As far as i remember, a JW funeral was more like a recruitment advert for the non-JW's present.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Did you mean your fleshly brother or a JW. Either way, my condolences.
to show respects for the older bro who died.. first thing i noticed.
the noise!..
jw never learn to sit and do so quietly.
As far as i remember, a JW funeral was more like a recruitment advert for the non-JW's present.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Did you mean your fleshly brother or a JW. Either way, my condolences.
You probably don't remember the Portsmouth / Leigh Park witness wife-swapping escapades of the 70's....
I remember hearing about this from an elder. Some elder was recording himself and his wife getting it on with a younger sister. Meanwhile some brothers were watching it on the TV downstairs. Loads of people got DF'd for it.
Liverpool right here.
a month ago i decided to register in this board.
i had decided to step down pioneering but was frightened about the consequences.
i had finished my university degree some months before (despite disaproval from brothers in my congregation) and i had to choose: continue pioneering and working in jobs with no future or starting a career, working full-time.. i was thinking to postpone the decisiton but... i was fed up with preaching.
Well done Skepsis. Those doubts you're having, we ALL had those. And they're there for a reason, you're no longer ignoring or justifying the WT when they appear wrong. Definitely make more friends outside the witnesses, this will be an invaluable help to you.
It's worth noting that every ex-JW story i've read in books have all said they suffered with depression, and that the depression was significantly reduced upon leaving the organization. When i eventually left i went through the stage of post traumatic stress disorder. Thats not uncommon either. You may go through stages of feeling really happy, then sad, then angry, then nothing, then repeat over and over but eventually you become the real you. And it's great.
We look forward to reading more of your posts in the future.
"traumatic as the initial transition may be, it can lead to the development of a truly personal relationship with these two greatest friends [the father and the son] .
.. "whatever sense of 'belonging' that membership in some religious system may create, it can never compare with the power and beauty and strengthening benefit of the intimate personal relationship the scripture presents .
from reading joseph campbell i've come to understand that there are functions to religion or mythology.
After breaking free from bondage to the Watchtower im very skeptical of any religion and from now on demand absolute proof for anything im going to believe. As previous poster has said:
Atheists lack belief because they have never seen any convincing evidence for the existence of God. Agnostics don't care because it's impossible to prove or disprove the existence of God.
We could do this with anything, fairies, goblins, giants, invisible men, body thetans... there's no evidence for me to believe in them so i dont.
in conversation with an old jw friend today, it struck me that most jws have replaced their personal conscience with a collective one.. instead of training their own mental powers to distinguish right from wrong, as the bible encourages, they are content to shift personal accountability away from themselves and onto the impersonal org.
whatever behaviour may prompt an ordinary person to have serious misgivings ( such as ignoring glaring misapplication of scripture or rejecting basic human decency in favour of unchristian shunning ) they prefer to have those decisions made for them.. history teaches us, however, that there is no absolution for people who behave unethically or cruelly by allowing the excuse of 'obeying orders' to override what their inner voice should scream is inherently wrong..
When i was in, it was very common for fellow witnesses (full grown adults) to ask me "are we allowed...?". Rather than using their own minds or their "bible trained conscience" they always asked "are we allowed to have wrapping paper with snowflakes on it?" (some thought it was too christmassy.
"Are we allowed to play this video game?"
"Are we allowed to listen to this band?"
And on, and on.
my youtube channel which has some kingdom hall talks has been getting some very angry and some strange witnesses commenting and defending it.
check out this nutter from
jw: i am a jehovah's witness and the brother gave a very good talk.
Something wrong here.
Talks are not an hour long and there is no song 208
This must be from the old days. Previous songbook perhaps?
my youtube channel which has some kingdom hall talks has been getting some very angry and some strange witnesses commenting and defending it.
check out this nutter from
jw: i am a jehovah's witness and the brother gave a very good talk.
My Youtube channel which has some Kingdom Hall talks has been getting some very angry and some strange witnesses commenting and defending it. Check out this nutter from
JW: I am a Jehovah's witness and the brother gave a very good talk. thanks for posting this. this talk is talking about independent thinking from GOD, a son who loves his father listens out of love and trust but a son who hates his father is disobedient out of hate even when he knows his disobedience leads to his own suffering. the creator Jehovah gave me free will and my own mind to chose, so i can disagree with another human whoever he may be and chose to do something my own way no problem ...this is using your conscience and free will. even Abraham used his thinking and free will when talking to the creator Jehovah about destroying Sodom. why would god give you a mind then expect you to behave like a controlled dog/ this would make your obedience to the creator worthless. your trust in the creator is based on your own experience and obedience based on faith that you know gods way is the right and best way of doing things. the creator does not expect us to be photostats of each other like mindless puppets. so i have freedom in making choices for myself in matters that do not go against god standards. but as respects gods standards I willingly choose to be obedient to the creator because i well know that He knows what is best for me because he created me. BTW it may have appeared to Eve that the serpent was able to speak after it had eaten the fruit so she may have assumed if the dumb snake could talk after eating the fruit i will become a god if i eat the fruit and will not die. consequently she saw the fruit was good to eat because the snake had eaten the fruit. Eve's eyes were opened because that is why they were removed from paradise see Gen 3 v 22. So it appears that God and the spirit creatures have the full range of emotions, good like love and bad like hate, but in humans the bad qualities, we will never control them perfectly so having hate and jelousy in us makes us imperfect, we were not created to have them and this causes us to be imperfect and die according to gods right standards. agreed this system has to be destroyed it is very wicked indeed.
