I hid all my sins, not because I was embarrassed or worried about letting anyone else down, but because I knew they'd get my family to shun me.
Glad I had all that sex and didn't tell them now.
watchtower october 2017, page 11, par.
17 - confess and abandon secret sins.
some christians who have committed a serious sin try to cover it over in order to avoid embarrassing themselves or disappointing others.
I hid all my sins, not because I was embarrassed or worried about letting anyone else down, but because I knew they'd get my family to shun me.
Glad I had all that sex and didn't tell them now.
my little brother on the left exited the cult after 29 years.. me in the middle.. my older brother on the right stopped his bible study after discovering ttatton youtube videos.. never lose hope guys!.
Pale emperor, I salute you (but not your fashion sense; tracksuit!).
haha! It was just the jacket. I have a penchant for Adidas, what can i say?
what attracts you in a male or female?
give me an example or better yet a pic to tell me what you like.😈.
I dont have a "thing" which i find universally attractive... but im hopelessly attracted to foreign women. If they speak another language or have an accent im there.
Back in my JW days, i used to genuinely love visiting the KH when i was on holiday. Not for the "spiritual food" but to talk to the foreign sisters. I was quite the cad back in the day.
hi guys,.
following on from my earlier threat about huge amounts of money simply vanishing from my old congregations bank account with nothing to show for it (here: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5742472565096448/satisfying-decline-my-old-congregations-donations) - i actually did take someones advice and requested the uk charity commission to investigate.
i was called today by a person who is not investigating this.
Thanks guys. I found eventually found the letter on AvoidJW.org. (UK letter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwqmWMK7dwtlcjNMdGJYbkZMdVk/view)
I sent this email when i sent it on:
Dear _________
Thank you for calling earlier. As mentioned in our telephone conversation, attached is a copy of the body of elders letter which was emailed to all congregations in the UK.
The letter makes reference to the need to build more Kingdom Halls, but right before this letter was read we were shown a video of plans to build a new headquarters in Chelmsford and that they’d need money to do this.
The Watchtower Society used to loan money to congregations in order to build new Kingdom Halls. According to the letter, “Congregation and Assembly Halls will no longer be asked to repay a loan.” However, in the elders-only part of the letter, congregations are instructed that their new monthly pledge must be “at least the same amount as the current monthly loan repayment” for congregations repaying loans for building work.
In other words, if any congregations are paying off a kingdom hall build or refurbishment, the loan repayments must now effectively continue indefinitely. If a congregation isn’t already making loan repayments, then they request that a confidential survey is to be taken by passing out slips of paper to determine how much local brothers are willing to pledge. I actually remember this happening in the congregation. I did wonder why we were being asked to write how much we could afford to donate on a regular basis.
The idea that congregations should become perpetually indebted to the Watchtower society in this manner by means of a monthly pledge, which they are being ordered to agree to within a four-week window is rather worrying.
I hope this letter helps you in your investigation.
[my name]
Like i said. If it comes to naught im not bothered, i just want them to be scrutinized and let the investigating officer see the crazy cultishness of their letters. What kind of religion has parts of a letter NOT to be read to the congregation?
my little brother on the left exited the cult after 29 years.. me in the middle.. my older brother on the right stopped his bible study after discovering ttatton youtube videos.. never lose hope guys!.
jookbeard: nice pic PE , are you UK based?
Yh mate, im in Liverpool.
hi guys,.
following on from my earlier threat about huge amounts of money simply vanishing from my old congregations bank account with nothing to show for it (here: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5742472565096448/satisfying-decline-my-old-congregations-donations) - i actually did take someones advice and requested the uk charity commission to investigate.
i was called today by a person who is not investigating this.
Thanks Joe
Forgot to mention, apparently because they have an income of less that £25,000 a year they dont have to report their outgoings in great detail. Has anyone heard of this little clause before?
hi guys,.
following on from my earlier threat about huge amounts of money simply vanishing from my old congregations bank account with nothing to show for it (here: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5742472565096448/satisfying-decline-my-old-congregations-donations) - i actually did take someones advice and requested the uk charity commission to investigate.
i was called today by a person who is not investigating this.
Hi guys,
Following on from my earlier threat about huge amounts of money simply vanishing from my old congregations bank account with nothing to show for it (here: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5742472565096448/satisfying-decline-my-old-congregations-donations) - i actually did take someones advice and requested the UK Charity Commission to investigate. I was called today by a person who is not investigating this. He's asked me if there's any documents i can find stating that Bethel are requesting funds from the congregation to fund their building project(s).
I know JW Survey had a typed out letter which stated not to be read out to congregation but i was hoping someone here would have a link or scan of the letter the elders would have received so i can forward this on?
He did seem surprised that money was vanishing and the congregation itself had nothing to show for it.
This may be a waste of my time but if i can cause a little stir in the congregation i will.
my little brother on the left exited the cult after 29 years.. me in the middle.. my older brother on the right stopped his bible study after discovering ttatton youtube videos.. never lose hope guys!.
Already his mum has flipped out on him for meeting me. Our sisters are texting him constantly telling that "whatever he tells you is a lie"
Hope he doesnt crumble under the pressure.
my little brother on the left exited the cult after 29 years.. me in the middle.. my older brother on the right stopped his bible study after discovering ttatton youtube videos.. never lose hope guys!.
My little brother on the left exited the cult after 29 years.
Me in the middle.
My older brother on the right stopped his bible study after discovering TTATTon YouTube videos.
Never lose hope guys!
absolutely thrilled to give you the news that my younger brother, a zealous full-time pioneer has left the witnesses!!.
i haven't seen or spoke to him in a year.
i'd lost all contact with him, no facebook, no mobile number, i didn't even know his address because he'd moved house.
My ex-wife barely even knows the basics of the religion. She only stays because her whole family are in. She calls me sometimes on Saturday/Sunday morning or Thursday evening when she should be in the hall and when i ask shes like "oh, i have a headache." or "i had an appointment" or "it's raining" - you know, the excuses we all made up when we didnt want to go out in service or to the meetings because they're so mindnumbingly boring and nobody actually enjoys them.
My daughter is 3 and only knows the hall is where she goes to see her little friends. She has non JW celebrations and stuff with me. She even asked me when her next birthday is because she loves birthdays. I highly doubt she'd ever become a JW.