Makes you wonder, if the reason we used to count hours was purely for statistical reasons why did we have to put our names on it?
I even had one elder screw up my report and toss it on the floor in front of me because it was less than usual.
i got thinking ,which at times can seem erratic , it's the publisher cards that should of rung the loudest bell !
i still can't believe i fell for believing early christianity had some writing reports to the apostles.
wt legalisms are their foundation of the church..
Makes you wonder, if the reason we used to count hours was purely for statistical reasons why did we have to put our names on it?
I even had one elder screw up my report and toss it on the floor in front of me because it was less than usual.
at the moment i dont beleive in anything.
im pretty much an open book, but my critical mind is very alert to bullshit.
but anyway i decided to re-read the bible with a non jw filter.. i researched online first which is supposed to be the best translation out there.
This Jehovah sounds like a right bastard.
In that case I say fuck him.
at the moment i dont beleive in anything.
im pretty much an open book, but my critical mind is very alert to bullshit.
but anyway i decided to re-read the bible with a non jw filter.. i researched online first which is supposed to be the best translation out there.
At the moment i dont beleive in anything. Im pretty much an open book, but my critical mind is very alert to bullshit. But anyway i decided to re-read the bible with a non JW filter.
I researched online first which is supposed to be the best translation out there. According to the vast majority of scholars the NRSV is supposed to be the best. I actually have a quite a collection Bible translations anyway and it was in there.
So i opened it at a random book, 1 Corinthians. I started reading and batted away all of the JW indoctrination which whispered "he means only the anointed in this verse" or "he means every non JW in this verse" or "he means you in this verse" etc.
I must say i came away with a completely different understanding. It was like a new book. Even though I've read 1 Corinthians many times before.
When it got to the part about "purge the evil one from among you" i did get a pang of "does he mean disfellowshipping?". Im going to research that further.
Im not going to jump back into Christianity or anything but i must say reading it and going with what it actually says rather than what the WT says it says was rather refreshing.
this site is great, i have been lurking for a while now.
but i can’t get reinstated and have used some of the advice already given.. i was df’d many months ago and go to all the meetings and do all the preparation for the meetings, but the jc committee keep refusing me.
tomorrow at the clam meeting i am puting yet another letter in and will be called for another dreadful jc meeting.. 1. what can i say to the elders to show that i am truly repentant?.
Hi Betty
I understand where you're coming from as im going through the same thing.
For a while i went to all the meetings and studied like hell. But in those meetings, as a person being shunned you see how unloving and just plain wierd the whole thing is. These are people who are going out of their way to NOT talk to you and NOT even look at you.
If in doubt of any Christian idea, look to Jesus as an example. Because, after all, he is the model for all of us to follow. Ask yourself: who did Jesus shun? The story of the good Samaritan is a great example of how we should treat people who dont believe what we believe. Shunning is the exact opposite of that story.
Also, if Jesus chose the WT society in 1919 - why did they introduce shunning much later in the 1950s? If it's biblical it would have existed since the first inception of the WT society. In fact, the old WT magazines called shunning "a weapon" used by apostate Christianity.
The bottom line is the love you have for your family is being used as a tool to get you to submit. That's what cults do. That's not what Jesus or the true God would stoop to. Nor ever has in the bible.
There is no holy spirit involved in that JC. Period. If it were, why is there an option to appeal? And why have some appeals resulted in an overturning of the original decision? How have some apostates managed to be reinstated?
What you're feeling is understandable. But understand also that your family are still in "prison" and you're not.
how long will it take for a jw to see that even the overlapping generation is wrong?.
the org waited and waited to see if their interpretation of it came true.
those alive in 1914 would still be alive obviously it didn't and jws have to believe in an overlapping generation.
Whenever Witnesses break character and talk to me (a disfellowshipped one) about returning to Jehovah my answer is always the same:
The truth is always the truth. It doesn't change. Understanding, sure, that can get clearer. But if you look at what you believe now to what witnesses believed from the start of the last century - it's a completely different religion.
Worshiping Jesus, using Pyramids to work out Armageddons date, Beth Sarim, prophets resurrected in 1925, the cross on the Watchtower magazines, Russell being Gods mouthpiece, Rutherford being Gods mouthpiece - these aren't "clearer understandings" are they?
And their reply is always the same... "we never believed that, that's apostates lying to you!"
do you remember that my dad passed away last year and i was going back to the witnesses after 26 years?
i got reinstated after going there for 9 months.
in the 5 months since then i felt the men in the congregation didn't want me there.
Sorry to hear of your troubles OP. I, like you, was grilled for two hours on my beliefs before the judicial had officially even started!
But take comfort in that now you can be free and determined to live your life the way YOU want to. Be a strong, confident, loving person - you don't need a religion for that and you certainly don't need elders.
it is a pain that certain individuals pride themselves on hating god, who created everything.
like it's understandable that you choose to not believe in him because of your selfishness or thinking skills but to hate him is forcing it a bit.
i'm very thankful that those such as myself have the courage to believe in the lord.
Looter, I've said a prayer to Thor for you and slaughtered some virgins to convince Him to intercede and help you. Thor will draw you to Him and you'll know the only true God - Thor.
In the meantime I'd like to offer you some free advice. Ignore it if you wish but here goes: next time you take a look at the world and notice the death, famine, rape, murders, disabilities, still born children, kids with cancer, AIDS epidemics, domestic violence... ask yourself what YOU would do if you had the power your god has. Would you just let it happen just to prove a point to "the angels watching when the devil made his claim"? It's all very well saying its a test of our faith, but while this test is in motion many many people have died some very horrific deaths FOR NO REASON.
God can kiss my ass.
Except Thor. Thor rules all.
it is a pain that certain individuals pride themselves on hating god, who created everything.
like it's understandable that you choose to not believe in him because of your selfishness or thinking skills but to hate him is forcing it a bit.
i'm very thankful that those such as myself have the courage to believe in the lord.
Funny, i was thinking of this today:
Thor. I will from now on beleive in and worship Thor.
He is the "mightiest" of all gods and sits in the Temple at Uppsala in the center of a triple throne (flanked by Woden and "Fricco") in Gamla Uppsala, Sweden. Thor rules the sky. He governs thunder and lightning, winds and storms, fine weather and fertility carries a hammer. The priests of Thor should offer up sacrifices especially when sickness or bad fortune occurs. Anyone who disagrees is obviously in false religion and is to be immediately lynched and burned/drowned/buried alive like what us Thor worshipers did to the English preacher, Wulfred in the 9th century.
Sound crazy? No more crazy than this "LORD" you're praying to. And mine must be true because i have a book that says everything in this book is true. So there. What more proof do you need?
Thank Thor!
so i stumbled across this the other day, please excuse me if it has already been posted.
don't know what you think but i found this idiotic, casting stereotypes and dangerous.
so the scenario goes something like this, young brother finds himself in the company of a young lady at a bar.
Two things here:
1. Terrible acting from "the brother", why does his remorseful face look exactly like his "come face"?
2. Shouldn't ALL videos and books be freely available to every congregation member? There's no hierarchy
a few years ago while traveling in the northeast, my wife and i stopped in new haven, connecticut, at a b&b we'd reserved for the night.
no sooner had we unpacked and moved into the living room for tea and treats, our hosts began to talk about religion, and we learned they were jehovah's witnesses.
i didn't mind so much, but my wife was outraged that our hosts would use their place of business as a launching point to do missionary work.
I would have said "oh yeah i used to be a Jehovah's Witness. Im an apostate now". That would be the end of that conversation im sure.
Personally, i cant wait for my first JW door knocker or street dealer. I have a pletherer of topics to bring up.