Watchtower is laughable in the extreme. Firstly because the King of the North was Germany and was defeated by the "ships of Kittim" when WW2 ended There is no mention of the King of the North post that event.
Secondly, Watchtower idiots have reversed the roles of the King of the South and North because they cannot read the prophecy apart from their own arrogance.
Thirdly, because they have reversed the roles of these two kings, they are left with a confusing mess and are unable to offer any explanation of the details in Daniel's prophecy.
How, for instance, does "news" come from "the east and the north"... as in watchtower's nightmare, the Russians are the King of the North.
Young's helps explain.
"40 `And at the time of the end, push himself forward with him (USA) doth a king of the south, and storm against him (Germany) doth a king of the north, with chariot, and with horsemen, and with many ships; (D-day June 6, 1944) and he hath come in to the lands, and hath overflowed, and passed over, (USA is victorious and basically has taken over the planet)
41 and hath come into the desirable land, and many do stumble, and these escape from his hand: Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the sons of Ammon. (USA does not succeed in grabbing everything, many countries are still beyond their sticky claws)
42 `And he sendeth forth his hand upon the lands, and the land of Egypt is not for an escape; (USA controls the Suez Canal and has large military presence)
43 and he hath ruled over treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the desirable things of Egypt, and Lubim and Cushim [are] at his steps. (USA domination especially financial with USD the reserve currency)
44 `And reports trouble him out of the east and out of the north, and he hath gone forth in great fury to destroy, and to devote many to destruction; (intel from China and Russia send USA on a scorched Earth campaign)
45 and he planteth the tents of his palace between the seas and the holy desirable mountain, and hath come unto his end, and there is no helper to him. (Joe Biden among others have referred to Israel as a USA aircraft carrier that cannot be sunk and that if there was no Israel, USA would have to create one.) (Note: no helper for the USA tells us that NATO will not come to their aid.)