Use the JW. org logo on advertising and they lose their shit.
But they're ok with hijaking a world famous Japanese computer game.
spotted this on twitter (link) .
apparently someone set up arcade versions of jw video games for the international delegates visiting madrid.
Use the JW. org logo on advertising and they lose their shit.
But they're ok with hijaking a world famous Japanese computer game.
dear friends.
i didn't post for a while, but i still enjoy the great jwn community.. just wanted to share a "gem" from the november 2019 study watchtower.. paragraph 8 from the article "are you maintaining your large shield of faith?".
satan, “the father of the lie,” uses those under his control to spread lies about jehovah and about our brothers and sisters.
They will try to turn us against one another.
Who was it again that turned my family against another through shunning?
okay i'll admit that what i'm about to ask is a little silly.
this is the kind of stuff that crosses over into tinfoil hat territory, but you can't help but notice it.. did anyone else see gary breaux in this month's broadcast doing that weird "hand diamond" thing over his bible?
he was also wearing a pinky ring.
Cumon guys, do you really think if they were in some secret club they'd leave clues so blatant as pinky rings?
okay i'll admit that what i'm about to ask is a little silly.
this is the kind of stuff that crosses over into tinfoil hat territory, but you can't help but notice it.. did anyone else see gary breaux in this month's broadcast doing that weird "hand diamond" thing over his bible?
he was also wearing a pinky ring.
What's the big deal about Masons anyway? I'd join the Masons if it wernt for the fact that I dont have a belief in any higher power or "grand architect".
reports from the locals who attending the recent "love never fails" convention reported little-to-no references to the more brutal jw doctrines, i.e.
no mentions of the blood ban, no mothers refusing to take phone calls from her estranged daughter, no bunkers, etc.... just lots of "warm and fuzzy" videos featuring loads of hugging and tears at places across the globe.
are they getting soft?
It it doesn't splinter off into another cult it'll dwindle into just another happy-clappy, hand waving in the air while singing songs, televangelist cult.
Or they'll dish out the kool-aid.
I'm hoping it's the second option.
i’ve always heard this line used by many witnesses.
but when i asked what organization was he using previously i can never get a response until recently.
i was told about a group called “the way”.
I read (or assumed) that the first century Christians were known as “The Way” as well.
i was also told by one of those deep study elder types that William Tyndall and Martin Luther were “surely” used be Jehovah.
Why Jehovah managed to fail so much with his own book that it required mortal men to fix his mess is never mentioned.
is it my imagination or are most witnesses weird, odd, and “different “?
it seems every congregation has a couple of weirdo elders, pioneers and ministerial servants.
and then you see those witnesses who attend meetings but most people seldom associate with them because... they are eccentric..
I think it's a mixture of wieros joining the religion and the religion creating wierdos from the lonely/attention seeking type. I used to say even when I was in that "this religion attracts nutters." And it does. The idea of living in a vegitarian socialist utopia where we'll all wear 70s slacks and walk about petting lions and get to spend an eternity passing fruit to eachother in national dress and live in a treehouse.
There's seems to be at least one crazy in every congregation. In my last one it was a toothless old crone who used to bring a babies pram with black bin bags full of... "something"... we never did learn what it was.
the members have no idea what qualifies someone has to be a member of the governing body.
members know absolutely nothing about new members of the governing body who are appointed.
kenneth cook was the last appointed governing body member in 2018..
Questions From Readers
● Does the Watch Tower Society accept challenges to debate publicly the Scripturalness of various religious teachings?—J. P., United States.
Crowds are not always reasonable. They are swayed by bombastic oratory and showy eloquence aimed at the emotions rather than the mind. In a debate as much error as truth is presented, and by playing upon emotions and personal prejudices the final conclusions of many hearers may often favor the error.
Oh the irony!
the wife and i were expecting a health worker to call at our door 10:30 this morning and about 10;35 two women appeared at our door so i opened up thinking they were who i expected ,so i was take back a bit being caught off guard when they identified themselves as doing a bible work.. this is just the gist of what took place & not a word for word conversation.. a woman about in her fifties her companion about her twenties.the older woman did most of the talking as she read to me the scripture from her phone " in the last days critical times hard to deal with...etc.etc.and she went back and emphasised that we were living in the last days because of what that scripture said.. i made the comment that the scripture just about sums up human history in any given time.then i went on to say that this day and age is the best time in human history overall given the advances in technology ,medical procedures ,the overall standard of living being higher and so on .but they insisted on we were living in the last days.then i said different religions have been claiming that for the past couple hundred years.. then to throw them a curve ball i asked if they were mormons ?
oh no we are jehovah`s witnesses.had i been prepared for them and not caught out unawares i would have taken a different tact.i then asked the older woman how long she has been a witness and she said 36 years so i then said to her you must have seen a lot of changes in your religion during that time which she agreed with.
( the light gets brighter).
We used to get cautioned about using our phones during meetings and assemblies and we were to always look attentive, now you need to be on your phone to pay attention.
In my waking up phase I used to be on JWFacts during the meeting. A few times I was even reading a PDF of Crises Of Conscience.
Nobody was any the wiser.
has anyone ever been to a jehovah witness social event and you are having a good time till a couple idiots show up and have to twist everything back to the society.
how many pioneers in your cong?.
do you hear about russia?
Remember in your teens and you'd go a witness party and you'd find their parents sitting in the living room? And you'd think "Ugh.. this is gonna be one of those parties."
I like that in the mags they always show JW "parties" of some guy with a guitar and them all sitting there with their songbooks singing kingdom songs. Always a jug of orange juice on the table and the sisters running around providing food.
I think this is what the GB think it's actually like. And the JWs probably think they're supposed to be doing that.
And who remembers the guilt trip they pulled on us in the Young People Ask book?
It's like a Bethel party!