MY REPLY: Hi. But the problem is JW's dont see the difference between what Jehovah
says and what the Governing Body says. Independent thinking from the
Governing Body is not allowed. You know that. I know that (i was a JW 32
years, pioneer).
Yes in the bible God gave humans free will. And the Jehovah's Witness
Governing Body take away your free will. The free will to accept a blood
transfusion. The free will to talk to your family if they're
disfellowshipped. The free will to leave the organization without any
reprisals. The free will for women to wear pants in the Kingdom Hall.
The free will for men to have beards. The free will for any Jehovah's
Witness to get together with friends to study the bible.
QUOTE: “Does ‘the faithful and discreet slave’ [Watchtower organization]
endorse independent groups of Witnesses who meet together to engage in
Scriptural research or debate?—Matt. 24:45,
47. No, it does not. And yet, in various parts of the world, a few
associates of our organization have formed groups to do independent
research on Bible-related subjects. Some have pursued an independent
group study of Biblical Hebrew and Greek so as to analyze the accuracy
of the New World Translation.
…They have also held conferences and produced publications to present
their findings and to supplement what is provided at our Christian
meetings and through our literature. …Thus, ‘the faithful and
discreet slave’ does not endorse any literature, meetings, or Web sites
that are not produced or organized under its oversight… For those who
wish to do extra Bible study and research, we recommend that they
explore Insight on the Scriptures, ‘All Scripture Is Inspired of God and
Beneficial,’ and our other publications….”—Kingdom Ministry, September
2007, p. 3
JW: Well think about it. we are living in Satan's system as sheep among wolves. we have limited insight and so therefor would need high walls to protect would you know if satan or his seed was misleading you? or sent in a wolf in sheep clothing? you would not, even if your intentions were true? you would still fail because of imperfection. until it was maybe too late you would then only see the danger like Eve did. once in the new system we will have more freedom and after we are perfect after 1000 years then even more freedom. these restrictions are for a protection. see them for what they are. not an attack on your liberty and dignity but a loving protection. if we could read peoples hearts and have super human reasoning and were not impaired by our emotions then the high walls would not be necessary. Satan has no mercy or love for us...none. he is a master abuser so if i know my child is living in a pedophile haven at school and i had no option but to leave her in bet she would go to school with rules that may appear as very restrictive even overly protective but that is because i love her and want to protect her. Please understand i grew up in an occult surroundings in Satan's very organisation when i came into the truth had to deal with heavy persecution from the demons even to this day even after knowing the truth for many years...i know my release will only come after their being shut in the abyss. so i need that high wall and appreciate it. more than you will ever know. Babylon the great is more than simply religion it controls the very education system and when it is destroyed then people will realise how deep Satan's deceit and power over ALL humanity really is. o boy are you in for a big big surprise. every thing in this system is a lie. give you an example if the moon was orbiting the earth every 30 days as we are taught in school then after 6 months or 6 earth orbits the moon would be in the same position to earth but opposite the sun so therefor the moon phases should swap over every 6 months. and they do not. you have no idea how bad it is...if you would only open your eyes and look properly you would run back to Jehovah for protection. you have NO idea how bad it really is. we need those high walls.
Spoken like a true cult member. She'd let her child go to school knowing there's a pedophile there?
jws are scattered across the globe.
a few million people left, pretty isolated from each other.. telephone lines and power goes down since the people who supported the infrastructure are dead.
communication across town, state, country, etc is cut off.
Imagine the position they'd be in.
"Anyone know how to jimmy a car?" no, all the criminals are dead.
"Anyone know how to build a shelter?" my dad did but he was anointed so he's up in heaven.
"Ok, lets gather food... oh, there isnt any..."
Wonder how long it'd be before they start eating the bodies like off that film "Alive"?
now that im not longer a jw this verse puzzles me.
being born and raised a witness, this verse confirmed to me that jesus was talking about a paradise on earth.
but now that everything the witnesses taught is 99.99% incorrect can somone explain what he was getting at here?
*** w08 1/15 p. 22 par. 11 Counted Worthy to Receive a Kingdom ***
The Hebrew Scriptures were written in the first place for the fleshly nation of Israel during the time that they had a special relationship with God. The Christian Greek Scriptures were written primarily for “the Israel of God,” those anointed as brothers of Christ and spiritual sons of God. Of course, that in no way suggests that non-Israelites could not derive great benefit from studying the Hebrew Scriptures. Similarly, Christians who are not anointed with holy spirit derive immeasurable benefits from studying and living according to the counsel found in the Christian Greek Scriptures.
Im flabbergasted. I never knew this when i was in. It smacks the whole point of being a Christian in the face. How dare they!!