Isnt it horrible that line line between God and the Org is well and truly blurred?
In JW land if you leave the Org you've left God. Never mind that you may now be a Jews, a Catholic or a Buddhist. You now deserve to be shunned.
loyalty—part of the new personality (s-341a-18-e 5/17).
note to the circuit overseer:.
use this outline for the tuesday service talk from september 2017 through february 2018. you will need to prepare your own 30-minute service talk for use after the watchtower study.
Isnt it horrible that line line between God and the Org is well and truly blurred?
In JW land if you leave the Org you've left God. Never mind that you may now be a Jews, a Catholic or a Buddhist. You now deserve to be shunned.
after being a jw made me lose trust in religion, from the lies, hypocrisy and greed of this organization made me lose faith completely.
what does one do after this mind f$%@, what is there to look forward to?
do i make up my own agnostic theory in head and hope for the best?
Same here.
One bitten, twice shy as they say. Now i demand evidence for anything im going to believe, and even then im never so bold as to say it's 100% accurate.
Living with a logical and reasoning mindset is such a wonderful way to live.
2 for me 1 from my old congro in the 80's and another that was in the same circle of friends.. karter..
KateWild. Although i didnt know it was her until she was "removed" from this forum. We used to be in the the Polish group about 8 years ago.
so, i've been away from any meetings of the jobos for around 5 years.
i'm glad i'm out but the fallout and loss damn near destroyed me.
but, being a stiff upper lip brit, i 'kbo.
You just try and have a theological discussion with them. They wont. They dont want to talk about the bible, god or religion. They just push their website on you.
I tried here:
Times have indeed changed. The old timers from when i was a kid would turn in their graves if they could see this.
an inquiry will be held into the contaminated blood scandal that left at least 2,400 people dead, the prime minister has confirmed.. it will establish the causes of the "appalling injustice" that took place in the 1970s and 1980s.
nhs patients were given blood products that were infected with diseases, such as hepatitis c and hiv.. families of those who died will be consulted about what form the inquiry should take.. it could be a public hillsborough-style inquiry or a judge-led statutory inquiry, prime minister theresa may confirmed.. the prime minister's spokesman said: "it is a tragedy that has caused immeasurable hardship and pain for all those affected and a full inquiry to establish the truth of what happened is the right course of action to take.. "it is going to be a wide-ranging inquiry.".
...she even went as far as saying she was going to record it.
...why would she want to record it? Does she get satisfaction from hearing that thousands of people have died from contamination?
very well put together!.
I'll watch this later.
On a side note, when Stephen Lett went all thin i was hoping he was dying. Unfortunately he seems to have fattened up again. Oh well, there's always next year.
this is my first post and i'm feeling like i'm doing something bad big time!
i know on my mind it isn't, but the feelings are less manageable.. well, since i'm still a jw it's better not to give too much info, but i'm from brazil.. i've grown-up in the religion and practicly all my family, my closest friends and my girlfriend are loyal jws.
i used to be a regular pioneer but i still have a service privilege on my congregation.. i've had questions about the teachings of the wt since i was 10, but naturally i always pushed it away as it were "questioning the holy organization".. i started a friendship with some people in a course i took and we talked about a lot of subjects.
I was struck by what you said about sometimes having to be dishonest when talking to people about the Witness religion. You felt you had to lie a little so that it would be seen in a better light.
I remember doing this myself and I never felt good about it. If most Witnesses are honest with themselves they will admit they are dishonest as well when defending the religion to non-JWs.
Same here. I was a loyal defender of the JWs but I also had to resort to lying to protect the image.
I congratulate you on your honesty and search for truth. If more JWs were like you I'd have a lot more respect for the org.
a cross-dressing jehovah’s witness raped and molested a girl while making her wear adult women’s clothes.. david fuge, 69, wore dresses and silky underwear when he repeatedly abused his blindfolded victim from the age of eight to 19.. .
liverpool crown court heard he gagged her and on one occasion tied a belt around her neck and left her hanging from a hook in a room.. he photographed the child naked, made her read pornographic magazines, beat her with a piece of wood and abused her at a golf course.. .
List of elders for the Wallasey South congregation.
This offender was not one of them.
Sorry, i should have clarified, i wasnt suggesting this guy is/was an elder.
The couple who moved to that congregation were Dave Guy and his wife. Dave Guy is an elder on that list. This is why i asked my ex about it because she's sort-of friends with Mrs Guy. (You know how elders wives are, gossip queens but also in a clique of fellow elders wives and sycophants). My ex used to be in that clique because her dad is an elder.
an inquiry will be held into the contaminated blood scandal that left at least 2,400 people dead, the prime minister has confirmed.. it will establish the causes of the "appalling injustice" that took place in the 1970s and 1980s.
nhs patients were given blood products that were infected with diseases, such as hepatitis c and hiv.. families of those who died will be consulted about what form the inquiry should take.. it could be a public hillsborough-style inquiry or a judge-led statutory inquiry, prime minister theresa may confirmed.. the prime minister's spokesman said: "it is a tragedy that has caused immeasurable hardship and pain for all those affected and a full inquiry to establish the truth of what happened is the right course of action to take.. "it is going to be a wide-ranging inquiry.".
That BBC report says the diseases were transmitted when patients accepted the blood clotting fraction "Factor VIII":
BBC: They needed regular treatment with a clotting agent Factor VIII, which is made from donated blood.JW's can't claim they were protected from this danger because it is a blood fraction, not one of the four banned components.
*** w00 6/15 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***
So if a JW tells you they were protected in this case by their blood policy, please tell them they were not.
For example, clotting factor VIII has been given to hemophiliacs, who bleed easily. Or if someone is exposed to certain diseases, doctors might prescribe injections of gamma globulin, extracted from the blood plasma of people who already had immunity.... Should Christians accept these fractions in medical treatment? We cannot say. The Bible does not give details, so a Christian must make his own conscientious decision before God.
Well spotted Splash!
an inquiry will be held into the contaminated blood scandal that left at least 2,400 people dead, the prime minister has confirmed.. it will establish the causes of the "appalling injustice" that took place in the 1970s and 1980s.
nhs patients were given blood products that were infected with diseases, such as hepatitis c and hiv.. families of those who died will be consulted about what form the inquiry should take.. it could be a public hillsborough-style inquiry or a judge-led statutory inquiry, prime minister theresa may confirmed.. the prime minister's spokesman said: "it is a tragedy that has caused immeasurable hardship and pain for all those affected and a full inquiry to establish the truth of what happened is the right course of action to take.. "it is going to be a wide-ranging inquiry.".
An inquiry will be held into the contaminated blood scandal that left at least 2,400 people dead, the prime minister has confirmed.
It will establish the causes of the "appalling injustice" that took place in the 1970s and 1980s.
NHS patients were given blood products that were infected with diseases, such as hepatitis C and HIV.
Families of those who died will be consulted about what form the inquiry should take.
It could be a public Hillsborough-style inquiry or a judge-led statutory inquiry, Prime Minister Theresa May confirmed.
The prime minister's spokesman said: "It is a tragedy that has caused immeasurable hardship and pain for all those affected and a full inquiry to establish the truth of what happened is the right course of action to take.
"It is going to be a wide-ranging inquiry."
The spokesman said the decision to hold an investigation had been prompted by new evidence.
How long until this is mentioned on the platform? Ah we were right, "scientists" were wrong.
But they wont mention the many lives blood has saved.