I have wondered what that would be like, being non trin and attending a trin church.
You must keep us informed...
this is my first post.
i'm still a jw but am inactive.
im struggling with the fact that i agree with some of the doctrines (i,e, the stance on the trinity, there is no hell) but i disagree with a lot of things (i,e, men can't have beards, women have to wear skirts).
I have wondered what that would be like, being non trin and attending a trin church.
You must keep us informed...
a former jehovah’s witness who sexually assaulted three young boys says his homosexual inclinations were repressed by his religion and manifested in his crimes.. gavin andrew lamont, 46, was jailed for four years today for assaulting two vulnerable teenagers in the early to mid-90s and another boy about 20 years later.. lamont encouraged the teens to give him massages and suggested he needed help checking for testicular cancer.. district court judge linda petrusa said lamont, who knew he was homosexual from about age 13, had significant cognitive distortions around sex because of his religious beliefs.. .
she said the victims, who were aged between 14 and 16, were vulnerable because of their youth and lack of sophistication.. judge petrusa sentenced lamont to four years behind bars for indecently dealing with a child and four counts of indecent assault.. lamont was kicked out of the mundaring congregation in 1997 after one of his victims complained to other members, but was reinstated after doing counselling with elders.. he was kicked out of the congregation for a second time in 2014 after another victim made a complaint.. lamont’s crimes came to the attention of police last year through the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.. defence lawyer seamus rafferty described the case as complex, saying lamont struggled with his sexuality because his religion told him it was a sin.. he told the court the church was the essence of lamont’s being and said his client tried to repress his sexuality and ended up behaving in “naïve, unsophisticated and pathetic ways”.. lamont’s parents and sister are all living with complicated health issues and rely heavily on his help and care.. mr rafferty asked judge petrusa to give lamont a conditional suspended jail term, saying he was the glue that was holding his family together.. “this is a case for the exercise of mercy, its mercy towards them (his family) and nobody else,” he said.. judge petrusa accepted a prison term would be tough on lamont’s family but said an immediate jail term was the only appropriate punishment.. in a statement to the court, one of the victims said he felt that he was “forever stained” by lamont’s crime.. he said the abuse had made him self-conscious in his dealings with his own child.. lamont will be eligible for parole after spending two years behind bars.. .
The only question that remains is, when this freak gets out of prison, which congregation will he be assigned to?
under "breaking news" on jwdotorg, there is a link to a court case in canada that was just resolved on may 31st.. https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/17101/index.do.
it's in regard to him being disfellowshipped, and the court says they can't get involved.
jwdotorg gives this statement about their victory:.
Abused, it’s not a crime if it’s your religious right.
Its Watchtowers religious right to brainwash their members with false information and get them to commit suicide at the hospital.
Is that better or worse than beating your 16year old?
What about these cases where teens gang up and work on another teen through social media, causing that teen to commit suicide. Illegal? Sure, but not where religion is involved.
Shun him/her to the extreme so that they hang themselves... convince them of a fallacy through weekly indoctrination and undue influence causing them to refuse medical treatment and die.
Its all legal, where religion is concerned.
leaked: whq financial contacts meeting ref.2018-2019 [part 1 of 3] https://youtu.be/xbt05m5jeu4leaked: whq financial contacts meeting ref.2018-2019 [part 2 of 3] https://youtu.be/kyn3qknztbqleaked: whq financial contacts meeting ref.2018-2019 [part 3 of 3] https://youtu.be/euxpdckevdw.
in this 3-part leaked video meeting, financial contacts from various departments are informed of how to get on board with the financial changes needed for 2018-2019, and protocols for managing financial responsibilities are outlined.. these clips are unedited, so feel free to add comments..
Fink, you are half right.
When a war is fought, it’s the outlying areas, the fringes that get hit first. Slowly, The forces move towards the epicenter of activity.
The Watchtower is throwing congregation after congregation to the wolves, seizing their properties to be dumped for cash.
The extremity is being eaten up.
leaked: whq financial contacts meeting ref.2018-2019 [part 1 of 3] https://youtu.be/xbt05m5jeu4leaked: whq financial contacts meeting ref.2018-2019 [part 2 of 3] https://youtu.be/kyn3qknztbqleaked: whq financial contacts meeting ref.2018-2019 [part 3 of 3] https://youtu.be/euxpdckevdw.
in this 3-part leaked video meeting, financial contacts from various departments are informed of how to get on board with the financial changes needed for 2018-2019, and protocols for managing financial responsibilities are outlined.. these clips are unedited, so feel free to add comments..
