Even when i was a JW, i knew better than to send a letter to Mr Putin. Cant beleive they're asking them to do this. Remember the last fellow that pissed him off?
jehovah's witnesses mobilize global response to threat of ban in russia.
march 21, 2017. https://www.jw.org/en/news/releases/by-region/russia/jw-mobilize-global-response-to-threat-of-ban/.
new york—threatened with an imminent ban on their worship in russia, jehovah’s witnesses are responding with a direct appeal to kremlin and supreme court officials for relief through a global letter-writing campaign.
Even when i was a JW, i knew better than to send a letter to Mr Putin. Cant beleive they're asking them to do this. Remember the last fellow that pissed him off?
jehovah's witnesses mobilize global response to threat of ban in russia.
march 21, 2017. https://www.jw.org/en/news/releases/by-region/russia/jw-mobilize-global-response-to-threat-of-ban/.
new york—threatened with an imminent ban on their worship in russia, jehovah’s witnesses are responding with a direct appeal to kremlin and supreme court officials for relief through a global letter-writing campaign.
This is like history repeating itself. Remember when Rutherford wrote a letter the Hitler saying that the Bible Students are "pro-German" and "...are fighting for the very same high ethical goals and ideals which also the national government of the German Reich proclaimed..." http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/hitler-nazi.php
This could backfire.
In any case, this will be taken as further "proof" that the end is near and JW's are clearly the one true religion.
it occurred to me this morning while one the train to work that jw's, including my family, use the following weasel phrases to excuse the errors they've made over the years:.
"god uses imperfect men".
"jesus didn't say he'd give perfect spiritual food".
It occurred to me this morning while one the train to work that JW's, including my family, use the following weasel phrases to excuse the errors they've made over the years:
"God uses imperfect men"
"Jesus didn't say he'd give perfect spiritual food"
"The GB are neither inspired, nor infallible"
"There are some who are corrupt but Jehovah will sort out his organization"
Well isn't this true of every religion? As much as i dont like evangelicals shouting in the street about hell and Jesus i dont doubt their sincerity. I also think the pope genuinely believes he's gods representative on earth. Thomas S Monson of the Mormon Church and his 12 apostles are very sincere that they have the one true religion and that god is directing their lives.
The idea that a perfect god would use imperfect men to write a perfect book for imperfect people to follow, which will be revealed in stages and eventually need supplementary magazines to add to it later which are not inspired but still must be followed as if it is - really makes my head spin.
I wonder if any JW's are thinking this too? There must be some. Granted it's taken me 2 months to notice this since the Feb WT article said the GB are uninspired but im not the smartest man haha
i am just curious.. i have a cousin who is a baptist and his church streams their sunday services and i've been checking them out before i go to meeting with my jw wife.. i haven’t been to a church except for the occasional funeral and wedding and the only sermons i had heard were the tel-evangelist type.
anyway, all the church bashing by jws over the years made me unsure what to expect and i was pleasantly surprised.
they do use the bible and they don't spend the whole time begging for money.
I've had it with religion. I spent so long disproving every other one that now the one i genuinely thought was true has turned out to be false as well i have no desire to join another. In fact, even if there is a God and a one true church i want nothing to do with it. As that Auschwitz prisoner once carved into a wall:
"if god exists, he'll need to beg for my forgiveness"
had a great chat with a jw on my door yesterday.
girl 1: .... i dont think you would.
me: ________, and say hi to my uncle ________ for me.. girl 1: i will.
Very odd that they would stay for that long and interact with you once they knew you were DF....
Usually that would be enough to send them running....
When i was a JW i loved a debate. I was sure i could win an arguments with anyone trying to knock "the truth". I assume this was the same thing.
had a great chat with a jw on my door yesterday.
girl 1: .... i dont think you would.
me: ________, and say hi to my uncle ________ for me.. girl 1: i will.
is this true? is it the same for today? I thought they get to count anything they leave anywhere? what about leaving the rags in laundromats? do those 'count' as placing literature?
My uncle, as sincere as he is, is very eager to get those mags into peoples hands. So he posts them through letter boxes of those who are not home. He's been doing it since the 1970s. His report slip shows he places a very high volume of mags but very few return visits. I dont think the elders take him seriously. I know i wouldnt have been able to count them as placements thats for sure.
had a great chat with a jw on my door yesterday.
girl 1: .... i dont think you would.
me: ________, and say hi to my uncle ________ for me.. girl 1: i will.
Brilliant PE! She may look at JWfacts and even if it's to prove you are an apostate there is the chance the reasoning on Paul's site might get through to her.
I hope so. Girl 2 seemed like the militant JW type. Parroted WT buzzwords and thought-stopping answers. The kind that would rat you out to an elder.
Girl 1 i had a lot of respect for, she thought before she answered and was polite and asked for me name. Probably gonna check with elders for my background most likely. If i get an elders visit i'll record the conversation on my phone and upload it.
had a great chat with a jw on my door yesterday.
girl 1: .... i dont think you would.
me: ________, and say hi to my uncle ________ for me.. girl 1: i will.
Interesting that she had her phone turned on out witnessing. Or was it on silent?
