Ask a JW.
Did not Jesus give his blood to save you?
Do not Catholics and Muslims give blood to save you via blood fractions you accept?
Do you not think it it time you rethought what’s more important, the symbol of life, or life itself?
i have been reading some medical journals on blood transfusions, blood fractions and its components, antibodies, etc.
it's like another language so i find myself researching the medical terms just so i can understand somewhat. has been absolutely helpful.
Ask a JW.
Did not Jesus give his blood to save you?
Do not Catholics and Muslims give blood to save you via blood fractions you accept?
Do you not think it it time you rethought what’s more important, the symbol of life, or life itself?
The whole “taking in” thing is an invention of Watchtower.
The Doctor has to check a JWs prostate. He is going to stick is pointy finger where the sun don’t shine.
The JW has a problem, he says “Doctor...! I can’t be “taking in” human human flesh as that would be cannibalilism”... better use that long cold metal thingy... it’s a “flesh substitute “...
jesus christ, the son of the most high god, jehovah has this to say: "if the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you.
if you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own.
now because you are no part of the world, but i have chosen you out of the world, for this reason the world hates you.
Moses was NOT an “organization”, he was a man whom God chose specifically.
Jesus was NOT an “organization”, He was a man God sent, specifically.
King David was NOT an “organization”, he was a man God chose specifically also, a man who, by the way, fought AGAINST the only thing you might refer to as “God’s organization” as he fled into the wilderness, outside the camp, to build an opposing force.
This OP guy just made his login and made his first post to rattle his Watchtower chains.
And by the way, the idea of a ‘governing body’ and centralized control of the church was invented by the few Pharisees who joined the Christian faith in the first century and who tried to maintain their positions of power that they had as Jews.
Paul fought against those fools.
And JWs don’t read the Bible. They read whatever bilgewater the Watchtower comes up with and parrot it, never using their brains.
leaked: hub project 2018 [part 1 of 4]
leaked: hub project 2018 [part 2 of 4]
What balogna. “Weeks” to download... OMG.
What, are they still using 14.4 dialup? They can’t afford a faster fax modem click click
This garbage they are feeding these drones is BS front to back.
never have understood why sudden destruction most come after announcement of peace and security.
is not peace and security a good thing?
can someone give a logical answer to it..
Peace & Security
It is an unfortunate fact that the leadership of the Watchtower Kingdom have misled their followers for what seems an eternity, and there is no exception when it comes to what they have taught on this topic.
Watchtower relies on two things to complete their conquest. One, JWs don’t read. Two, JWs are highly superstitious.
If any JW would but for a minute take a hard look at what was written to the Thessalonians in full, the Watchtower’s superstitious bologna would crumble.
What are JWs taught ..that they will know right off when they see it, this P&S announcement... or rather that they will read about it in the Watchtower, or other GB newsletter of the day, where the GB will proclaim “this is it!!!”
JWs will look for something to be “written to” them. However, what was the counsel given to the Thessalonians?
Let’s have a look at the message given to the Thessalonians. We will use the NWT.
1 Thessalonians 5:1
1 Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you.
Have any JWs pondered that verse? Christians were told back then that nothing would be written to them. And why? Let’s read the next verse.
2 For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night.
What thief, coming in the night to rob, sends a written notice? Of course nothing will be written because nothing can be written as the “day” in question is coming without any notice whatsoever, as “thief in the night”
So, what does verse 3 really say?
3 Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape.
The Christian Congregation at Thessalonica was being told to STOP TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT.
They were obviously looking to the political entities for some indication as to when the “day” would come.
But Paul made a point. You cannot tell anything about anything from what the politics of the world is saying, for WHENEVER, ANYTIME and EVERY TIME they say “peace and security”, the opposite will be true, destruction is coming.
This precedent has been true throughout history and is as true today as in the past.
Look at the roaring twenties. It’s all good, they said, peace and security for everyone.
Look at the Titanic. “Not even God could sink this ship”. SLAM!
