I used to feel comfortated that Gods true organisation never asked me for money and no collections were ever taken. That all changed when, about a year or two ago, we were shown a video of a construction project here in the UK that required more donations to complete. After the talk the elder told the servants to pass each member a slip of paper with something like HOW MUCH CAN YOU GIVE? written on it. And you were supposed to hand this to your group elder once you completed it. It was suggested that everyone give about £20 each.
Any other UK members remember this?
It was the seed that grew to my awakening. I started questioning a lot of things from then on. C.T.Russell always said "We never beg, or petition for money. Yet the money finds up because it's the Lords work. If the money ever stopped, we'd take that as Gods indication that the work no longer has Gods backing".
All's i can say to that is... "no shit."