Cofty, would you give me your take on these creationist arguments as put forward by bible nut Jack Chick in one of his tracts:
JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
My New Fascination - Evolution!
by pale.emperor insince leaving watchtower i kind of hit the "reset" button in my mind and reevaluated what i thought i knew, what i believe and i require proof for every idea put before me before i commit to it.
lately i've been fascinated with evolution.
as a jw i never even looked at the subject, dismissing it as "just a theory".
My New Fascination - Evolution!
by pale.emperor insince leaving watchtower i kind of hit the "reset" button in my mind and reevaluated what i thought i knew, what i believe and i require proof for every idea put before me before i commit to it.
lately i've been fascinated with evolution.
as a jw i never even looked at the subject, dismissing it as "just a theory".
Since leaving Watchtower I kind of hit the "reset" button in my mind and reevaluated what i thought i knew, what i believe and I require proof for every idea put before me before i commit to it. Lately i've been fascinated with evolution. As a JW i never even looked at the subject, dismissing it as "just a theory". Embarrassingly, i now know that i had no idea what a "theory" was. Im amazed that i ever believed humans were created after all. I mean, the bones that have been found of are not ape (we know what ape bones look like) and not modern human either.
This is a completely new subject to me and i feel like a kid, reading up on it, watching documentaries, looking at charts.
One more reason i could never go back to the JWs.
What strange counsel did YOU GIVE to others?
by Funchback inalright.... so in another thread, most of us have been counseled for some lame stuff, and the responses range from funny to shocking.. now, let's focus on you giving counsel to others.
come on, don't be shy!.
i'll begin:.
I had a long talk with my brother in law who, along with my sister, were very rarely at meetings anymore. I gave an upbuilding little speech about "how much Jesus has done for us, and what does he ask in return? That we learn about him and tell others about him etc etc..." it worked and he started attending meetings again.
He's now an MS.
I should've let them go, they were seemed a lot happier and less up their own asses.
JUNE 2017 Watchtower - Lost a loved one? Go out in service!
by pale.emperor inapparently going to the kingdom hall and getting out in the door to door ministry is the best way to get over the loss of a loved one.
who'dve thunk it?.
stash: /
Apparently going to the Kingdom Hall and getting out in the door to door ministry is the best way to get over the loss of a loved one. Who'dve thunk it?
Yes, no matter what happens, we must peddle those magazines. And how dare you for not thinking of JW.borg and thinking of your dear old nana instead.
Do You Have Any Indoctrinated Guilt Left Over?
by pale.emperor ini voted this morning for the first time.
at 32yo i wondered in a church of england parish hall with no idea what i was doing.
everyone else knew how to do it.
I've even eaten black pudding!
I think that eating black pudding is the acid test for how far you have come in getting rid of indoctrination.
I tried it in a cafe about 3 months ago. They seem to add with to every fried breakfast here in Liverpool. I didnt like it. In fact, i spat it out. It tastes like metal! So now i dont eat it through choice rather than being told not to.
I do put a bet on every now and then. Christmas, i cant get excited about, unfortunately it still feels wrong in my head. My birthday and my daughters birthday was great though.
Do You Have Any Indoctrinated Guilt Left Over?
by pale.emperor ini voted this morning for the first time.
at 32yo i wondered in a church of england parish hall with no idea what i was doing.
everyone else knew how to do it.
I voted this morning for the first time. At 32yo i wondered in a Church Of England parish hall with no idea what i was doing. Everyone else knew how to do it. So i manage to fake it enough to make it look like i've done this before. Casted my vote and made my way out. On the way out there's the female vicar talking to some young schoolchildren about a day out they're all going on tomorrow. There was a big display on the wall that the kids had made and they'd stuck on leaves and painted hand prints and were raising money for the Manchester terrorist attack victims. Message above it said "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." - Romans 12:21.
I thought this was really nice. So i even put a few £££ in the collection box. Sure, im an atheist now, but this little parish is doing something nice with the kids, getting them involved in making a display, raising money for - not the church - but for the Manchester victims families. A far cry from the Kingdom Hall i was raised in.
Anyway, i felt not one jot of guilt over voting. Whereas about a year ago i would have. It's made me see how far i've some in untangling the indoctrination and thought stopping the Watchtower fed me since birth.
Lots of newbies posting! Welcome one and all!
by freddo inis there something going on in jaydub land that has brought this on?
hope so!.
I love reading the personal experiences of our new members. They all tell very similar stories.
God of the Old Testament
by unsure into those on these forums who are christian and or to those who believe in the god of the old testament; how does one overcome many of the questionable actions god took or allowed to happen in the old testament?.
many if not most of us have heard of criticisms of the god of the old testament.
you can find these criticisms on many websites.. how do you explain to an honest hearted person why god acted the way they did?.
What particular way did God act that you find questionable or objectionable? Try to be specific because the Bible is full of stories.
Isaiah 13:16 Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated.
Isaiah 13:18 ...they will have no mercy on infants, nor will they look with compassion on children.
Judges 19:22-29 22 While they were enjoying themselves, some of the wicked men of the city surrounded the house. Pounding on the door, they shouted to the old man who owned the house, “Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him.”
23 The owner of the house went outside and said to them, “No, my friends, don’t be so vile. Since this man is my guest, don’t do this outrageous thing. 24 Look, here is my virgin daughter, and his concubine. I will bring them out to you now, and you can use them and do to them whatever you wish. But as for this man, don’t do such an outrageous thing.”
25 But the men would not listen to him. So the man took his concubine and sent her outside to them, and they raped her and abused her throughout the night, and at dawn they let her go. 26 At daybreak the woman went back to the house where her master was staying, fell down at the door and lay there until daylight.
27 When her master got up in the morning and opened the door of the house and stepped out to continue on his way, there lay his concubine, fallen in the doorway of the house, with her hands on the threshold. 28 He said to her, “Get up; let’s go.” But there was no answer. Then the man put her on his donkey and set out for home.
29 When he reached home, he took a knife and cut up his concubine, limb by limb, into twelve parts and sent them into all the areas of Israel.
Genesis 19:6-8 6 Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him 7 and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. 8 Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”
Shall i go on? -
Online Donations for Conventions
by Funchback in
online donations for conventions.
donations to support the annual conventions of jehovah’s witnesses may now be made online from a number of countries.
Jehovah’s people do not beg for money. […] “We have never considered it proper to solicit money for the Lord’s cause, after the common custom . . . It is our judgment that money raised by the various begging devices in the name of our Lord is offensive, unacceptable to him, and does not bring his blessing either upon the givers or the work accomplished.” – From: God’s Kingdom Rules, Page 196
Marc & Cora on YouTube causing unnecessary divisions
by jambon1 inwhat is it with this pair?
why do they have to constantly have a bitch about guys like john cedars?
a very recent video of them shows them calling him a 'village idiot' and making other disparaging claims.
I met up with some ex-JWs here in the northwest of England about 2 weeks ago. Both of them knew Lloyd when he was a witness and told me even i'd met him before at some JW parties (although i dont remember meeting him. But then i've met a lot of faces at parties over the years).
They both said they thought at the time he was a little weird but that now looking back he was clearly awake but playing along with being a JW.