Somebody in the good old US of A needs to contact the Internal Revenue Service and help them understand that the watchtower corporation is not being directed by its Board of Directors (who is the legal governing body) but rather buy a bunch of charlatan pseudo governing body members that are really outsiders.
It somehow cannot be illegal for a corporation to have all of the decision-making made by outsiders, the outsiders being the dynamic 8
leaked: whq financial contacts meeting ref.2018-2019 [part 1 of 3] https://youtu.be/xbt05m5jeu4leaked: whq financial contacts meeting ref.2018-2019 [part 2 of 3] https://youtu.be/kyn3qknztbqleaked: whq financial contacts meeting ref.2018-2019 [part 3 of 3] https://youtu.be/euxpdckevdw.
in this 3-part leaked video meeting, financial contacts from various departments are informed of how to get on board with the financial changes needed for 2018-2019, and protocols for managing financial responsibilities are outlined.. these clips are unedited, so feel free to add comments..
One thing shines through, there are external forces bearing down on the WTS. There’s no way that all this is happening from strictly “new financial light” from within.
“We must protect the organization, we must protect its charity status, this saves us millions each year”
There are two possibilities as to why the financial clampdown is accelerating. One of them is touched on here, the “charitable status” in the USA. It is possible that the IRS is taking a closer look at the WTS and they are having to ‘right the ship’.
The other, as I have been saying, is the debt held by WTS and the likelihood that the WT received a “demand letter” from the institutions to whom they owe, such that the WT was forced to either declare bankruptcy, or to make a structured settlement quietly which involved large real estate sales to raise cash.
Or a combo of both.
In any case, the WT is screwed. And the recession isn’t even here yet.
under "breaking news" on jwdotorg, there is a link to a court case in canada that was just resolved on may 31st.. https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/17101/index.do.
it's in regard to him being disfellowshipped, and the court says they can't get involved.
jwdotorg gives this statement about their victory:.
Abused, you are correct. It is very, very broad and the Sharia Law zealots will be sending a big THANKYOU to WTBTS.
Now, the Sharia zealots can argue that it’s their religious right to beat their 16yr old daughter to within an inch of her life.
my wife's parents are in very bad shape.
they are both 2nd gen jws.
my father in law worked for a large american manufacturing company in the 60s and early 70s.
I like it...
under "breaking news" on jwdotorg, there is a link to a court case in canada that was just resolved on may 31st.. https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/17101/index.do.
it's in regard to him being disfellowshipped, and the court says they can't get involved.
jwdotorg gives this statement about their victory:.
It is the courts and lawmakers of the land(s) who bear the greatest responsibility when it comes to ongoing crimes. They allow Watchtower to continue unhindered.
Imagine if you will, a grand courtroom. All the lawmakers at the front. The courtroom gallery filled with watchful bourgeois.
The presecutor rises and commands that the evidence be displayed for all to see, a live video stream of children being abused and elders doing a coverup.
(The parsimonious lawmakers watch the evidence as the gallery reels in anguish.)
One of the lawmakers, his hand rubbing his beard utters the first response “It does seem that there is reason to perhaps look into this... at a much later date “
Another lawmaker concurs, “yes, there is reason to believe something here is worthy of further analysis “
Yet another lawmaker exclaims “this has been going on a long time already, and we have in place, somewhere, people who are looking into this”
A final lawmaker chimes in, “I don’t see anything different here than happens anywhere else, I vote we do nothing...”
All the while, in the background, the live feed evidence shows children being molested by animals wearing pants and the gallery screams “JUSTICE “... but none is found, the lawmakers bamg their gavels and go for lunch.
this is my first post.
i'm still a jw but am inactive.
im struggling with the fact that i agree with some of the doctrines (i,e, the stance on the trinity, there is no hell) but i disagree with a lot of things (i,e, men can't have beards, women have to wear skirts).
Venus said a mouthful in a few words. Worship that is acceptable is “the taking care of widows and orphans “... James 1;27
Jesus himself said that he will judge based on who took care of “the least” ones. Matthew 25:40
Sir Isaac Newton wrote ardently of spiritual things, more so than things of science, although he is known only for his works on science.
He wrote that there is no trinity.
So, Watchtower did not discover that there is no trinity, they merely adopted Arianism.
As time passed, Watchtower went on to claim it, at least in the minds of JWs, thus they hijacked it.
Do you want to be on a plane flown by a hijacker? Maybe you want to get to your destination, but not that way....