What follows below is a Facebook Messenger conversation with my sister last night. I was surprised she messaged me. I think it's because the cart witnesses i spoke to in my previous post in her KH must have mentioned that they met me.
I screen shot the messages but they've come out all wonky so please bare with me.
Notice how she defends the cult even over the blatant wrong doings i refer to.

A bit of background: Sarah is a girl that was raised in "the truth", was never baptised and has had multiple affairs from her husband. My sister still considers her one of her best friends because she's known her from childhood.
Andrew was an elder who left the org after researching 1914 and is now a happy member of a Christian denomination. He does lots for charity and even volunteers counseling for suicidal people. (Yet JW's consider him worthy of shunning). His siblings were never baptized and live normal "worldly" lives and are still invited to witness parties and weddings.
My uncle Mark was a JW who successfully faded. They still talk to him but are wary of him.
Charlie and Betty: Charlie was an elder in our old KH who was physically abusing his wife for 20 years. She went to the elders and was accused of being a liar (there were no 2 witnesses). My dad saw him beat her and reported him, Charlie denied it. My dad was counseled and told by two elders that "you'll never go higher than a min servant" (he was a min servant at the time).