I didn't manage to last the whole broadcast. It was so unbelievably boring that i only managed halfway before i switched it off. In this broadcast Anthony Morris III (who i affectionately call "The Don") stresses to us the importance of studying - not one - but TWO of their publications in order to understand the bible. We should be studying with our bible-studies and our children What Does The Bible Really Teach? and afterwards the Keep Yourselves In Gods Love book.
After using weak arguments and cherrypicking a few scriptures to try and convince us that God has an organization (I'll be doing a YouTube vid on this later), he tells us that "every year some become in active" and that "in some cases, it's found that they didn't study these books". That's right folks, Jehovah God - the all powerful, all knowing, all wise - gave us the bible but 2000 years later He realized that it wasn't enough and people actually need two more books to study. Because, whoever became a Christian with just the bible? You're asking the impossible!
When you see witnesses on your door or on their cards they're offering you a Bible Study. Not a study of their own publications. They should put that in their adverts. The bible alone, according to it's own words: "All Scripture is inspired of God+ and beneficial for teaching,+ for reproving, for setting things straight,* for disciplining in righteousness,+
17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." [2 Timothy 3:16]
So according to the bible, no other books are required.
Now, ask yourself, what sort of person would offer to study the bible with you, then actually study another book with you in order to "explain" what God really meant when he said what he said? It's like having God write you a letter and then someone taking the letter from you and reading it to you instead of just letting you read it for yourself.
This is exactly the same sort of thing that went on in Charles Taze Russell's day. Only with him he pushed his book "Studies In The Scriptures"... which later turned out to be, not just old light, but if you were to teach it today it'd be considered apostate Christendom.
And lets not forget that the Bible Teach book has been updated at least twice since it's first publication. So the GB are the last people to tell us what the Bible actually Teaches.