I think what i've learned the most is that although JW's DO have a sort of unity around the world, it's based on fear and it's conditional. I used to visit KH's in other countries and speak to cart witnesses in other countries and it genuinely was nice to meet them. But thats only because JW's are really a minority and it was nice to meet someone who is in the same boat as us. The unity isnt anything special, the Mormons have the same thing. Probably better than the JW's in fact.
Also i learned how unloving JW's can be when you decide to leave. Accusations, gossip, lies, not forgetting the shunning, the Facebook stalking by friends of friends, the random text messages from unknown numbers telling me to RETURN TO JEHOVAH, TIME IS RUNNING OUT! - from people who love me?
It's made me a more honest person. And more compassionate and nonjudgmental. I apologized to a few people after of left, one of whom is a very good friend of mine who is gay. I apologized for bible-bashing him about Sodom and Gomorrah (im so ashamed i did that on a regular basis), about armageddon, about homosexuality being learned rather than a natural occurrence. I asked him why was he still friends with me despite all of this? He answer was "i just thought you were a bit mad, but you're a good person and sincere". That's from a "worldly" person.
It's not easy, but im now out to live "The Best Life Ever".