I do remember a girl i was friends with when we were in our late teens and she had a secret "worldly" boyfriend. She was called into a JC because this boyfriend touched her boobs. Her sister ratted her out and she sat on a JC. She later told me that she was asked by these old men how he touched her boobs. Did he squeeze them? Did he move them around and around? Did he stroke her nipples? Did she enjoy it? How long did he do this for? Was it both boobs at the same time or just the one? What where you wearing? Did he kiss them? What did you think of as he was doing this?
As you can imagine, she left the Watchtower after this ordeal and said - and i quote - "It felt like a rape. Not what by boyfriend did, but the way the elders leered and questioned and asked for sordid details about it".