Yeah, coz God wants you to waste your talents and instead knock on doors just like everybody else.
It's a good thing not everyone is a JW, otherwise we'd have no doctors, scientists, bankers and farmers. We'd all be dead in a generation.
can someone please help me find the video from the society regarding not advancing children's talents?
it's about a child who is very good at something musical and has been invited to participate in a special advanced course but his father explains how that is worldly thinking.
something along those lines..
Yeah, coz God wants you to waste your talents and instead knock on doors just like everybody else.
It's a good thing not everyone is a JW, otherwise we'd have no doctors, scientists, bankers and farmers. We'd all be dead in a generation.
watching rated r movies?
maybe a little gambling in vegas?
when i was in high school i went to the mall with my friend at the time, who happened to be a female.
1. Missing any meeting.
2. Wanking
3. Looking at porn
4. Disagreeing with a Watchtower article
5. Going on a day out with non JWs
6. Going for drinks with my workmates
7. Pulling a Christmas cracker (that's not a euphemism for number 2 by the way )
Man, i was so indoctrinated.
just watching that train-wreck of a song in the june 2017 broadcast.
(btw, yet another one filmed in australia i see).
"i can get back up!
When i hear "i can get back up" it always reminds me of those talks we used to hear from the platform about when you sin, dont give up, you can get back up and Jehovah will forgive you!
(if you rat yourself out to the elders and sit in a kangaroo court, get DF'd, shunned, come back after a year and then maybe we'll pretend nothing happened).
Maybe they're realizing more young ones are just leaving rather than sitting in on a JC.
this is the tv 'critics' choice' for this evening.
from the daily mail:.
Anyone see this? I may catch a glimpse on catch-up later.
i bleed for the poor souls caught in that.
no sprinkler system in that domestic building..!.
tragically the govts various of london learned nothing during the world war..
Awful. Just awful. They were throwing their children out of the windows in the hope that people would catch them below. Imagine being in that position, that's a last resort that you'd hope you'd never have to take.
One mother fled her apt with her 6 children, and when she got to the bottom there were only 4 with her. I cant imagine the pain and greif these people are going through.
I was very impressed and proud of the everyday citizens donating food, water and clothes and organizing shelter. A far cry from what i was told "the world" was like.
From what i understand the heat inside the twin towers reached astronomical levels due to the sheer hight and space for the hot air to move around inside that weakened girders. But, im no structural engineer.
since leaving watchtower i kind of hit the "reset" button in my mind and reevaluated what i thought i knew, what i believe and i require proof for every idea put before me before i commit to it.
lately i've been fascinated with evolution.
as a jw i never even looked at the subject, dismissing it as "just a theory".
And, of course, they are all extinct - except us - why? Brains or braun? Time or unforeseen occurence.?.or bloody murder?
I reckon it might have been disease. Or something us humans were able to tolerate that our cousins just wern't. Like if we had no knowledge of fire and we all started eating raw meat. We'd quickly get sick and a lot of us would perish. The meat eating animals however would be fine. Something may have happened the other way round, disease, parasites, change in climate... who knows?
one of the most frustrating things.
when you confront jw's about what they believe they will often deny it.
such as "if your child is disfellowshipped then you can't have contact with them ever again".
My faves include:
"You can leave whenever you want, you just stop going to meetings."
"We don't let our children die, we use alternative treatment."
And they really hate it when you point out that their governing body can dictate to them what to believe st the drop of a hat.
was reading up on the world mission society church of god, or wmscog for short, a south korean church founded in the early 60s by ahn sahn-hong.
the church has a million+ members in over 100 countries.
they believe in god the father (jehovah) and a god the mother, whom they claim to be a living south korean woman named jan gil-ja.
Im familiar with these nuts. I've seen some of their propaganda cartoons as well. There's one entitled "Cult Experts Break Up Families" in which they make out that "see, we HAVE to shun you, because you're trying to take me away from this church".
what kind of restrictions are people put under when their behaviour has been considered worthy of disfellowshipping but have managed to avoid the big "d"?.
me (going back a bit):.
1. never to be in the company of the lady unchaperoned although we were "betrothed".. 2. removed from ministerial servants position.. 3. not allowed to pray in the congregation at all, including book study.. 4. removed as watchtower study conductor.. 5. removed as public speaker and talks at service meetings.. 6. removed as pioneer.. 7. report to po once a month.. amazingly, i missed none of those things and relished the freedom from responsibility.
Let's see... I've had:
Removal from microphone duty - YAY!! I can finally sit down during the meeting.
Removal from sound desk - YAY!! (and nobody else knew how to use it, so that was fun to watch)
Removal from saying the prayer - YAY!!
Removal from reading the WT or book study book on the platform - YAY!! I didn't want the job anyway.
When the gave me my "privileges" back i told them i didn't want them and wouldn't be doing them. I didn't understand it. They told me i should be "reaching out". I told them "i have a 6 month old babe, a wife with severe OCD, a stressful job and im surrounded by brothers who are, apparently, more spiritual than me. So i dont need or want this "privilege" thank you.
That was satisfying i can tell you.
tonight's episode of holby city on bbc 1 starts a jw narrative that explores family estrangement and the blood issue.
the outcome is explored again in a couple of weeks and is pretty favourable to the jws..
I always found these programs to be inaccurate. Last time i seen this theme being explored on Casualty and the JW was wearing a headscarf (she died for want of blood) and the husband at the end said the Lords prayer in King James English.
The reason for refusing blood was "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man." - Again, in King James English.
Im all for exposing their dangerous blood doctrine but i want it to be put out there accurately. Because people with JW friends will just say "what a load of nonsense, they dont wear headscarves! This is all rubbish." and switch over.