Even when i was in it was becoming acceptable to have your phone on. The elder in charge can round them up or ask where they are etc.
had a great chat with a jw on my door yesterday.
girl 1: .... i dont think you would.
me: ________, and say hi to my uncle ________ for me.. girl 1: i will.
Had a great chat with a JW on my door yesterday. Since i left the cult i moved house and my old congregation dont know my address. A pretty girl about my age and her cronie, another pretty girl knocked on my door yesterday in the rain.
I was very pleasant and let them do their introduction "what is God's Kingdom?" then instead of answering the question i said "Hang on, step under the shelter here (my door has a shelter over the front door), why are you out in this terrible weather?"
Girl 1: Ha, we go out in all weather.
Me: Oh i remember when i was a witness i had to go out in the snow, i was working with the C.O. and everybody else had gone home.
Girl 1 and 2 recoiled and their smiles disappeared.
Girl 1: You used to be a witness?
Me: Yes, i was raised one, baptized at 19, pioneer at 23, left about a year ago.
Girl 2: You wernt disfellowshipped were you?
Me: Actually, i disassociated. Then was called to the KH to speak to the elders, which turned out to be a JC where i was actually DF'd, yes.
Awkward silence. Girl 1 puts her literature away. I sense they're about to leave.
Me: I love you people though. It takes a lot to go door to door, especially in inclement weather like this. Which hall do you go to.
Girl 1 and 2: ______ congregation.
Me: Oh, my uncle's in that one. _____ __________
Girl 1: Oh! He's your uncle?
Me: Yes. Is he still placing 80 mags a month?
Girl 1: Yes.
Me: He posts them through the letter box of not-homes though, so it doesnt count.
Girl 2: haha yes, we know.
<this seemed to have calmed them down a bit>
Girl 1: So why did you leave?
Me: erm... it was a number of things. First thing was, i felt it had become overly bureaucratic. So many rules, and it took the joy out of it. Then i read some of the older publications by Rutherford, which are very different to what JW's teach now. And not one single word he ever written is ever mentioned in current publications.
Girl 1: Did you go on apostate sites?
Me: I researched outside JW.org, yes. JWFacts.com is an excellent honest resource. It's written by a former elder and backs up everything with the societies own publications.
Girl 2: My dad had doubts a few years ago. He even stopped going to meetings. He said when he visited apostate sites they were all obvious lies and they're written by bitter people.
Me: Thats not true. If he really did visit apostate sites he cant have been on JWFacts, because the tone of that site, and almost all ex-Witnesses i've met is not one of bitterness. It's one of concern that JW's arnt being told the whole truth.
Girl 1: But surely before becoming a witness you researched didnt you?
Me: You know as well as i do that you're only allowed to research using society approved publications.
Girl 1: Yes because other sites will knock your faith.
Me: Imagine living in 1400s. Everyone believes the world is flat. Someone comes along and says the earth is round and has proof. Wouldnt it be stupid to say "dont look at his evidence, only read books that say the world is flat"? I was in search of truth. That means i have to prove every other idea wrong. That way i'd have no doubt whatsoever that i have the truth. If more evidence comes to light for anything i'll go where the evidence goes.
Girl 1: So do we.
Me: The evidence shows that your governing body has made many many changes since the time we were born.
Girl 2: Yes because the light gets brighter...
Me: But it hasnt has it? It's not clearer, it's a 180 degree turn, or sometimes going back to previously held ideas
Girl 2: Men can make mistakes, it's not their fault. God uses imperfect men.
Me: That's true. But did Moses ever get it wrong? Elijah? The apostles? If these are not inspired nor infallable, then is their opinion worth any more than yours or mine?
Girl 2: Jesus trusts the FDS.
Me: How do you know? In fact, how would you know if you were in a cult?
Girl 1: .... i dont think you would. Unless someone shown you.
Me: That's right. I joined a religion that i sincerely believed was the truth. The truth doesnt change. But this has. In fact, if i told my late father the teachings JW's have now since he was alive he'd call it apostacy. Because the teachings are different. Cult's do this. They have a monopoly on truth and have shunning for those that leave for any reason and demonize the reputation of those that leave... saying things like "they're bitter" or "they tell lies". (i looked at girl 2 when i said this). So see for yourself if they're lies.
Girl 1: What website did you say you researched on?
Me: JWFacts.com if you go on there, read what it has to say and still believe JW's have the truth then that's fine. I just want you both to have the facts presented to you. Because if it isnt the truth then you're wasting your time.
Girl 2's phone rang and a car pulled up at the corner of the street. I think it was their ride.
Me: Well it was nice meeting you both. Call back if you want, im in every Saturday morning with my daughter.
Girl 1: Thanks. What's your name?
Me: ________, and say hi to my uncle ________ for me.
Girl 1: I will. Bye!
does the rank and file or the elders view us as disassociated or disfellowshipped or simply "weak" or possibly a "prodigal son" type?.
@ pale.emperor...
Seriously? He actually said that?
Yep. And the worst part is, he and another elder went on a shepherding call to "encourage him" only the very next day.