For years i always said "if this isn't the truth, it's the closest thing
to it" or "if the JWs are wrong, Christianity is wrong. There is no
other Christian religion" oh how misguided i was then!
For me it was when my then-wife was in a mental hospital for manic OCD, self harming and attempted suicides (yes, plural). And i was looking after my daughter one on one. I was going through a lot already with work, taking time off, hospital visits etc and the elders still expected me to make every meeting, every ministry and answer up and study. Yet i had no friends in the KH and it was like a big popularity contest to fit in. I remember thinking how nice it would be to, just once, have a lie in. Have a day where i didn't have to work or do something JW related like ministry or the KH. I wasn't happy in the religion and knew many people who were never JW or exJW who were a lot happier.
So i started questioning what a follower on Jesus is. Going only by the bible. As far as i could see it had nothing to do with meeting attendance and everything to do with me and my conduct and beliefs. So i made a real effort to expose myself to all sides of the arguments. So-called "apostate" sites, Mormonism, Born Agains, Christadelphians, Catholic, Church Of England, Lutheran, Seven Day Adventist, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoist... i studied them all.
Started reading Crisis Of Conscience, got a third of the way in one day i took my little girl to the park and it just hit me. This isnt the truth. It never was.
The rest you can read on my very first post. Never looked back and im immeasurably happier.