Most likely they were "gifts" from their congregation.
Televangelist Creflo Dollar has a private jet and a rolls royce. When asked about it by a journalist he said "those were gifts from my congregation, you dont turn down a gift!"
i heard how in the 80's the gb always flew first class, nice resort hotels, etc.
there are the photos of geoffrey with his 17k apple watch, etc.
unless they are paying for cash, many of these things would have a paper trail on credit card statements, etc.
Most likely they were "gifts" from their congregation.
Televangelist Creflo Dollar has a private jet and a rolls royce. When asked about it by a journalist he said "those were gifts from my congregation, you dont turn down a gift!"
3 missed calls from my jw brother last night.
i didnt answer because he's actively shunning me and when he does ring it always to preach to me about how we're so close to the end and how i should "humble myself before the mighty hand of god" .
he then texts me saying "we need to talk".
I really couldnt care less if i see them again or not. They're the ones missing out, on life, on opportunity, on fun things to do, on friends they could have, on lie-ins on Saturday and Sunday, on their childrens birthdays, on their childrens graduations, on their children having a cool uncle Pale.Emperor
I gave up trying to prove the WT falsities to them months ago. If they're sincere enough they'll do proper research like we all did. Or they'll get even more depressed and ask for help. Until then...
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
"...some were looking to a certain date..."
They're being clever here. They dont say which date. So someone cant say they're talking about 1975 even though the clothes and decor are very obvious they're in the 1970s.
They always do this. Sneaky bastards.
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
Very interesting artical on Gaslighting here:
The GB are guilty of every one of the characteristics.
3 missed calls from my jw brother last night.
i didnt answer because he's actively shunning me and when he does ring it always to preach to me about how we're so close to the end and how i should "humble myself before the mighty hand of god" .
he then texts me saying "we need to talk".
I consider myself one of the lucky ones. I woke up at 29yo, left at 31yo and have a good 50 years left if im lucky. Even if i am hit by a bus or something tomorrow i've still done more in the past year than they have in their whole lives.
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
"Wow Grandpa, I didn't know you had to endure all that."
Endure? What's to endure? A lot of them thought armageddon was gonna happen but it didn't and he apparently knew better than the majority of JWs at the time because he trusted in his trusty green bible. (Which, by the way, had "old light" in it - Jesus is to be worshipped etc).
Nothing to endure there. It's not as if he was a brother in Malawi in 1972 having his hands chopped off and his wife used by a mob in the street or anything. That's endurance.
3 missed calls from my jw brother last night.
i didnt answer because he's actively shunning me and when he does ring it always to preach to me about how we're so close to the end and how i should "humble myself before the mighty hand of god" .
he then texts me saying "we need to talk".
Am I mistaken, or didn't one of your brothers question his study conductor about shunning, get the runaround, and then decide the dubs were full of crap? Is this the same guy? I had hope for that one, though I seem to remember that he was wrapped up in the fantasy of things like Armageddon from almost a superhero perspective.
Brother 2 is the one who was studying but stopped is the one living a "worldly" life.
Brother 1, who thinks demons live in my home and satan controls my life is the one that text me.
your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to go onto
take one of their pics from any publication and add your own speech bubbles or caption.. here's mine.
picture taken from the watchtower feb 2017.. .
3 missed calls from my jw brother last night.
i didnt answer because he's actively shunning me and when he does ring it always to preach to me about how we're so close to the end and how i should "humble myself before the mighty hand of god" .
he then texts me saying "we need to talk".
Sorry to say it, but your family appears to be composed of delusional quacks.
You're not wrong sir82.
Mother - hardcore JDub who famously once said "if the governing body said the sky is green then my eyes are wrong and the sky is green." She also tells people im dead.
Sister 1 - Proudly tells the rest of the family that if her children are not baptized by the time they're 16 they need to move out.
Sister 2 - Has never actually read the bible and gets all her information from the Watchtower magazines. Researches all topics from music, food, current events on JW library. Only if it's not on there will she consult Wikipedia.
Brother 1 - Is afraid of me since i left the Watchtower because demons might live in my house.
Brother 2 - Not a baptized JW, smokes, takes drugs, sleeps around but still shuns me. He's also very welcome to JW parties and weddings.
I think you can safely see why im not missing any of these people.
3 missed calls from my jw brother last night.
i didnt answer because he's actively shunning me and when he does ring it always to preach to me about how we're so close to the end and how i should "humble myself before the mighty hand of god" .
he then texts me saying "we need to talk".
What has got them so worked up?
I've no idea. Nothing in this weeks CLAM to suggest the big A is any more imminent.