Aclue... was your situation actionable? Can you discern how the confidential info got out?
JoinedPosts by lastmanstanding
Religious Discrimination; now LEGAL
by lastmanstanding innewsflash.
there are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a jw.. sure, you think i'm mad.
but it's true.. the business circles have become acutely aware of the -not even 1 year old- decision in the industrial court where a jw ratted out a fellow jw and brought disrepute to the bank where they both worked.
Religious Discrimination; now LEGAL
by lastmanstanding innewsflash.
there are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a jw.. sure, you think i'm mad.
but it's true.. the business circles have become acutely aware of the -not even 1 year old- decision in the industrial court where a jw ratted out a fellow jw and brought disrepute to the bank where they both worked.
Nice post Barb. Im going to give you a call to tell you a very interesting story.
So What Drastic Money Change is Next?
by OnTheWayOut inokay, they cheapened the product by getting rid of hardcover books.
they reduced printing of mags.
they drastically reduced the number of pieces of printed paper that members would "place" in people's hands in various ways, the biggest one being that they put them on a cart and don't encourage people to take them.they cut d.o.
I have said it all along. There is a big hole in the bucket. Bigger than the one we all know about.
There is a third party involved, and they are pulling the strings. It is they who are responsible for placing 8 complete idiots in the position of authority. They are puppets.
Somebody who has the real power is dissolving the organization.
If the org needed the billion$ that it is reaping today to survive, then they would never have lasted this long in the first place.
Dark hand.
Religious Discrimination; now LEGAL
by lastmanstanding innewsflash.
there are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a jw.. sure, you think i'm mad.
but it's true.. the business circles have become acutely aware of the -not even 1 year old- decision in the industrial court where a jw ratted out a fellow jw and brought disrepute to the bank where they both worked.
Della. You are correct, however, the JWs will tie up the courts trying to make it religious discrimination.
Employers cannot be found guilty of both.
If an employer is held responsible because a religious fruitcake in your employ betrayed their oath for confidentiality, then you cannot be held liable because you chose to not hire the same fruitcake, knowing their religion commands them to betray you and your clients.
JW UK Branch update 2018: "Follow the White Elephant"
by Fay Dehr in
Great video. One of the best I've seen!
"And the food rations will be cut from three meals a day to just one, and it will be a half portion to boot"
What a blessing the JWs are experiencing in JW land... out in the jungles of GUYANA
Religious Discrimination; now LEGAL
by lastmanstanding innewsflash.
there are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a jw.. sure, you think i'm mad.
but it's true.. the business circles have become acutely aware of the -not even 1 year old- decision in the industrial court where a jw ratted out a fellow jw and brought disrepute to the bank where they both worked.
I know of a recent case of a JW (PIMO) who went to hospital and there was a JW nurse that was going to be scheduled to care for the JW patient. Just by chance the JW patient found out this tidbit BTW.
The JW (in critical care) got up, and went to the head nurse to highlight in detail what would happen if this JW nurse was put in charge of this JW patient's care. At first, the head nurse found it impossible. But the JW patient presented evidence to establish it on the spot.
All eyes opened.
The hospital scrambled to rectify the situation and avoid a very messy outcome.
Smart head nurse. The hospital
couldwould have been sued. -
Religious Discrimination; now LEGAL
by lastmanstanding innewsflash.
there are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a jw.. sure, you think i'm mad.
but it's true.. the business circles have become acutely aware of the -not even 1 year old- decision in the industrial court where a jw ratted out a fellow jw and brought disrepute to the bank where they both worked.
As far as what Watchtower policy is...
Religious Discrimination; now LEGAL
by lastmanstanding innewsflash.
there are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a jw.. sure, you think i'm mad.
but it's true.. the business circles have become acutely aware of the -not even 1 year old- decision in the industrial court where a jw ratted out a fellow jw and brought disrepute to the bank where they both worked.
Newsflash. There are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a JW.
Sure, you think I'm mad. But it's true.
The business circles have become acutely aware of the -not even 1 year old- decision in the Industrial Court where a JW ratted out a fellow JW and brought disrepute to the bank where they both worked.
Such being established fact, a recent conversation with a JW was quite revealing.
First, I don't want to mention the name of the institution, as you would all recognize it (BIG), and I am trying to maintain my anonymity. So no city either. But I will say that this happened in Canada...
The brother went to this BIG institution that handles money, lot's and lot's of money, and he asked to submit an application. They gave him one and allowed him to fill it out.
There was a section called "Other Activities" and the brother chose to leave this blank. After the officials examined his application, they inquired as to why he left this section blank. He said he didn't think it mattered.
Before I go on, I was amused when the JW mentioned that he didn't want to fill this section in. He is a 'valiant JW', proud to be, and is commanded at every meeting that he should 'go forth and reveal your faith as a JW'. Obvious that he wanted to hide this. Hypocrite!
Ok, the application was handed back to him. He was told that if he did not fill this section in, that his "application would not be considered".
So, he filled it in. 'I'm a JW blah blah preaching'
I was happily shocked to hear that the BIG institution sent him packing. Whoa! This will not be the last you hear about this topic. This is but the beginning....
The possible conflict with regard to confidentiality was highlighted to him. And this goes back to the decision last fall (see link)
The noose tightens around the skinny necks of the 'dynamic octo' in NY
...crazy religious organizations
by lastmanstanding inwhy they need to get rid of organized religion.
these people are batshit crazy..
Why they need to get rid of organized religion. These people are batshit crazy.
I just watched the final video from this years convention. OMG!!!
by NikL ini am shaking all over right now.
i think it's worse that the bunker video.. i used to think there was no way that these people would actually "drink the cool aid" if you get my drift, but seeing this video i am now not sure it could never happen.. having a wife who i love dearly trapped in this cult is really freaking me out right now...
In the bunker video, there was no salvation, it was left open-ended and there was little room for salvation. No Jesus swooping into the bunker to save the Dubs. That was disturbing to JWs.
But a ”new & improved” version this year has a happy ending, a swooping Jesus with an arrow.
I think swooping Jesus is going to need many arrows and there was a big crowd of machine gun toting dubhaters to kill. And who is going to clean up that mess of arrow pierced corpses.
And what was the bright light for, are the dubs going to heaven?