In hindsight, I feel bad for the sister though. She needed immediate and intense mental health care, and no one stepped up to help her get that (although at least the elders told her to take her meds, which was surprising).
I've said for years (even when i was in) this religion attracts mentally ill people. And DFing her is rather strong, that's not what she needed. Mental health care from a professional - yes, cut off from any JW friends/family - no.
There was a mentally ill old lady in my last hall. She was DF before i even moved there and she used to turn up to the meeting with a child's toy pram with a black bin bag full of "stuff" in it. She's sit in the back room during the meeting and take things out of it and try to give them out as gifts. She's now re-instated, still completely mental but now the congregation cant just pretend she's invisible.