Thanks Mental Clarity! That's fantastic!!
JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
A request to our members living in the USA - Time Magazine
by pale.emperor ini have a request to our friends living in the usa.
im trying to track down an article printed by time magazine in which they interviewed fred franz.
in my local library here in liverpool they have a massive bound volume collection of time going back to the 1930s.
What "Rules" Did The Elders In Your KH Make?
by minimus insome congregations were known as liberal and others were considered very conservative.
back in the 1970s a nearby congregation made all speakers who gave public talks a white shirt to wear.
if a speaker came in wearing anything but white they were brought into the library and were given a white shirt!
The ones i remember:
Crash Dummies were toys in the 90s that had a collapsible car and little dummy men then you could take apart. They were banned because an elders wife thought they were glorifying car crash victims. Which meant that the ONLY "surprise day" present i ever got was thrown in the rubbish bin only 2 weeks after receiving it.
No beards on the platform.
You MUST wear a blazer when doing microphone duty or on the platform. No matter how hot it got. One time a CO gave us "permission" to take our blazers off. (oh thank you kind leader). I wonder if Jesus would even have been bothered?
No one is allowed to borrow books from the KH library unless you get permission from Brother Duke. Brother Duke has been dead for 12 years but rules are rules. We cant just change the rules. (I swear this is true! I ended up just stealing books one at a time).
Women must wear skirts that go past the knee.
No sandals on women.
NEW CO: Sandals are now allowed.
ANOTHER NEW CO: Sandals are a personal choice. (Again, i wonder what Jesus would have said. He wore them all the time).
Brussels Central station was evacuated Tuesday amid reports of an explosion and at least one man shot who shouted "Allahu Akbar,"
by freemindfade init looks like these attacks in europe are going from weekly, to daily, it literally gives me chills to think about traveling to europe with my family.
that is very unfortunate.
I wont go near London.
It's only a matter of time before they hit Liverpool. And i do wonder where they'd target.
Surprise Elders Visit
by Tight Pants Twinkle Toes inhello community!
quick background - baptized 1971, 46 years in the borg, former elder.
wife - baptized 1973, pioneer...... we became disgusted with the oranization 10 years ago but still believed it was the truth.
Two cronies turning up to your door with a print out from your wifes social media and questioning you about what you think... yh this isnt a cult or anything. Sheesh!
Glad to read your account. Welcome to the forum and i look forward to reading more of your posts.
A request to our members living in the USA - Time Magazine
by pale.emperor ini have a request to our friends living in the usa.
im trying to track down an article printed by time magazine in which they interviewed fred franz.
in my local library here in liverpool they have a massive bound volume collection of time going back to the 1930s.
Thanks StoneWall. The first snippet of the article is here:,9171,919076,00.html
Looks like im gonna have to subscribe to read it.
A request to our members living in the USA - Time Magazine
by pale.emperor ini have a request to our friends living in the usa.
im trying to track down an article printed by time magazine in which they interviewed fred franz.
in my local library here in liverpool they have a massive bound volume collection of time going back to the 1930s.
I have a request to our friends living in the USA. Im trying to track down an article printed by Time Magazine in which they interviewed Fred Franz. In my local library here in Liverpool they have a massive bound volume collection of Time going back to the 1930s. Unfortunately, they're the European edition and not the US version which were different.
The magazine im looking for is dated July 11, 1977. If anyone could check if their library has this edition, and if possible make a scan or take a photo and upload it here i'd be very grateful.
They printed one in Feb. 22 1982 Religion: Witness Under Prosecution and discusses Ray Franz and his shunning from the WT Society. A scan is here:
Or click here if you cant read it:
2017 International Regional Convention, Toronto – Entertainment at Sony Centre
by SAHS ini’ve been hearing from several very reliable sources that there will be an exclusive elite gala entertainment event hosted by the watch tower organization, featuring specially chosen jehovah’s witnesses of outstanding talent as well as spiritual reputation, at the sony centre (formerly called the o’keefe centre) in toronto, ontario (canada) as a special “after hours” addition to the 2017 special international convention.. those chosen have to meet very strict criteria, including, not so much technical and popular talents, but, rather, their spiritual maturity which can be easily and practically related to by the audience (i.e., degree of conformity – you know what i mean!).
a notable and very well-known professional “super star” from some other country (i don’t know which one) who has achieved highly recognized and popular talent was surprisingly not chosen to participate in the extra entertainment program, whereas other performers with rather ho-hum musical abilities ended up being selected, ostensibly for their altruistic and “theocratic” qualities.
(something tells me that there is going to be some jealousy and indignant, hard feelings over this rather authoritarian, arbitrary selection process.
aaaaaaaaand we're one step closer to Scientology.
I swear the GB are looking at other cults and taking notes.
What made you stay "in" even when you knew it wasn't the "truth"?
by mentalclarity inso i've been thinking a lot about why i stayed a jw for so long even though i had always had doubts about the doctrines.
i was born into the religion, left and came back as an adult for another decade.
some of the things that come to mind (besides the threat of shunning-and this isn't to minimize that very real threat) was:.
I bet you can all relate to my reasoning:
Even if it's isn't the truth isn't it a lovely, safe place to be?
If I leave, I lose my entire family. I'll just stay and make a go of it.
Sure, the org has made mistakes - but god uses imperfect people.
Of course, all this reasoning is just delaying the inevitable. You either become depressed and stay in or you leave and live your life on your terms to the full. Sure, I've got no family now apart from my little girl and zero friends but I'm thousands times happier.
What is behind your choice of forum user name?
by stuckinarut2 injust curious how we all think.. what prompted or influenced your choice of username for this forum?.
there are some really amazing names, and it would be great to hear the stories behind them.... mine was nothing fancy.
i just felt "stuck in a rut too" along with so many others.
The Pale Emperor is twofold... it's an album by Marilyn Manson, my favourite actually. I got into Marilyn Manson around the same time I started to notice the bullshit in the religion I was involved in.
Secondly, Roman Emperor Constantius Chlorus was the first emperor to openly declare that there are no gods. He was known as The Pale Emperor due to his complexion.
What is the biggest sexual scandal to hit the top of JW tree ?
by Chook inelders ,co ,do ,branch overseers ,gb ,missionaries has "sinful" lust got the better of them..
Wasn't there a gay member of the GB back in the Ray Franz days that "stepped down" when a boy reported him?