Maybe you guys got on to this right away, but i've just noticed something about the Remember The Wife Of Lot video.
We all know the scene where the judgmental JW dad gives that disapproving look to the girl who has lesbian parents:

This look actually appears again throughout the video - but on other JWs. In the scene where the new brother is out in service with the former CO. Look at the new brothers reaction to when a "worldly" person knows the former CO from work:

Ready to rat him out to the elders for having "worldly" association. Oh, but it's ok... he knew him from when he was his boss. That's ok then.
When this brother was studying with the dad character, the dad character gives him the same suspicious look when he meets a "worldly" person who knows him:

I have a hunch that this is just one way of normalizing the idea that we should all be on the lookout on our fellow JWs. Ready to interfere and report them to the JW police.