I am sure the readers here can fill the page with examples. It’s too easy.
Paul was right, WHENEVER they say one thing, the opposite is the case.
So, the very warning against looking to the world for a tell tale sign, Watchtower turned into yet another false prophecy to use as a lever in manipulating the superstitious masses under their control.
Well, what about the counsel to keep awake? Does this surely not demonstrate that JWs are right in their feeble minded ideas? Let’s examine.
4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves,
Does this verse say that the “day” would not “overtake” or surprise Christians? NO! It clearly says that they would not be overtaken in the same way or manner as “thieves”.
Let me illustrate. You are on the job with Bob the slacker. Now, Bob didn’t pay attention when you were all told that the boss was going to show up to the job site out of the blue. So, Bob did his usual thing. He laid back thinking he could calculate the Boss’s arrival.
So, the Boss man shows up, like a thief in the night. Are you, the Christian worker surprised? You surely are, because you knew he was coming, but suddenly here he is in real-time and you had no idea that he would arrive when he did. SURPRISE!!
What about Bob the slacker. Not so good for Bob. He was caught sleeping on the job. Bob is screwed.
So, the Boss caught you working? Bad thing? No, certainly not. The Boss’s arrival “did not overtake you as it” did Slacker Bob. It overtook you while doing exactly what you were supposed to be doing. You are somewhat shocked, but happy.
Bob got tossed.
So the counsel was...
5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness. 6 So, then, let us not sleep on as the rest do, but let us stay awake and keep our senses.
Don’t be sleeping like Slacker Bob. Stay awake, be found doing what you are supposed to be doing. And stop looking at the world leaders for some sign.
let’s start with the good news for the congregation that is.
two new sisters were added to the group a mother and her daughter.
then the bad news.
There are many congos that meet at our hall, and I am familiar with almost everyone as I have been around since Noah said to get off the Ark.
In any case, the average age is rising rapidly. Many older ones have passed and so many others are very old.
A few youth have left and even one young sister told her Uber JW parents that she wanted to quit. The whole fam damly exerted pressure and she’s puttin’ on a dub face, for now.
Donations are down and dropping fast, as the givers are passing and the JW window washer generation take over.
Thw WT has milked these congos to the tune of over $300,000 and are squeezing harder everyday. (Blood from a stone???)
Emphasis on service is almost disappeared completely. Pioneers are quitting the ranks.
Its dying...
austria, a member of the eu since 1995, is a country of 8.8 million people with a muslim population of around 600,000 mostly turkish immigrants.
in 2015 it passed an 'islam law' prohibiting foreign funding of religious groups and creating a duty for muslim organisations to have 'a positive fundamental view towards state and society'.. many mosques in austria have continued to receive money from turkish muslim organisations so the new right-wing government have decided to enforce the law.
seven mosques have been identified for closure and 60 imams are to be either deported or refused visas.
It is hard to say that the Watchtower religion is “positive to.... society” when they teach, from door to door, that you must refuse blood therapies and die.
It is hard to say that also because they teach, form door to door, that it is a sin to donate blood, a sin to store blood, a sin to process blood into fractions, and then to hypocritically teach it’s own members that it is okay to partake of the products of the donation, storage, and processing of blood into the fractions that they hypocritically line up at hospital to gorge on.
Very positive.
Oh, and I didn’t mention the teaching that you must forgo education, and listen to only the Watchtower broadcasts.
leaked: whq financial contacts meeting ref.2018-2019 [part 1 of 3] whq financial contacts meeting ref.2018-2019 [part 2 of 3] whq financial contacts meeting ref.2018-2019 [part 3 of 3]
in this 3-part leaked video meeting, financial contacts from various departments are informed of how to get on board with the financial changes needed for 2018-2019, and protocols for managing financial responsibilities are outlined.. these clips are unedited, so feel free to add comments..
“...what they did use was a kingdom hall was being closed and some people had to go to north and some to south“
I wonder if you are thinking about the one I am thinking about. It was the very first quick build in a certain country. I won’t mention it by name, YET... as I desire it all to ‘go down’ according to how WT wants it too. I want to see the “north” and the “south” choke on it. Only then, perhaps, will some open their eyes.
