debate such as this is just to come to a logical conclusion.
Convention program 2017 AM3
by George One Time in
why would our beloved gb member be on the top picture of the program?.
any ideas?.
Im slightly worried about the picture on page 2. Is that supposed to be a father studying another religion to which his cult indoctrinated children say "NO!" ? Or is he a pedo?
Cart Witnessing Today In Liverpool [See Pic]
by pale.emperor inremember the jw command only a few years ago "fully accomplish your ministry"?
looks like these young jw's didnt get the memo.. whats interesting is, just a few meters away were some street preachers handing out flyers and shouting about jesus.
i cant stand them either but at least you couldnt say they were skiving on the job.. bet they're still counting this as time as well.. .
To be fair, that 1st photo looks like they are on a break, or maybe haven't "set up shop" yet.. The carts have their plastic covers on, no literature is being displayed.
I see your point - but remember, these folks are supposed to have a "lifesaving message to share".
Observations from an Ex-Elder Part 2 - Cart Work
by doubtfull1799 inup until i left recently i was participating in the cart work.
in the location where we used to set up near our local mall we never had one person stop and take literature or stop and chat - other than fellow brothers.
i thought maybe it was just a bad location or something.
This was taken today in Liverpool England.
Cart Witnessing Today In Liverpool [See Pic]
by pale.emperor inremember the jw command only a few years ago "fully accomplish your ministry"?
looks like these young jw's didnt get the memo.. whats interesting is, just a few meters away were some street preachers handing out flyers and shouting about jesus.
i cant stand them either but at least you couldnt say they were skiving on the job.. bet they're still counting this as time as well.. .
Remember the JW command only a few years ago "fully accomplish your ministry"? Looks like these young JW's didnt get the memo.
Whats interesting is, just a few meters away were some street preachers handing out flyers and shouting about Jesus. I cant stand them either but at least you couldnt say they were skiving on the job.
Bet they're still counting this as time as well.
Interesting Opening statement in a public talk
by Da.Furious inon sunday we had a talk, don't remember the title, but something about having zeal in our ministry and we are the best and have the truth stuff.
the interesting this was the opening statement.. the speaker started: we may have seen on the tv or knew about the tv evangelizers, they have lots of energy in preaching on the tv and they ask for donations by text showing on the screen and their talk is based on asking for money.. then he moved on to talk how our organization is truly supported by god...... the thing that shocked me as related to the ignorance the speaker had.
haven't he watched the tv channel?
If i remember correctly, Stephen Lett even said (im paraphrasing) "...since our last broadcast, we noticed a great increase [of donations], and we thank you for it. When the Israelites were asked for donations to building their temple they provided gladly. But we have many more projects."
So the appeal for money wasnt just a one off, it's becoming a lifetime commitment?
When you were an active WT door knocker... How did you knock?
by LoisLane looking for Superman inon the door frame, on the door, door knocker, bell.. loud, very loud, regular, soft... gentle... or just pretended and never knocked at all?
we just had a city worker come a knocking on our front door and my responce after she left was, she should go down to the local kingdom haul and give lessons.
her knock was so loud, she could raise the dead.
Depending on who I was working with I'd just pretend to knock or pretend I was pressing the doorbell. Pretty awkward if they came to the door to ask why you're standing there though.
Othertimes I would knock as light as possible that only bats could hear it.
I feel like I'm losing my religion/faith
by christina1111 ini'm a baptized jw...been baptized for 8 years...and throughout the years i've been baptized i see "hypocrisy" so to speak in the religion...when you're new and not baptized that's when the jws want to invite you to every gathering they have, they want to appear like they're your best friend...they want to help you out when needed and so forth...however, once you're baptized you go to the elders for help they don't help you....all they do is gather you around the office...have bibles in hand and so forth...they give you articles as well, instead of physically helping you out....but yet when you weren't baptized they would physically help you out and not throw scriptures and articles in your face.
also when you ask for help and so forth with the bros/sisters they want to throw the "each one must carry his/her own load" scripture at you.....but yet what happened to the scripture of taking care of widows and people who are orphans?.
it's not just one congregation...throughout the 8 years i've been baptized i've been through many kingdom halls...many towns...many states...when i was inactive for awhile i even pretended to not be baptized and just play dumb when the witnesses came to my door...they're much nicer to you when you're not baptized then when you are baptized...why is that?.
Welcome Christina. I was exactly where you are now, 9 months ago. You're smart, you're seeing the reality of this "religion". And i congratulate you on the fact that you're being honest to yourself and not keeping it in and for visiting this site.
There are many on here that will support you as they have me. JW's are nice to non believers, they want to portray the religion as the best thing on the earth when in fact they're far from truly happy and at least half of my old congregation were on medication for depression and/or mental health issues. Take a look at this site that tells you how to spot a dangerous cult, it's not even directed at witnesses, but they tick every box.