JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
Marking Talks are back!?!?! - New Name!
by thedepressedsoul inwhen i was younger i used to hear about "marking talks" given in the past.
i believe they stopped in the 80's or 90's.
basically, if someone wasn't baptized or doing something unrepentant, they would get a "marking talk" and be treated the same as a df person.
Haven't heard a marking talk in years. Best one was about 6 years ago on "sexting". At the time the only teenager in the congregation was me... and i hadn't been doing any sexting. So i wonder which of the older ones where doing that? -
Nov '16 Study Edition Watchtower - OBEY, scum!
by punkofnice insorry about the quality, but if you knew the tech i was using you'd be happified............. .
"...persists in a course that reflects badly on the congregation, such as dating an unbeliever."
Even though i was born and raised a JW and only left 7 months ago i nearly choked when i read that. It's so trivial and stupid. Just shows how far I've come from dismantling the indoctrination.
"Your loving concern and firm stand may move the person to abandon a disorderly course."
Yeah, poke your nose in where it wasn't asked and then act like a toddler by ignoring the person until he dumps the person he/she has feelings for just because you dont agree with it.
YB17 Promotes Child Baptism
by konceptual99 inaside from the statistics inthe new yb there are also a couple of cases of it promoting child baptism.. in the section about the young remembering their grand creator in georiga you will find this....
in support of parental training, elders try to involve young ones in congregation activities as early as possible.
nestori, who was baptized when he was 11 years old, states: “the elders gave me various small assignments from a very early age.
I remember when i was 10 and being told that one of our elders was baptized when he was 9. I was shocked. Then the rest of the book study group chirped in throwing excuses about "it's not common, that doesn't happen very often, he must have known the truth etc etc". They clearly knew it was wrong and were trying to defend it.
There's no way i'd be ok with my child getting baptized at 8, even if i was still a JW.
Numbers don't lie... and these numbers are beautiful!!
by ILoveTTATT2 inthe numbers don't lie... definitely slowing down!!.
in the 40´s the average growth per year was 20%in the 50´s it was about 10%they had four decades of solid 5% per yearnow the average for the past 16 years has been 2%.
maybe in the future it will be 1% or 0 or even negative????.
Dont forget dub , they also quote the scripture " the love of the greater number will cool off" Matt.24:12.
JW`s speak out of both sides of their mouth.
I was just about to say this. Lets see if we can get one of them to say it.
You cant polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.
Just a dumb question. A minor was df in our cong 15 yrs old
by poopie inthe question is can her mother and father who are witnesses greet her in the morning only or would they be a sharer in her wicked deeds and thus also be df for saying a greeting?.
There was an elder in my old hall that was removed as an elder because he let his faded son move back in with him.
In the case of the 15yo, she'd be pressured to move out at age 16 and the parents will then bask in the pity and support of the congregation. Then they'll be interviewed at a convention 40 years later as an example of loyalty. Never mind that they have no idea where their child is now or if they're even grandparents yet.
When was the last time someone in your congregation was DF's?????
by James Mixon injust curious.. you folks that is still attending, lets say in the past you see a slow down in the craziness in breaking up families???
Last one DFd was... ME!!
And I'm happily wearing that crown. As for family seeing that it breaks up families, my sister and mother say "were really suffering because of what you've done". So no.
HULU's - The Path
by babygirl30 inthis show is a.m.a.z.i.n.g!!!!.
...anyone that has been in a strict religion.
...anyone that has been in a high control cult or movement/organization.
I'll check it out tonight. Thanks for the heads up.
right after I finish the last 2 episodes of Narcos of course.
Now I'm Convinced There Probably Is No God
by pale.emperor inyesterday i made a visit to the museum in my city.
the top floor is the planetarium, which has a connecting room with a huge dome ceiling where they project lessons and lectures and you have a 360 view of the night sky etc.. this particular lecture explained about our galaxy, and how it's only one of billions in the universe.
and then we learned about each planet, some of their moons and the sun.
I remember my sisters used to call my brother crazy for even hypothesizing that there might be life on other planets. Looking back, theists are using the same reasoning for their faith in a god as UFO-ists (what's the correct term here?) are for aliens surely?
Came out of the museum a happier and more convinced man. Maybe i should start believing in Gandalf.
Now I'm Convinced There Probably Is No God
by pale.emperor inyesterday i made a visit to the museum in my city.
the top floor is the planetarium, which has a connecting room with a huge dome ceiling where they project lessons and lectures and you have a 360 view of the night sky etc.. this particular lecture explained about our galaxy, and how it's only one of billions in the universe.
and then we learned about each planet, some of their moons and the sun.
Join the gang.
a person is free to believe what they want, it's none of my business.
I just can't believe in a god that won't cure things like bone cancer in children but will watch me to make sure I don't masturbate. Then if I do have one off the wrist, he'll kill me.
The god concept no longer makes sense to me.I know right? Years ago i would look at the stars and the plants etc and say how perfectly designed they are by Jehovah. Now i see that the universe and nature is very brutal and violent - beautiful, yes, but absolutely brutal. Every little insect and animal has or will die in a horrific way. Eaten alive by a predator or hunted and killed for food.
Now I'm Convinced There Probably Is No God
by pale.emperor inyesterday i made a visit to the museum in my city.
the top floor is the planetarium, which has a connecting room with a huge dome ceiling where they project lessons and lectures and you have a 360 view of the night sky etc.. this particular lecture explained about our galaxy, and how it's only one of billions in the universe.
and then we learned about each planet, some of their moons and the sun.
Sounds like the World Museum?
You're correctThanks Saethydd, i'll check them out.