I like it...
my wife's parents are in very bad shape.
they are both 2nd gen jws.
my father in law worked for a large american manufacturing company in the 60s and early 70s.
I like it...
under "breaking news" on jwdotorg, there is a link to a court case in canada that was just resolved on may 31st..
it's in regard to him being disfellowshipped, and the court says they can't get involved.
jwdotorg gives this statement about their victory:.
It is the courts and lawmakers of the land(s) who bear the greatest responsibility when it comes to ongoing crimes. They allow Watchtower to continue unhindered.
Imagine if you will, a grand courtroom. All the lawmakers at the front. The courtroom gallery filled with watchful bourgeois.
The presecutor rises and commands that the evidence be displayed for all to see, a live video stream of children being abused and elders doing a coverup.
(The parsimonious lawmakers watch the evidence as the gallery reels in anguish.)
One of the lawmakers, his hand rubbing his beard utters the first response “It does seem that there is reason to perhaps look into this... at a much later date “
Another lawmaker concurs, “yes, there is reason to believe something here is worthy of further analysis “
Yet another lawmaker exclaims “this has been going on a long time already, and we have in place, somewhere, people who are looking into this”
A final lawmaker chimes in, “I don’t see anything different here than happens anywhere else, I vote we do nothing...”
All the while, in the background, the live feed evidence shows children being molested by animals wearing pants and the gallery screams “JUSTICE “... but none is found, the lawmakers bamg their gavels and go for lunch.
this is my first post.
i'm still a jw but am inactive.
im struggling with the fact that i agree with some of the doctrines (i,e, the stance on the trinity, there is no hell) but i disagree with a lot of things (i,e, men can't have beards, women have to wear skirts).
Venus said a mouthful in a few words. Worship that is acceptable is “the taking care of widows and orphans “... James 1;27
Jesus himself said that he will judge based on who took care of “the least” ones. Matthew 25:40
Sir Isaac Newton wrote ardently of spiritual things, more so than things of science, although he is known only for his works on science.
He wrote that there is no trinity.
So, Watchtower did not discover that there is no trinity, they merely adopted Arianism.
As time passed, Watchtower went on to claim it, at least in the minds of JWs, thus they hijacked it.
Do you want to be on a plane flown by a hijacker? Maybe you want to get to your destination, but not that way....
Note: If a sister with children applies for day volunteer, make a discreet inquiry as to whether she needs a Watchtower appointed creepy brother to watch them carefully.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5]
Berry Gerry
Nice link. They are so screwed.
I want to call Ken Little and Ask how he feels. LOL
I got his number.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5]
Watch Tower and Tract Society of Canada is a Major 100 charity with $79.7m in donations in F2015. Its administrative costs are 3% of revenues, and the charity does not report any fundraising costs. For every dollar donated, 97 cents go towards the charities programs, falling outside of Ci’s reasonable range. Before its $27m in bank loans, the charity has $19.8m in gross funding reserves, resulting in a net program cost coverage ratio of -8%. The financial statements Watch Tower provides to the CRA Charities Directorate are incomplete missing the financial notes and auditors information.
The above is just Canada. The Watchtower has bank loans.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5]
When the Bank Demands Payment in Full: 3 Options for Borrowers with Matured Business Loans (By David Soble)
There are 3 realistic options that a business owner should consider when their bank demands payment of the loan in full:
1. Pay off the loan. In today's restrictive banking climate refinancing sounds much easier than it really is. Banks infrequently rewrite their own commercial loans upon maturity. This is because the financial position of many small businesses has diminished since 2007. Also lending guidelines were more' flexible' then, with commercial properties reportedly having higher values.
2. Negotiated Exit. Be assured that if a loan has matured and the borrower is not prepared to pay if off, the bank will begin a lawsuit. Defending a law suit can be expensive, but in most cases it will only delay the inevitable. Absent real legal defenses for bank misconduct or the mishandling of a loan, the best approach for a business owner is to negotiate a realistic "exit" from the bank with the assistance of experienced counsel. There are a numerous variables for consideration when negotiating a forbearance or settlement agreement, so unless a business owner is familiar with bank work out or special asset protocol, retain an experienced attorney.
3. Reorganization. Chapter 11 reorganization can be expensive, but it is an excellent remedy for business owners... A Chapter 11 bankruptcy should be a final option,
geoff jackson speaking at a france dedication:.
then he said (i'm quoting him best i can remember, but you'll get the idea): "imagine if next week i go back to us and you see in the news that the whole gb was arrested for no reason.
how'd you react?
I want to see the dynamic 8 raptured to prison.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5]
Londo, YOU get it.
(hands clapping)
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5]
If one has cash reserves to spend, then your head is still above water. If you have assets to liquidate, then your head is still above water. It is within one’s means to spend what one has or to liquidate assets. To live beyond one’s means is to borrow. If anyone here doesn’t understand this simple principle, then you are in danger of incurring debt that you cannot pay.
Living beyond your means is pretty easy to do these days, especially since we live in a time when buying on credit — and having a YOLO mentality — has become the norm. But just because it seems normal doesn’t mean you aren’t doing a real disservice to your current and future well-being.
Here are eight red flags that you’re living a lifestyle you simply can’t afford — and how to get back on track ASAP.
Living beyond your means is pretty easy to do these days, especially since we live in a time when buying on credit —
Too costly for one, more than one can afford. For example, A second vacation this year is well beyond our means. The noun means here signifies “resources at one's disposal,”
If your resources are cash on hand, savings or real properties which can be disposed of, then it’s still living within one’s means to utilize them. Only when one incurs debt do they live beyond your means.
i am not quite sure why some here cannot understand this simple economic principle.
if I decide to sell my house and spend the equity, I am still within MY means. It is when I go to someone else to borrow THEIR means that I have gone beyond MY means.
Using cash reserves and liquidating assets to pay ...
It is MY cash, it is MY assets, and I can do what I want with them. It is MY means. Nobody is going to dictate to ME how I should use MY stuff.
Mine... get it?
Beyond MINE is yours... get it yet?
Please listen to that second accounting video that somebody just posted. The sister praised Jayhoov because the “bank” not mine, gave a line of CREDIT