local hall has now got a buyer--i understand. ( asking price £500.000.
It begs the question, what does one do with a KH they just bought? It'd make a crap house. Offices maybe?
this can only be a good sign.. my old congregation in liverpool has had a lot of money in it's bank account for years.
for a long, long time (almost 8 years) they've been looking for land to build a new hall.
the one they're in now is literally falling to bits.
local hall has now got a buyer--i understand. ( asking price £500.000.
It begs the question, what does one do with a KH they just bought? It'd make a crap house. Offices maybe?
this can only be a good sign.. my old congregation in liverpool has had a lot of money in it's bank account for years.
for a long, long time (almost 8 years) they've been looking for land to build a new hall.
the one they're in now is literally falling to bits.
Of course it is not just the £200k gone, it is the proceeds of the sale of 2 more Kingdom Halls, as well.
Oh yeah, i never thought of that. Maybe His Royal Highness Anthony Morris III needs another condo up in Walkill to fit his big fat head in.
this can only be a good sign.. my old congregation in liverpool has had a lot of money in it's bank account for years.
for a long, long time (almost 8 years) they've been looking for land to build a new hall.
the one they're in now is literally falling to bits.
This can only be a good sign.
My old congregation in Liverpool has had A LOT of money in it's bank account for years. For a long, long time (almost 8 years) they've been looking for land to build a new hall. The one they're in now is literally falling to bits. Dripping roof, no baby changing room, stained carpets, retro sound system etc. There's a lot of wealthy old people who are dying at a steady rate so although the £££ was flowing for a while it's now drying up. Anyway, when i was still "in" we were all told we have the money to build a hall right now but we just cant find land (they used this on the platform as as proof that Satan's world was attacking our efforts).
I heard this morning that they've sent all that money to Bethel (except about £5,000 +/- they're allowed to keep) and they've been told they're going to be merging with, not one, but TWO, other Kingdom Halls. The congregation is confused and the wealthy members are livid. The other two congregations are quite poor. One has had a new hall built about 3 years ago so they're all going to use that.
Hey presto!, Jehovah provided you with a new hall just like you asked for didn't he?.
Cant get a definite figure on how much was in their bank, but the former account servant who left 2 years ago told me that when he was there it was over £200,000. About 5 old people signed over their will to the KH in the 2000s. Now all that money is at Bethel.
Dont blame them for being upset over this, i'd be seething!!
i often wonder if the current crop of witnesses, especially the youth and younger ones simply don't care about facts?.
i mean for some, even with knowledge of the past scandals, misleading teachings, mistruths, etc etc, they simply don't care.
"it is the truth after all".. they are so intertwined in the operations and activities of the society, that they cant see anything outside of it.
It's scary how much it's changed. Independent study was the sign of a zealot when i was a kid. Now they've actually a sin as "causing divisions".
i'm a new member so wanted to say 'hi'.
i live in the u.k, was born in, fell away as an unbaptised publisher, got baptised in my 30s for reasons i'm retrospectively unsure of, and lost my faith about five years ago around the time of the original a.r.c.
now, being unable to leave is making me physically, emotionally and mentally ill.. i have been visiting this forum for a couple of years and wanted to post my first message to see if anyone has attended, heard or watched the zone visit broadcast thing happening this month?
Welcome to the forum. If needs must I could go to the KH if it's being broadcast and secretly film it. Wifi bandit usually has leaked stuff perhaps he can help.
good news people.
my older brother has abruptly stopped his bible study with the witnesses.
he was part-time shunning me during his study and his behavior was beginning to change into cult mode but he was thankfully woken up.
I think the society is starting to feel the strain. My sister told him it's not fair that her friends still talk to their faded family members yet she has to shun me just because im officially announced as no longer a JW.
Let's hope there's a mutiny.
Link to "we dont shun" article here:
good news people.
my older brother has abruptly stopped his bible study with the witnesses.
he was part-time shunning me during his study and his behavior was beginning to change into cult mode but he was thankfully woken up.
Good news people. My older brother has abruptly stopped his bible study with the witnesses. He was part-time shunning me during his study and his behavior was beginning to change into cult mode but he was thankfully woken up. Wanna know how? One - little - seed - that i planted about 2 months ago the last time he spoke to me. He was very preachy to me about armageddon being so close and how i should return to Jehovah, so i asked him "how does someone leave?". He said they could just go. I reminded him that leaving voluntarily also results in shunning. He said people can just stop going and they're not shunned. I asked him to ask his study conductor.
So two months later (today) he tells me that his study conductor told him they DONT shun people who leave voluntarily. He was even shown a Questions From Readers article backing up their claim (https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/shunning/). He then asked my sister (an uber-dub). She also confirmed that people can just leave if they want to, with no reprisals.
THEN... he see's this video on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYASqqlLBP4
The announcement in the last RC to shun those who've managed to fade. He went back to his study conductor and asked about it. He asked HOW does someone leave once they've joined. He got the truth eventually... essentially, you cant.
So that was that. He felt lied to and want nothing to do with them. He last line hit the nail on the head "if they were lying to me about that, how can i trust anything they say?"
i was raised in the religion and for the most part believed that my religion was truth.
i recognized some mistakes were occasionally made but felt that nobody is perfect.
then i smartened up and realized how dumb so many of the beliefs are....was there ever a time that you truly believed you had the "truth"?.
I was a true believer, but at the same time i believed there is more to it than what we read. As a child in school i can still remember feeling so close to Jehovah. As if he was my best friend. I'd talk to him in my head and pray all the time (i sound quite mad dont i?). And there were times i thought Jehovah had indeed answered my prayers. But then, i was also convinced that i'd never leave school because armageddon was just around the corner.
I remember 1995 and some in my congregation saying this will surely be the last Dec 25th the world will ever see because, how much worse could the world get?
It wasn't until i was about 22yo that i started to realize that what i believed was not entirely what the rest of the JW's believed. I didn't agree with shunning those who leave voluntarily and want to be left alone. I didn't know we were supposed to shun those who leave formally. I didn't understand the ransom. I still dont in fact. If Jesus died for our sins then all we have to do is be sorry and it's glossed over? But then why confess to elders? They're imperfect and God and I know the full story. Then there were the stupid stories of Jehovah providing a Circuit Overseer with a kitchen renovation while that very same day two airplanes crashed into the world trade center. Stuff like that makes you step back and think.
i left school at 16, because i was studying and getting the best " university education" in the world.
how did the theocratic ministry school benefit you?.
TMS may or may not have helped other than giving me opportunities to prove to myself I had the skill set for public speaking.
Same here. The TMS didn't actually teach me anything, it just put me on the platform and gave me the opportunity to speak publicly. I really enjoyed it to be honest but i never listened to the feedback, just nodded along and critiqued myself.