I wonder if the GB will acknowledge the Catholic church's support?
in this article on newsweek:.
catholics are concerned about their religion being discriminated as well in russia.
I wonder if the GB will acknowledge the Catholic church's support?
2017 regional convention outlines.
aquí están todos los bosquejos de la asamblea regional 2017 en inglés.
Do they only do video dramas now? No more over the top arm waving and miming to American voices?
what follows below is a facebook messenger conversation with my sister last night.
i was surprised she messaged me.
i think it's because the cart witnesses i spoke to in my previous post in her kh must have mentioned that they met me.. i screen shot the messages but they've come out all wonky so please bare with me.. notice how she defends the cult even over the blatant wrong doings i refer to.. .
Thanks guys.
Scratchme1010 and Awakenednow, you're absolutely right. Our father died about 13 years ago. She clings to the idea of seeing him again in the new system. I understand that and i dont push the issue, i dont want to upset her by saying he's dead and he's not coming back. This is the hold the org has on her. As i said in the texts, if my dad knew what i knew he would have left the org. But then, i dont know if he would have researched as much as i did.
Her husband went through a year of inactivity about 4 years ago. During that time he says he visited apostate sites and came back to "the truth" because "there's nothing out there". I dont know where he went because the two most popular sites (this one and JWFacts) are abound with evidence.
what follows below is a facebook messenger conversation with my sister last night.
i was surprised she messaged me.
i think it's because the cart witnesses i spoke to in my previous post in her kh must have mentioned that they met me.. i screen shot the messages but they've come out all wonky so please bare with me.. notice how she defends the cult even over the blatant wrong doings i refer to.. .
I know right? You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
i genuinely have no plans of tearing her away from Watchtower if it truely makes her happy. It's frustrating that she doesn't respect MY beliefs (or non belief). And my daughter isn't gonna know her own cousins and aunts/uncles. And for what? Me not believing that a god exists? What kind of witness does that give?
what follows below is a facebook messenger conversation with my sister last night.
i was surprised she messaged me.
i think it's because the cart witnesses i spoke to in my previous post in her kh must have mentioned that they met me.. i screen shot the messages but they've come out all wonky so please bare with me.. notice how she defends the cult even over the blatant wrong doings i refer to.. .
What follows below is a Facebook Messenger conversation with my sister last night. I was surprised she messaged me. I think it's because the cart witnesses i spoke to in my previous post in her KH must have mentioned that they met me.
I screen shot the messages but they've come out all wonky so please bare with me.
Notice how she defends the cult even over the blatant wrong doings i refer to.
A bit of background: Sarah is a girl that was raised in "the truth", was never baptised and has had multiple affairs from her husband. My sister still considers her one of her best friends because she's known her from childhood.
Andrew was an elder who left the org after researching 1914 and is now a happy member of a Christian denomination. He does lots for charity and even volunteers counseling for suicidal people. (Yet JW's consider him worthy of shunning). His siblings were never baptized and live normal "worldly" lives and are still invited to witness parties and weddings.
My uncle Mark was a JW who successfully faded. They still talk to him but are wary of him.
Charlie and Betty: Charlie was an elder in our old KH who was physically abusing his wife for 20 years. She went to the elders and was accused of being a liar (there were no 2 witnesses). My dad saw him beat her and reported him, Charlie denied it. My dad was counseled and told by two elders that "you'll never go higher than a min servant" (he was a min servant at the time).
i was wondering if someone could tell me where i might find the example of a young jw standing in front of the class to (boldly) defend creation vs. evolution.. i would like to contrast it with the example from the "bible teach" book about the student challenging the teacher,.
i believe there was an illustration of a young boy standing up in the classroom for his "beliefs".. thanks..
The funny thing is, Watchtower are guilty of this themselves.
When a JW questions "new light" or refuse to accept a new teaching they get DF'd.
Much like a teacher dismissing a pupil from class without offering the student the chance to test the idea.
i heard this on the youtube channel - bad jw round table discussions and i normally don't give much thought to rumours, i did find this one interesting.one of the guys on the channel said that there are plans that 'the other sheep' will be told not to attend any future memorials.he was asked how credible was this and he said that it is talk going around by those in the know, just like there had been those that knew about the fairly recent new edition of the bible being in production.even if this is probably just a rumour, the idea has a lot of merit.
the benefits for the organization outweigh the negatives and would fit in with their current direction.here are some of the benefits, for the org.
that could come from it- the biggest benefit would come from not having to accommodate so many attendants, which are more than double a normal meeting.
The memorial is a big recruitment drive for them (second only to funerals). There's no way they'd abandon them.
my wife's mother has alzheimer.
it is progressing to the point that she is writing things like she wishes she was dead and does not want to live.
if you know my mil you would know this is not her at all.
Sad isnt it? Even more when you can see it coming and you try to warn them and they take no notice. You did all you could, but i agree, dont go throwing your money at them.
as the title says, i spoke to two sisters at a witnessing cart today.
i didnt approach them, as circumstances would have it i was out in liverpool city center with my 3yo and she was carrying a teddy and a balloon.
she caught the balloon on something sharp and it popped and so she started crying.
Perhaps the local congregation located where you met them, was abolished and the members reassigned to various surrounding congregations.
Maybe the Golbourne congregation territory now includes that area of Liverpool as well as Preston.
Not so. We're talking 20-40miles away. There's lots and lots of congregations in Liverpool.
the congregation i attend had it's watchtower study on thursday night because of l.d.c work this week-end, and another congregation i have some not very spiritual friends in had their watchtower study on wednesday.
from what i have delicately prised out of people, the congregations loved the watchtower study this week, saying it was so encouraging and all the usual stuff, with no-one seeming to realise the g.b.
said they're not inspired, so the spirit int he past has moved them to teach wrong things, and all the other ideas excellently summed up on reddit.. today's watchtower will wash over the heads of most j.w's like it never even happened, the all remaining as loyal as ever, and it makes me so, so sad..
The was a photo today of the 1950's board of directors. What was the source of the photo and who were they?
I remember a recurring theme in Ray Franz's book Crises Of Conscience. What you're looking at in that picture IS NOT a governing body of any sort in the 1950s. Knorr was President (Pope) and could over-ride anybody... except Knorr was some sort of puppet for Fred Franz (he was practically worshiped by the high ranking bethelites).
Here he is. Holding a bible like he's some sort of scholar, he was one of the men that translated the New World Translation (with only a rudimentary education in Hebrew, no greek, so you know it's accurate!)
It's been testified by former, and current, members of Bethel that old Fred was quite "forceful" in his speeches/talks.
A board of directors for a publishing company is a massive difference from a governing body dispensing spiritual food.