Here’s a short rundown on the ongoings, of ‘da nort and da sout’....
1) The WT in this particular country is in sad shape. They have much more bank debt than they have reserves, and hence are under water. (Have they received a deman letter?)
2) They are identifying Kingdom Hall properties that can be liquidated for cash, the more, the better.
3) The WT saw the news that in this particular city, small but growing rapidly, there are 5 developers that purchased a large parcel of yet unserviced farmland for the purpose of building residential housing.
4) The north and the south Congo’s have a Kingdom Hall right accross the street from the soon to be developed farmland.
5) The WT approached the 5 delelopers to see who wanted to bid on the Kingdom Hall.
6) One developer wished to build a multi story building on the land, but there existed a Kingdom Hall on this parcel.
7) The WT’s assigned property gestapo made a counter offer that included the Kingdom Hall being cleared of the site. The deal was struck
8) The “North” and the “South” were sent packing, they must go 40 min more north and 40 min more south each, to share other Kingdom Halls.
9) The two could Congo’s were told that they would demolish the existing Kingdom Hall and a new one would be built. But they did NOT say that it would be built ‘on the same site’... when all will be said and done, the 2 Congo’s will be told “new light” has dawned and there is actually no need for a new hall, as the “sharing” has proved beneficial to the good news.
10) The north and the south will have been stripped of their Kingdom Hall, but not until all volunteer labor is used to demolish the old hall and clear the site, for the developer, all the while the volunteers believing that a new hall will be built there.
I believe that the papers with the developer has been signed and the deposit cashed. No going back WT.
this is my first post.
i'm still a jw but am inactive.
im struggling with the fact that i agree with some of the doctrines (i,e, the stance on the trinity, there is no hell) but i disagree with a lot of things (i,e, men can't have beards, women have to wear skirts).
I have wondered what that would be like, being non trin and attending a trin church.
You must keep us informed...
a former jehovah’s witness who sexually assaulted three young boys says his homosexual inclinations were repressed by his religion and manifested in his crimes.. gavin andrew lamont, 46, was jailed for four years today for assaulting two vulnerable teenagers in the early to mid-90s and another boy about 20 years later.. lamont encouraged the teens to give him massages and suggested he needed help checking for testicular cancer.. district court judge linda petrusa said lamont, who knew he was homosexual from about age 13, had significant cognitive distortions around sex because of his religious beliefs.. .
she said the victims, who were aged between 14 and 16, were vulnerable because of their youth and lack of sophistication.. judge petrusa sentenced lamont to four years behind bars for indecently dealing with a child and four counts of indecent assault.. lamont was kicked out of the mundaring congregation in 1997 after one of his victims complained to other members, but was reinstated after doing counselling with elders.. he was kicked out of the congregation for a second time in 2014 after another victim made a complaint.. lamont’s crimes came to the attention of police last year through the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.. defence lawyer seamus rafferty described the case as complex, saying lamont struggled with his sexuality because his religion told him it was a sin.. he told the court the church was the essence of lamont’s being and said his client tried to repress his sexuality and ended up behaving in “naïve, unsophisticated and pathetic ways”.. lamont’s parents and sister are all living with complicated health issues and rely heavily on his help and care.. mr rafferty asked judge petrusa to give lamont a conditional suspended jail term, saying he was the glue that was holding his family together.. “this is a case for the exercise of mercy, its mercy towards them (his family) and nobody else,” he said.. judge petrusa accepted a prison term would be tough on lamont’s family but said an immediate jail term was the only appropriate punishment.. in a statement to the court, one of the victims said he felt that he was “forever stained” by lamont’s crime.. he said the abuse had made him self-conscious in his dealings with his own child.. lamont will be eligible for parole after spending two years behind bars.. .
The only question that remains is, when this freak gets out of prison, which congregation will he be assigned to?