"As a Christian, it is not my place to hate anyone, but that doesn't mean I have to accept other people's lifestyle choices.
Choices? Like he chose to have white skin? Like he chose to me male? Like he chose to have brown eyes?
"I am not being orchestrated at all by the Jehovah's Witnesses. I am one of them by choice, by free will and I hold that belief."
No, of course you're not. Invite him and his new husband to stay over for the weekend and see what happens.
She said her son "would like our relationship to be like it was".
"We had a very close relationship. I am sure he is missing it. But it can't be that way with his current choices," she said.
So it is her that's doing the shunning. His current choices to feel attracted to males. Just like he chose to have her as a mother.
Horrible excuse for a mother. This cult truly is toxic.